Refereed Journal Publications - The 15 th International Congress of

Dr Ian Cock
Lecturer and Project Director
Dr Cock is currently employed by Griffith University in the position of
Senior Lecturer (Biomedical Science).
His expertise encompasses biochemistry, biological chemistry, cell
biology, immunology, plant biology and biotechnology. Key areas include
metabolism and its regulation, phytochemistry and natural product
discovery, redox biochemistry and redox control systems, protein
characterisation techniques, and drug bioassays.
Dr Cock's research is involved in bioactivity and phytochemical studies into a variety of
plant species of both Australian and international origin. His current research interests
involve bioactivity, structural and mechanistic studies into the medicinal potential of Aloe
vera, South Asian and South American tropical fruits, as well as Australian plants including
but not limited to Scaevola spinescens, Pittosporum phylliraeoides, Terminalia
ferdinandiana (Kakadu plum), Australian Acacias, Syzygiums, Petalostigmas and
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii (grass trees).
Dr Cock is also involved in food science research, in particular, in functional foods with
various useful bioactivities. As such, Dr Cock also has ongoing studies into the
antimicrobial properties of foods, with the aim of reducing food borne disease and
increasing shelf life. He also has an interest in the antioxidant potentials of Australian plants
(eg Kakadu plum).
Dr Cock has published extensively in significant peer reviewed journals and is intimately
involved in the advancement of knowledge through its dissemination and
PhD. Conferred April 1994.
Graduated with first class honours from Griffith University. Awarded a
Commonwealth Government Australian Postgraduate Research Award
(APRA) priority scholarship and commenced PhD at Griffith University,
Bachelor of Science degree conferred April 1988. Commenced honours
program in biochemistry at Griffith University, Brisbane
Bachelor of Science at Griffith University, Brisbane majoring in biochemistry
and life sciences.
Fields of Expertise
Natural product discovery
Bioactivity driven compound isolation
Compound characterisation
Metabolism and metabolic regulation
Redox function
Functional food science
Selected Project Experience
1. Currently investigating the potential therapeutic role of phytochemicals.
2. 2014 to date. Ongoing project with Groote Eylandt Aboriginal trust (GEAT) and the
traditional owners of Groote Eylandt to investigate the therapeutic properties of
traditional Aboriginal plants.
3. 2009 to date. Ongoing project into the therapeutic potential of Terminalia ferdiniana.
4. 2010 onwards. Ongoing project in conjunction with Dr Matthew Cheesman of the
University of Queensland into cross-reactivities of plant drugs with allopathic
5. 2011 onwards. Ongoing project in collaboration with Dr Michael Whitehouse of
Medicine and Biomolecular Sciences and Alan White of Biomolecular and Physical
Sciences, Griffith University into the therapeutic potential of colloidal silver.
6. 2009 to date. Ongoing project in conjunction with Dr Phillip Kerr of Charles Sturt
University Australia and Jeanie Cargo of Natural Cancer Treatments, Australia into
the therapeutic potential of Scaevola spinescens.
7. 2007-2009 Collaboration with David Ruebhart and Dr Glenn Shaw of the School of
Public Health, Griffith University into “Detection and Monitoring of Blue Green Algal
8. Yearly mentorship and training of a postgraduate student from Universite de la
Reunion Ecole Superieure D’Ingenieurs Reunion Island in a collaborator project
9. Yearly mentorship and training of a postgraduate student from Ingenieurs Bioindustries, Saint Louis Polytechnic Institute of Cergy, Cergy, France in a collaborator
project 2010-2012.
10. 2011 mentorship and training of a postgraduate student from Brawijaya University,
Malang, East Java, Indonesia in a collaborator project.
11. 1988-93:
Honours and PhD programs as described in the academic outline.
12. 1993-1996: Employed by Dr. P. Reilly as a National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) Research Officer. Title of project -"Significance of the Molecular
Polymorphism of Human Cytochromes P450 3A".
Membership of Editorial Boards
1. Pharmacognosy Communications (publisher – Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide)
– Founding editor and chief editor since 2011.
2. Pharmacognosy Research (publisher – Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide) –
member of editorial board since 2009.
3. Pharmacognosy Magazine (publisher – Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide) –
member of editorial board since 2009.
4. Pharmacognosy Journal (publisher – Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide) –
member of editorial board since 2009.
5. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results (publisher – Pharmacognosy Network
Worldwide) – member of editorial board since 2010.
6. African Journal of Microbiology Research – (publisher – Academic Journals)
member of editorial board since 2011
7. Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition – (publisher – eSci Journals Publishing)
member of editorial board since 2013.
