Peter Hitt Family Journal Report Generation One 1. PETER1 HITT (6065)1,2 was born circa 1683 at The area of Rehbach-Kaan, Nassau-Seigen, Germany; The estate of Rehbach is near Kaan in the Nassau-Seigen area in Germany. At one time part of Holland. He married Maria Liessbeth Freudenberg (292) on 6 Jan 1707 at Reachback, Germany. He married Elizabeth Otterback (285), daughter of Johann Herman Otterback (400) and Elizabeth Heimbach (401), circa 1714 at Virginia. He died before Jul 1772 at Fauquier Co., Virginia; Peter Hitt's will was dated 3-23-1772, and was proved 7-27-1772 Peter Hitt died some time between these dates.3 He Source data providing the family links of James Edgar Hitt to Peter Hitt of Germanna Virginia by Maurice R. Hitt Jr. C.G. and author of the forth coming book on Peter Hitt of Germanna Virginia. A very special thanks to Maurice. James D. Hitt January 1998 <p> There is some question as to Peter Hitt's name Heite/Hitt and his origin. Peter was a immigrant to Va. in about 1714. Most people doing his Genealogy trace his origin to Germany. He lived in Germanna Va. in a community of German immigrants who came from the same area that Peter Heite/Hitt was found in Siegen-Nassau Germany. We know that Peter Hitt was not able to read and write English maybe he could the German languages since either would have been acceptable to the colonial officials. This probably explains the change in the spelling of his name to a English version( it was not uncommon for German names to be changed to an English version). If some one else helped him fill out documents, or could have been a voluntary change. There is some question as to who was Peter's wife [wives] who he was married and who and where. Some have him married to an Elizabeth James. But most researchers have him married to first wife Maria L. Freudenberg m. 1706 in Germany. Maria died in route to America or shortly after they arrived. Peter then married Elizabeth Otterback Abt 1714 in Virginia she was the mother of his children. Some researchers have Peter Hitt in England before coming to America but it has not been proven What we can know for sure that PETER HITT did immigrate to Virginia in 1714 and the mother of his children was named ELIZABETH. Mary Johnson found book by Dr. Lothar Irle in Siegen library stating Peter Hide/Heite of the farm Rehbach near Marienborn,emigrated from Trupbach to Virginia in 1714 and called himself Hitt. *copied* <p> ** ** THE 1714 GERMANNA COLONISTS IN VIRGINIA Peter Hitt was one of the heads of the twelve pioneer families in the first colony (1714) from Nassau-Seigen, Germany who immigrated to Germanna in Virginia. These colonists were imported from Nassau-Siegen in 1714 by the royal Governor Alexander Spotswood to start and operate an ironworks. Until 1815 Nassau-Siegen, now a part of Westphalia, West Germany, belonged to the House of Nassau from Holland. The Counts of Nassau had large possessions in Germany from very early times, perhaps as early as the age of Charlemagne. Siegen, the hub city of this province, is situated on the river Sieg, which flows into the Rhine from the east side. (B.C.Holtzclaw, ANCESTRY AND DESCENDANTS OF THE NASSAU-SIEGEN IMMIGRANTS TO VIRGINIA 1714-1750, Germanna Record No. Five,( Culpeper, VA: The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia, Inc.,1964)) Siegen is located 49 miles east and slightly south from Cologne 45 miles east and slightly northeast from Bonn and about 40 miles northeast from Coblenz all these distances measured in air miles. Nassau-Siegen rich in iron ore, frequently very near the surface of the ground, and there is evidence to show that there was active production of iron in this principality from 500 B.C. to about 100 A.D., carried on by early inhabitants, who were probably Celts. For some reason this activity seems to have ceased during the early years of the Christian era, possibly because the earlier inhabitants were driven out by Germans. From the time of Charlemagne and the Franks, however, there are numerous evidences of iron production by the so-called forest smiths. That Nassau-Siegen was famous for the production of iron even in the early years is evidenced by the fact that in a Welsh poem of the 