Cock Fighting - Evansville Spanish 1

Cock Fighting
By: John
What is “Cockfighting”?
A cockfight is a blood sport between two
roosters (cocks or rasmus'), held in a ring
called a cockpit. Cockfighting is now illegal
throughout most of the United States,
Brazil and in most of Europe.
Why they do it
Most of the time, they place bets and
gamble, Others do it for entertainment.
 Some care takers breed specific roosters
for the “cock fights”
Cockfighting was a pastime in the Indus
Valley civilization by 2000 BC.
 The game fowl is probably the nearest to
the Indian red jungle fowl (Gallus), from
which all domestic chickens are believed
to be descended.
In some regional variations, the birds are equipped with
either metal spurs (called gaffs) knives or razor blades, tied to
the leg in the area where the bird's natural spur has been
partially removed. A cockspur is a bracelet (often made of
leather) with a curved, sharp spike which is attached to the
leg of the bird. The spikes range in length from "short spurs"
of just over an inch to long spurs almost two and a half
inches long.
Places that hold “Cockfights”
Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador,
France, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Philippines,
Peru, Panama, Puerto Rico, Canary islands, and
Guam have arenas with seats or bleachers for
spectators surrounding the ring. In many
countries, the spectacle of cockfighting is as
popular as Baseball in the United States Among
the competitors who raise fighting cocks, there
is great pride in the power of their birds and in
winning a championship.
Even though every fight is not to the
death, it can cause serious injury and
trauma to the Cocks.
Legal issues
People uphold illegal cock fights every day
in Europe and the United states.
 It is Highly illegal to place bets anywhere.
 It is NOT illegal in Mexico and some other
country’s to hold cockfights, as long as
there are not any wagers being placed.
Cockfighting in the Philippines is called
 "Sindhi aseel" in Pakistan
 Cockfighting (Vetrukkaal seval porr in
Tamil which means "naked heel cock
fight") in India
 In Bali, cockfights, known as tajen
 Ramus in Mexico