8. Journal of Young Pharmacists - (publisher – Elsevier) member of editorial board
since 2012.
9. Humanitas Traditional Medicine - (publisher – ACOMS) member of editorial board
since 2013.
Refereed Journal Publications – Original Research
1. Gaillot C, Sirdaarta J, Cock IE. 2014. Examination of the antimicrobial and anticancer
properties of mangosteen. Acta Horticulturae (in press).
2. Cock IE, Mathews B. 2014. Metabolomic profiling of antiviral Scaevola spinescens
extracts by high resolution tandem mass spectroscopy. Acta Horticulturae (in press).
3. Kalt FR, Cock IE. 2014. An examination of the medicinal potential of Planchonella
queenslandica: toxicity, antibacterial and antiviral activities. Acta Horticulturae (in
4. Desegaulx M, Sirdaarta J, Rayan P, McDonnell PA, Cock IE. 2014. Examination of
the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-Giardial properties of Macadamia nut. Acta
Horticulturae (in press).
5. Arkhipov A, Sirdaarta J, Mathews B, Cock IE. 2014. Metabolomic profiling of Kigelia
africana extracts with anti-cancer activity by high resolution tandem mass
spectroscopy. Pharmacognosy Communications, in press.
6. Arkhipov A, Sirdaarta J, Rayan P, McDonnell PA, Cock IE. 2014. An examination of
the antibacterial, antifungal, anti-Giardial and anticancer properties of Kigelia africana
fruit extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications, in press.
7. Winnett V, Boyer H, Sirdaarta J, Cock IE. 2014. The potential of Tasmannia
lanceolata as a natural preservative and medicinal agent: Antimicrobial activity and
toxicity. Pharmacognosy Communications; 4 (1): 42-52.
8. Sautron C, Cock IE. 2014. Antimicrobial activity and toxicity of Syzygium australe and
Syzygium leuhmannii fruit extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications; 4 (1): 53-60.
9. Cock IE 2014, The medicinal properties and phytochemistry of plants of the genus
Terminalia (Combretaceae). Progress in Drug Research, in press.
10. Cock IE 2014, The genus Aloe: Phytochemistry and therapeutic uses including treatments
for gastrointestinal conditions and chronic inflammation. Progress in Drug Research, in
11. Kalt FR, Cock IE. 2014. GC-MS analysis of bioactive Petalostigma extracts: Toxicity,
antibacterial and antiviral activities. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 10 (37 Suppl): S37S48.
12. Cock IE. 2013. The phytochemistry and chemotherapeutic potential of Tasmannia
lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper): a review. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (4): 113.
13. Chikowe G, Mpala L, Cock IE. 2013. Antibacterial activity of selected Australian
Syzygium species. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (4):
14. Boyer H, Cock IE. 2013. Evaluation of the potential of Macadeamia integriflora
extracts as antibacterial food agents. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (3): 53-62.
15. Cock IE. 2013. Antimicrobial activity of Leptospermum bracteata and Leptospermum
juniperium methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (3): 45-52.
16. Cock IE. 2013, Antimicrobial activity of Backhousia citriodora (lemon myrtle)
methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (2): 58-63.
17. Cock IE, van Vuuren SF. 2013. Anti-Proteus activity of some South African medicinal
plants: Their potential for the treatment and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.
Inflammopharmacology, DOI 10.1007/s10787-013-0179-3.
18. Cock IE. 2013, Antimicrobial activity of Leptospermum bracteata and Letptospermum
juniperium methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications; 3 (3): 45-52.
19. Cock, I.E., Kalt, F.R., 2012. GC-MS analysis of a Xanthorrhoea johnsonii leaf extract
displaying apparent anaesthetic effects, Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals, 3 (2): 7888.
20. Cock IE, 2012. Antimicrobial activity of Callistemon citrinus and Callistemon salignus
methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3, 50-57.
21. Cock, I.E., 2012, Antimicrobial activity of Syzygium australe and Syzygium
leuhmannii leaf methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, (2): 71-77.
22. Mohanty S, Cock IE. 2012. The chemotherapeutic potential of Terminalia ferdinandia:
phytochemistry and bioactivity. Pharmacognosy Reviews 6 (11): 29-36.
23. Cock, I.E., 2012, Antimicrobial activity of Acacia aulacocarpa and Acacia complanta
methanolic extracts, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1, 66-73.
24. Cock, I.E., Mohanty, S., White, A., Whitehouse, M., 2012, Colloidal silver (CS) as an
antiseptic: Two opposing viewpoints. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1, 49-58.
25. Vesoul J., Cock, I.E., 2011, The potential of Bunya nut extracts as antibacterial
functional food agents. Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 74-81.