12th century, written by Geoffrey of Monmouth, the home of the legendary Wieland the Smith of the Arthurian saga, is located in the city of Siegen. There is a village in the south of Nassau-Siegen called Wilnsdorf, which in the middle ages was called 'Wilandisdorf', or village of Wieland. During the 13th century the iron industry was revolutionized in Nassau-Siegen by the discovery that water power could be used to operate the smelters and drive the hammers that worked the iron further. The Count and the nobility were at first active in founding such waterpowered ironworks, but they very soon passed into the hands of worker-owners, who banded together in the Guild of Smelterers and Hammer smiths, The members of this Guild mostly lived in the country near their plants, unlike most of the members of others guilds who lived in the cities. Due to a lack of water power in the dry seasons and to a frequent scarcity of charcoal needed for heating the ore and pig iron, the ironworks could not be operated continuously throughout the year. Thus the ironworks owners nearly always farmed in addition to their work in iron. Also the farmers frequently became part owners of the iron works, through intermarriage. (B.C.Holtzclaw, ANCESTRY AND DESCENDANTS OF THE NASSAUSIEGEN IMMIGRANTS TO VIRGINIA 1714-1750, Germanna Record No. Five,( Culpeper, VA: The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia, Inc.,1964)) Three German groups of colonists came to Virginia during Governor Spotswood's administration and settled at or near what became Germanna. The first group consisted of 12 families numbering 42 persons, as shown by an order of the Virginia Council, passed April 28, 1714. Included in this group were some of our direct ancestors, as follows: Hans Jacob Holtzclaw. his wife Margaret ,their son John Holtzclaw , and Peter Hitt. The settlers at Germanna in 1714 were fairly well educated people by the standards of the time. Compulsory schooling was introduced in Nassau-Siegen in the middle of the 16th century. All of this colony excepting Haeger and Holtzclaw, were raised on farms, and undoubtedly farmed land owned by them when they emigrated. Farm work was done by the women and children and at special seasons by the men who were taught mining and iron-making. The original Germanna settlement consisted of a fort, furnished with two cannon, including ammunition, and a road cleared to the settlement. This settlement not only served as living quarters for these colonists who were to work in Governor Spotswood's ironworks , but was also regarded as security for the Virginia frontier from Indian attacks. It was located on a peninsula on the south side of the Rapidan River, which is the southern (more properly the western) branch of the Rappahannock, nine miles above the confluence with the northern branch and 13 miles above the site of Governor Spotswood's iron works. The twelve families of the 1714 colony finished their work for Governor Spotswood in December 1718. Apparently they felt that they were being imposed upon by the Governor and wished to take advantage of the opportunities for bettering their lot in their new country. Therefore, sometime in 1718 John Fishback, John Hoffman, and Jacob Holtzclaw, the three members of the colony who had been naturalized, made an entry of approximately 1800 acres of land in the Northern Neck of Virginia. There a settlement was eventually founded which became known as German town. The colonists probably moved to their new location sometime in 1719 however, the actual patent for German town was not made until August 22, 1724, due to the death of Lady Fairfax. German town, which no longer exists , was located in what is now Fauquier County, Virginia. The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies, Inc., Box 693, Culpeper, Va. 22701, established in 1956, purchased the original site of Germanna Colony and has instituted an archeological dig on this site. The Corporation owned 270 acres, 'Siegen Forest,' of the original Germanna tract. That acquisition of the property was made possible by the generosity of one of the trustees of the Foundation. Approximately 100 acres of this was given in 1969 to the State of Virginia for the erection