26. Cock, I.E., 2011, Antimicrobial activity of Acacia aulacocarpa and Acacia complanta
methanolic extracts. Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 66-73.
27. Cock, I.E., 2011, Problems of reproducibility and efficacy of bioassays using crude
extracts, with reference to Aloe vera. Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 52-62.
28. Cock, I.E., 2011, Pharmacognosy Communications: The Scope of Pharmacognosy.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 1-3.
29. Cock, I.E. and Sirdaarta, J., 2011, Effect The toxicity of Aloe barbadensis Miller juice
is due to the induction of oxidative stress, Advances In Environmental Biology, 5, 2,
30. Cock, I.E. and Kukkonen, L., 2011, An Examination of the Medicinal Potential of
Scaevola spinescens: Toxicity, Antibacterial and Antiviral Activities, Pharmacognosy
Research, 3, 2, 85-94.
31. Cock, I.E. and Mohanty, S., 2011, Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and toxicity
of Terminalia ferdinandia fruit extracts, Pharmacognosy Journal, 3, 20, 72-79.
32. Kalt, F.R., Cock, I.E., 2011, The Medicinal Potential of Australian Native Plants from
Toohey Forest, Australia, South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 28, 41-47.
33. Mohanty, S., Cock I.E., 2011, The chemotherapeutic potential of Terminalia
ferdinandia: Phytochemistry and bioactivity. Pharmacogmost Reviews, 5, 10, 241248.
34. Vesoul, J., Cock, I.E., 2011, An examination of the medicinal potential of
Pittosporum phylloraeoides: Toxicity, antibacterial and antifungal activities.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 1 (2), 8-17.
35. Vesoul, J., Cock, I.E., 2011, The Potential of Bunya Nut As An Antibacterial Food
Agent, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, accepted for publication, in
36. Cock, I.E.. and Kalt, F.R., 2010, A Modified MS2 Bacteriophage Plaque Reduction
Assay for the Rapid Screening of Antiviral Plant Extracts, Pharmacognosy
Research, 2, 4, 221-228.
37. Cock, I.E.. and Kalt, F.R., 2010, Toxicity evaluation of Xanthorrhoea johnsonii leaf
methanolic extract using the Artemia franciscana bioassay, 6, 23, 166-171.
38. Mohanty, S. and Cock, I.E., 2010, Bioactivity of Syzygium jambos methanolic
extracts: antibacterial activity and toxicity, Pharmacognosy Research, 2, 1, 4-9.
39. Mpala, L., Chikowe, G., Cock, I.E., 2010, No evidence of antiseptic properties and
low toxicity of selected Aloe species, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 1,
1, 10-16.
40. Sirdaarta, J. and Cock., 2010, Effect of Aloe barbadensis Miller Juice on Oxidative
Stress Biomarkers in Aerobic Cells using Artemia franciscana as a Model,
Phytotherapy Research, 24, 360-364.
41. Cock, I.E., 2009, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Buckinghamia celsissima
leaf extracts, the Internet Journal of Microbiology, 6, 2.
42. Cock, I.E., 2009, Antimicrobial Activity of Eucalyptus major and Eucalyptus
baileyana Methanolic Extracts, The Internet Journal of Microbiology, 6, 1.
43. Cock, I.E., 2009, Antimicrobial activity of Allocasuarina littoralis methanolic leaf
extracts, The internet Journal of Microbiology, 5, 2.
44. Cock, I.E. and Ruebhart, D.R., 2009, Comparison of the brine shrimp nauplii
bioassay and the ToxScreen-II Test for the detection of toxicity associated with Aloe
vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) leaf extract, 1, 2, 98-101.
45. Mohanty, S. and Cock, I.E., 2009, Evaluation of the antibacterial activity and toxicity
of Myrciaria caulifloria methanolic leaf and fruit extracts, the Internet Journal of
Microbiology, 7, 2.
46. Ruebhart, D.R., Wickramasinghe, W, Cock, I.E.,2009, Protective efficacy of the
antioxidants vitamin E and Trolox™ against Microcystis aeruginosa, microcystin-LR
and menadione toxicity in Artemia franciscana nauplii, Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health Part A, 72, 1567-1575.
47. Cock, I.E., 2008, Antimicrobial Activity of Aloe barbadensis Miller Leaf Gel
Components, Internet Journal of Microbioloby, 4, 2.
48. Cock, I.E., 2008, Antibacterial Activity of Selected Australian Native Plant Extracts,
The Internet Journal of Microbiology, 4, 2.
49. Cock, I.E., Ruebhart, D.R., 2008, High Performance Liquid Chromatographic
Separation And Identification Of A Toxic Fraction From Aloe Barbadensis Miller Leaf
Gel Using The Artemia Nauplii Bioassay, The Internet Journal of Toxicology, 4, 2.
50. Cock, I.E., Ruebhart, D.R., 2008, Assessment of the toxicity of selected Australian
native plant extracts using the Artemia franciscana nauplii bioassay, The Internet
Journal of Toxicology, 5, 2.
51. Ruebhart, D.R., Cock, IE, Shaw, GR, 2008, Brine shrimp bioassay: Importance of
correct taxonomic identification of Artemia (Anostraca) species, Environmental
Toxicology, 23, 4, 555-560.
52. Ruebhart, D., Cock, I.E., Shaw, G.R, 2008, Invasive character of the brine shrimp
Artemia franciscana Kellogg 1906 (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) and its potential
impact on Australian inland hypersaline waters, Marine and Freshwater Research,
59, 587-595.
53. Sirdaarta, J., and Cock, I.E., 2008, Vitamin E and Trolox™ reduce toxicity of Aloe
barbadensis Miller juice in Artemia franciscana nauplii but individually are toxic at
high concentrations, The Internet Journal of Toxicology, 5, 1.
54. Gillam, E.M.J., Guo, Z., Ueng, Y.F., Yamazakai, H., Cock, r., Reilly,P.E.B.,Hooper,
W.D. and Guengerich, F.P., 1995, Expression of cytochrome P450 3A5 in
Escherichia coli,' Effects of 5' modification, purification, spectral characterisation,
reconstitution conditions, and catalytic activities, Archives of Biochemistry and
Biophysics, 317.
55. DiTrapani, G., Orozco, C., Cock, I.E. and Clarke, F.M., 1997, A re-examination of
the association of ‘early pregnancy factor’ activity with fractions of heterogenous
molecular weight distribution in pregnancy sera. Early Pregnancy, 3 (4), 312-322.
56. Clarke, I.Q., Orozco, C., Cock, I.E. and Clarke, F.M., 1994, the 'Early Pregnancy
Factor' revisited: The effect of ammonium sulfate on the capacity of pregnant mouse
sera to express activity in the rosette inhibition assay, The Journal of Reproduction
and Fertility, 100,279-289.
57. Orozco, C., Clark, I.Q., Cock, I.E. and Clarke, F.M., 1994, A description of the basic
system components in pregnant mouse sera responsible for 'early pregnancy factor'
activity, The Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 100, 291-297.
58. Tonissen, K., Wells, J., Cock, I., Perkins, A., Orozco, C. and Clarke, F.M., 1993,
Site-directed mutagenesis of human thioredoxin. Identification of cysteine 74 as
critical to its function in the 'early pregnancy factor' system, The Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 268, 22485-22489.
59. Clarke, F .M., Orozco, C., Perkins, A. V., Cock, I., Tonissen, K.F., Robins, A.J and
Wells, J.R.E., 1991, Identification of molecules involved in the 'early pregnancy
factor' phenomenon. The Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 93, 525-539.
60. Clarke, F .M., Cock, I., Perkins, A. and Orozco, C., 1990, Leukotrienes are active in
the rosette inhibition assay mimicking the action of 'early pregnancy factor’,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 167,535-542.
61. Clarke, F.M., Orozco, C., Perkins, A.V. and Cock, I., 1990, Partial characterisation of
the PAF -induced soluble factors which mimic the activity of early pregnancy factor,
The Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 88, 459-466.
62. Orozco, C., Cock, I., Perkins, A.V. and Clarke, F.M., 1990, Platelet activating factor
and serum components from oestrous mice co-operate to mimic the activity of 'early
pregnancy factor' in the rosette inhibition assay, The Joumal of Reproduction and
Fertility, 88,447-457.
Refereed Journal Publications – Reviews
1. Cock, I.E., Problems of reproducibility and efficacy of bioassays with special
reference to Aloe vera, invited mini-review, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1 (1),
2. Mohanty, S. and Cock, I.E., 2011, The Chemotherapeutic Potential of Terminalia
ferdinandiana: Phytochemistry and Bioactivity, for Pharmacognosy Reviews, 5 (10),
Conference Presentations
1. Cock IE, van Vuuren S. 2014. The potential of South African medicinal plants for the
treatment and prevention of ankylosing spondilytis. IPUF conference, Free State,
South Africa.
2. Gaillot C, Sirdaarta J, Cock IE. 2014. Examination of the antimicrobial and anticancer
properties of mangosteen. International Horticultural Society Conference 2014,
Brisbane, Australia.
3. Cock IE, Mathews B. 2014. Metabolomic profiling of antiviral Scaevola spinescens
extracts by high resolution tandem mass spectroscopy. WOCMAP 2014, Brisbane,
4. Kalt FR, Cock IE. 2014. An examination of the medicinal potential of Planchonella
queenslandica: toxicity, antibacterial and antiviral activities. WOCMAP 2014,
Brisbane, Australia.
5. Desegaulx M, Sirdaarta J, Rayan P, McDonnell PA, Cock IE. 2014. Examination of
the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-Giardial properties of Macadamia nut.
International Horticultural Society Conference 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
6. Cock IE, van Vuuren S. 2013. Anti-Proteus activity of South African medicinal plants:
their potential for the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis. IPUF conference, Nelspruit,
South Africa.
7. Dam J, Bode M, Popova I, Cock IE, de Koning C. 2013. Helpful hybrids: the
hybridusation of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines with metals to form potential cancer
inhibitors. 2nd Bi-national South African - German Organic Chemistry Conference
2013, Munich, Germany.
8. Hübsch Z, van Vuuren SF, van Zyl RL, Cock IE. 2013. Can traditional medicinal
plants have an effect on conventional antimicrobial therapies? Inter-University
Postgraduate Symposium, University of Johanesberg, South Africa.
9. Cock IE. 2013. The potential of selected Australian bushfoods for the prevention of
rheumatoid arthritis. 4th Queensland Bushfoods Conference, September 2013,
Brisbane Australia.
10. Sirdaarta J, Stauton C, Cock IE. 2013. Evaluation of the potential of Syzygium
australae and Syzygium leuhmannii fruit extracts as antibacterial food agents. 4th
Queensland Bushfoods Conference, September 2013, Brisbane Australia.
11. Jaimeson N, Sirdaarta J, Cock IE. 1013 The functional food potential of selected
Australian bushfoods with high antioxidant contents. Queensland Bushfoods
Conference, September 2013, Brisbane Australia.
12. Winnett V, Boyer H, Sirtaarta J, Cock IE. 2013. The potential of Tasmanian pepper as
a natural food preservative. Queensland Bushfoods Conference, September 2013,
Brisbane Australia.
13. Cock IE, van Vuuren S. 2013. Anti-Proteus activity of some South African medicinal
plants: their potential for the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis. ASCEPT-AUSMeeting, Melbourne, Australia.
14. Cock IE, Gregory SJ. 2013. Engaging and enhancing metabolism student learning
capacity without compromising content or assessment standards. ASCEPT-AUSMeeting, Melbourne, Australia.
15. Sirdaarta J, Arkhipov A, Rayan P, McDonnell PA, Cock IE. 2013. Antimicrobial and
anticancer activities of fruit extracts of the southern African medicinal plant Kigelia
africana (sausage tree). ASCEPT-AUS- Meeting, Melbourne, Australia.
16. Sirdaarta J, Stauton C, Cock IE. Evaluation of the potential of Syzygium australe and
Syzygium leuhmannii fruit extracts as antibacterial agents. ASCEPT-AUS- Meeting,
Melbourne, Australia.
17. Whitehouse M, Cock, I.E., 2012, Antiarthritic and anti-Proteus activities of colloidal
silver, Australia Rheumatology Association (ARA) annual meeting, Canberra,
18. Cock IE. Plant species selection for medicinal testing: case studies using Australian
plants. Keynote address, International Conference on Herbal and Traditional
Medicine, New Delhi, October 2012.
19. Gregory SJ, Cock IE. 2012. Engaging and enhancing metabolism student learning
capacity without dumbing down content or assessment standards. 18 th Australian
Conference on Science and Mathematics Education September 2012, Sydney
20. Mohanty S, Cock IE, 2012. Anti-Giardial activity of Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian
pepperberry). International Conference on Advances In Plant sciences. Chiang Mai,
Thailand, November 2012.
21. Mohanty S, Boyer H, Cock IE, 2012. Antibacterial activity and toxicity of Tasmannia
lanceolata (Tasmanian pepper), Australian Society of Microbiology (ASM) Meeting,
Brisbane, Australia.
22. Cock IE, 2012, GC-MS analysis of bioactive Petalostigma extracts: Toxicity,
antibacterial and antiviral activities. 3rd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants
(ISMP), Petra, Jordan.
23. Sirdaarta JP, Cock IE, 2012, Antioxidant and anticancer activities of Terminalia
ferdinandia (Kakadu plum). 3rd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants (ISMP),
Petra, Jordan.
24. Cock IE. 2012. Australian fruits with high antioxidant contents: superfoods? 3 rd
Queensland Bushfoods Conference, September 2012, Brisbane Australia.
25. Mohanty S, Cock IE. 2012. Functional food properties of Australian fruits, 3rd
Queensland Bushfoods Conference, September 2012, Brisbane Australia.
26. Whitehouse M, Cock, I.E., 2012, Antiarthritic and anti-Proteus activities of colloidal
silver, Australia Rheumatology Association (ARA) annual meeting, ASCEPT-AUSHBPRCA Joint Meeting, Sydney, Australia..
27. Cock, I.E., 2011, Pharmacognosy: Documenting natural products and traditional
medicines to enhance drug discovery, ASCEPT-AUS-HBPRCA Joint Meeting, Perth,
28. Cock, I.E., Kukkonen, L., 2011, The medicinal potential of Scaevola spinescens:
Toxicity, antibacterial and antiviral activities, ASCEPT-AUS-HBPRCA Joint Meeting,
Perth, Australia.
29. Mohanty, S., Cock, I.E., Whitehouse, M., 2011, Colloidal metallic silver (CMS) as an
antiseptic: Two opposing viewpoints, ASCEPT-AUS-HBPRCA Joint Meeting, Perth,
30. Mohanty, S., Cock, I.E., 2011, Antibacterial activity and toxicity of Terminalia
ferdinandia (Kakadu plum) fruit extract, ASCEPT-AUS-HBPRCA Joint Meeting, Perth,
31. Cock, I.E., 2011, Pharmacognosy Research. Environmental Futures Centre Retreat,
Mt Tambourine, Qld, Australia.
32. Mohanty, S., Cock, I.E., 2011, Untapped Resources for Drugs: Australia.
Postgraduate Student Symposium, Environmental Futures Centre Retreat, Mt
Tambourine, Qld, Australia.Voted runner up for best postgraduate student
33. Cock, I.E. and Sirdaarta, J., 2010, Effect The toxicity of Aloe barbadensis Miller juice
is due to the induction of oxidative stress (oral presentation), The 2nd International
Symposium of Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses, Petra, Jordan.
34. Cock, I.E., 2009, Antibacterial Potential of Australian Native Plants.International
Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine, Xi’an, China.
Book Publications
1. Cock IE, 2011, Medicinal and aromatic plants – Australia, in Ethnopharmacology
section, Biological, Physiological and Health Sciences, Encyclopedia of Life Support
Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS
Publishers, Oxford, UK, (
2. Crago, J., Cock, I.E., Kerr, P., Longmore, B., Semple, S., Nobbs, S., Pearce R.L.,
2011, Scaevola spinescens Research, In Natures Helping Hand – The History and
Use In Western Australia, Aussie Outback Books WA, Australia.
Invited Book Chapters
1. Cock IE 2014, The medicinal properties and phytochemistry of plants of the genus
Terminalia (Combretaceae). Progress in Drug Research, in press.
2. Cock IE 2014, The genus Aloe: Phytochemistry and therapeutic uses including treatments
for gastrointestinal conditions and chronic inflammation. Progress in Drug Research, in
Non-peer Reviewed Publications
1. Cock, I.E., 2013, Species selection for pharmacognostic studies. Pharmacognosy
Magazine, 8, 31, 182-183.
2. Cock, I.E., 2013, Editorial, volume 3, issue2. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4,
3. Cock, I.E., 2013, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4, (in
4. Cock, I.E., 2013, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4,
cover artwork.
5. Cock, I.E., 2013, Editorial, volume 3, issue2. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3,
6. Cock, I.E., 2013, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3,
cover artwork.
7. Cock, I.E., 2013, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3, (in
8. Cock, I.E., 2013, Editorial, volume 3, issue2. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 2,
9. Cock, I.E., 2013, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 2,
cover artwork.
10. Cock, I.E., 2013, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 2,
11. Cock, I.E., 2013, Editorial, volume 3, issue2. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1,
12. Cock, I.E., 2013, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1,
13. Cock, I.E., 2013, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1,
cover artwork.
14. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial, volume 2, issue4. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4,
15. Cock, I.E., 2012, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4.
16. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4,
cover artwork.
17. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial, volume 2, issue3. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3,
18. Cock, I.E., 2012, Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3.
19. Cock, I.E., 2012Medicinal plants in Australia, volume 3 – plants, potions and
poisons, 2, 3, Janus Corner.
20. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3,
cover artwork.
21. Cock, I.E., 2012, The preventative effect of saffron against liver cancer.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3, 81.
22. Cock, I.E., 2012, Green tea treatment of a congenital disease and tumours.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2, 81.
23. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial, volume 2, issue 1. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2,
2, 1.
24. Cock, I.E., 2012, Green Australian honey proves to be a sweet antibacterial agent.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2, 82.
25. Cock, I.E., 2012, Ginger May Assist In the Prevention of Colon Cancer.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2, 79.
26. Cock, I.E., 2012, The 3rd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their
Cultivation And Aspects of Uses, November 21-23, 2012. Petra, Jordan.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2, 84.
27. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial, volume 2, issue 1. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2,
1, 1.
28. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial - Supplemantary Issue, volume 2, issue 1.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1 (Suppl) , 1-2.
29. Cock, I.E., 2012, Australian wallaby compounds: the key to fighting superbugs?
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1, 86.
30. Cock, I.E., 2012, The Janus Corner. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1, 84.
31. Cock, I.E, 2012, Medicinal plant images: Zingiber officinale and Acacia baileyana.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1, 83.
32. Cock, I.E, 2012, Journal of Contradicting Results in Science. Pharmacognosy
Communications, 33. Cock, I.E., 2012, Editorial, volume 2, issue 2. Pharmacognosy
Communications, 2, 2, 1.
33. Cock, I.E., 2011, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1,
cover artwork.
34. Cock, I.E., 2011, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2,
cover artwork.
35. Cock, I.E., 2011, Inside
Communications, 1, 1, 94.
36. Cock, I.E, 2011, Medicinal plant images: Eucalyptus ficifolia and Xanthorrhoea
johnsonii. Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 95.
37. Cock, I.E., 2011, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1,
cover artwork.
38. Cock, I.E., 2011, Department Profile: Biomolecular and Physical Sciences, Griffith
University, Australia, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 1, 96-98.
39. Cock, I.E., 2011, cover picture and artwork, Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals, 75,
5, cover artwork.
40. Cock, I.E., 2011, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 2,
cover artwork.
41. Cock, I.E., 2011 Obituary – Professor Norman Farnsworth Dies at 81.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 2, 64.
42. Cock, I.E, 2011, Medicinal plant images: Aloe ferox and Callistemon rigidus.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 2, 53.
43. Cock, I.E, 2011, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Pharmacognosy
Communications, 1, 2, 50-51.
44. Cock, I.E, 2011, Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 1, 2, 1.
45. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1,
cover artwork.
46. Cock, I.E, 2012, Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1
47. Cock, I.E, 2012, World Wide Web – Journal of Contradicting Results.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1
48. Cock, I.E., 2012, The Janus Corner. Looking Foward, Looking Back.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1.
49. Cock, I.E., 2012, Australian wallaby compounds: The key to fighting superbugs?
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1.
50. Cock, I.E, 2012, Medicinal plant images: Zingiber officinale and Acacia baileyana.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 1.
51. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2
52. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2,
53. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 2
54. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3
55. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 3.
56. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2,3
57. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4
58. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4.
59. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 2, 4
60. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1
61. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1.
62. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 2.
63. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 2,
64. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 1
65. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3.
66. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3.
67. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3,
68. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 3
69. Cock IE. 2013. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4.
70. Cock, I.E., 2012, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4,
71. Cock IE. 2013. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4
72. Cock IE. 2013. Letters to the Editor. Pharmacognosy Communications, 3, 4
73. Cock IE. 2014. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 1.
74. Cock IE. 2014. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 1
75. Cock, I.E., 2014, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 1,
76. Cock, I.E., 2014. Camel milk components inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 1.
77. Cock, I.E., 2014. Book review. Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 1.
78. Cock IE. 2014. Editorial. Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 2.
79. Cock IE. 2014. Medicinal plant images. Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 2.
80. Cock, I.E., 2014, cover picture and artwork, Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 2,
81. Cock, I.E., 2014. Vitamin E induces cell death in prostate cancer cells.
Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 2.
82. Cock, I.E., 2014. Blocking the onset of rheumatoid arthritis with plant extracts..
Pharmacognosy Communications, 4, 2.
Research Students
1. 2014 Pauline Lebaratoux of Ingenieurs Bio-industries, Saint Louis Polytechnic
Institute of Cergy, Cergy, France undertook the research component of a Masters
Science in my laboratory.
2. 2014 Cecile Mazerand of Ingenieurs Bio-industries, Saint Louis Polytechnic Institute
of Cergy, Cergy, France undertook the research component of a Masters Science in
my laboratory.
3. 2014 Anton Maen commenced honours project under my supervision.
4. 2014 Alexander Arkhipov commenced honours project under my co-supervision.
5. 2014 Nathan Jaimeson commenced honours project under my co-supervision.
6. 2014 Inessa Popova undertook 3rd year project under my supervision.
7. 2014 Christopher Hart undertook 3rd year project under my supervision.
8. 2014 Pavithra Ilanko undertook 3rd year project under my supervision.
9. 2014 Buddhika Jayasekara undertook volunteer project under my supervision.
10. 2013 Inessa Popova undertook vacation scholarship project under my supervision.
11. 2013 Christopher Hart undertook volunteer project under my supervision.
12. 2013 Pavithra Ilanko undertook volunteer project under my supervision.
13. 2013 Alexander Arkhipov undertook (industrial affiliates) IAP project under my
14. 2012 Joseph Sirdaarta, commenced PhD. Title of project “Anticancer potential of
high antioxidant Australian plants”.
15. 2013 Clemence Gaillot of Ingenieurs Bio-industries, Saint Louis Polytechnic Institute
of Cergy, Cergy, France undertook the research component of a Masters Science in
my laboratory.
16. 2013 Marie Deselaux of Ingenieurs Bio-industries, Saint Louis Polytechnic Institute
of Cergy, Cergy, France undertook the research component of a Masters Science in
my laboratory.
17. 2011 Shimony Mohanty commenced PhD. Title of project “The therapeutic potential
of Terminalia ferdinandia”.
18. 2011 Honorine Boyer of Universite de la Reunion Ecole Superieure D’Ingenieurs
Reunion Island undertaking the research component of a Masters in Food Science
in my laboratory. Title of project “An examination of the medicinal potential of several
Australian native plants”.
19. 2011 Krista Verhoeff – research studentship undertaken into the phytochemical
identification of Terminalia ferdinandiana extracts.
20. 2011 Matt Hugo – research studentship undertaken into the phytochemical
identification of Tasmannia lanceolata extracts.
21. 2011 Krystal Bryant (3rd year student) research experience undertaken by into the
medicinal properties of Peruvian pepper.
22. 2011 Buddhika Jayasekara (3rd year student) research experience undertaken by
into the medicinal properties of colloidal silver.
23. 2010 Krystal Bryant (2nd year student) research experience undertaken by into the
medicinal properties of Eupomatia laurina and cinnamon myrtle.
24. 2010 Johanna Vesoul of Universite de la Reunion Ecole Superieure D’Ingenieurs
Reunion Island undertaking the research component of a Masters in Food Science
in my laboratory. Title of project “An examination of the medicinal potential of
Pittosporum phyllorides and Araucaria bidwilli”.
25. 2008-2010 voluntary research experience undertaken by Shimony Mohanty into the
therapeutic potential of south east Asian and South American fruits.
26. 2009 Honours research project by Fred Kalt into “An Assessment of the Medicinal
Potential of Toohey Forest Plants”.
27. 2009 Third year research project by Liisa Kukkonen into the medicinal properties of
Scaevola spinescens.
28. 2008-2009 voluntary research experience undertaken by Lindi Mpala into the
therapeutic potential of Australian native plants.
29. 2008-2009 voluntary research experience undertaken by Getmore Chikowe into the
therapeutic potential of Australian native plants.
30. 2007-2009. Mentored and trained David Ruebhart (a PhD student in the School of
Public Health, Griffith University) in his project into “monitoring blue green algal
31. 2008 Third year research project by Fred Kalt into the medicinal potential of
Australian native plants from Toohey forest.
32. 2007 Honours research project by Joseph Sirdaarta into phytochemistry and
medicinal potential of Aloe vera
33. 2006 Third year research project by Joseph Sirdaarta into the phytochemistry and
medicinal potential of Aloe vera.
34. 2005 Third year research project by Mandy Jenner into the chemistry of Aloe vera.
Miscellaneous Training/Duties
1. 2011 – Invited judge for the best student poster for the drug discovery section,
Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists
2. 2011 -Invited judge for Australian Rivers Institute (ARI), Griffith University best
student paper.
3. 2011 -Invited judge for Australian Rivers Institute (ARI), Griffith University best staff
4. 2010 Undertook and successfully completed first aid training (certificate number
5. 2010 onwards - first aid officer for N34 level 1
6. 2010 Chaired a symposium session at The 2nd International Symposium of Medicinal
Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses, Petra, Jordan, at the invitation of the
conference organising committee.
Dr Phillip Kerr
Dr Matthew Cheesman
Lecturer (Medicinal Chemistry)
School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences
Charles Sturt University
University of Queensland
Tel: +61 (2) 6933 2964
Tel: +61 (7) 3365 7919
Professor Xu Zhihong
Dr Ann McDonnell
Deputy Head
Environmental Futures Centre
School of Biomolecular and Physical Sciences
Griffith University
Griffith University
Tel: +61 (7) 3735 3822
Tel: +61 (7) 3735 3884