of the Germanna Community College. By authority of the Virginia State Highway Commission, issued March 26, 1969, Virginia Route #3 from Culpeper to Fredericksburg has been designated GERMANNA HIGHWAY. This highway borders 'Siegen Forest' and traverses the area where the first colony of 1714 was settled by Governor Spotswood. The Foundation has published 13 different Germanna Records containing a wealth of information on the colonists, including much on the Hitt's and the Holtzclaw's. All of the information included in this genealogy on Germanna Colony and the ancestry of the Hitt's and the Holtzclaw's which follows was obtained from the following Germanna Records: Holtzclaw, B.C. Peter Hitt, John Joseph Martin, and Tillman Weaver of the 1714 Colony and heir descendants, Germanna Record No.1. Holtzclaw, B.C. and Hackley, W.B. German town Revived.Germanna Record No. 2. Holtzclaw, B.C. Ancestry and Descendants of the Nassau-Siegen immigrants of Virginia, 1714-1750. Germanna Record No. 5. Holtzclaw, B.C. and Wayland, John W. Germanna, Outpost of Adventure. Germanna Record No.7. The above publications are available from the Germanna Foundation <p> THE HITT-HEITE FAMILY OF GERMANNA VIRGINIA The ancestry of Peter Hitt, the 1714 colonist, is more uncertain than that of the other Nassau-Siegen immigrants to Virginia, but it strongly appears that he was connected with the Heites of Rehbach near Kaan, just east of Siegen in the Catholic part of the county. Although the Heites lived in the Catholic part of the county, they were Protestant. The name Heite is related to the English word 'heath,' and probably the name came from an original ancestor who live on a moor of heath. In the same way that the name of Kemper perhaps came from an ancestor who lived on a 'Kamps,' or large open field. Of the 12 1714 colonists, the surnames Fishback and Holtzclaw are place-names from large villages and parishes in Nassau-Siegen Brumback is also a place name from a brook called Brom or Brum. Martin and Cuntze are derived from the Christian names of ancestors, Martin and Chun (Conrad). Hoffman, Rector (Richter), Spilman and Weaver (Weber) are trade or professional names. The name Hoffmann comes from a man who was lessee or tenant of a manor. Spilman or Spielmann means piper or fifer, one who was probably a fifer in the militia. Richter means a judge. Weaver or Weber speaks for itself. Rehbach was an estate near Kaan which is first mentioned in 1555 in the records and last time in 1707, at the marriage of Peter Heite and Elisabeth Freudenberg, probably the 1714 immigrants. The occupants of the estate were as follows: (1) The widow Spiess in 1555. (2) Johann of Rehbach 1568 and 1575. (3) Hans Rehbach of Marienborn (a village close to Kaan) in 1600, 1601, and 1602. (4) Balthasar Heite in 1631. The baptismal register of the Siegen church shows that on the 1st Sunday after Epiphany 1631, Cathrin, daughter of Balthasar Heite of Rehbach, had a son christened, the godfather being Johannes, son of Balthasar Heite. (5) In 1632 the Siegen baptismal register mentions 'Peter Bell of Rehbach, now of Fickenhuetten' (an iron-works settlement in the Weidenau township near Siegen). (6) Jacob Heite of Rehbach, who had children christened 1652-1665. The above mentioned lessees of the manor of Rehbach are from Dr. Lothar Irle's 'Kaan-Marienborn,' p.252. They were probably all related. Johann of Rehbach may have been a son-in-law of widow Spiess, or possibly a son. Hans Rehbach(1600-1602) was probably a son of Johann. Balthasar Heite was probably a son or son-in-law of Hans Rehbach. Peter Bell, who was godfather of Jacob Heite's son Peter in 1665, was probably a son-in-law of Balthasar Heite, occupying the farm from about 1640-1652, until Jacob Heite married, at which time Peter moved to Fickenhuetten. Jacob Heite of Rehbach was probably born about 1625, the youngest son of Balthasar Heite. Among the eight children Jacob and his wife Cathrin brought for christening at Siegen, was Johann Jacob, the sixth child. Johann Jacob Heite was christened on Trinity Sunday, 1660. It is not improbable that the Hitt's or Heites of Rehbach (Peter Hitt's family) were related to the Heites of Trupbach and Seelbach. There was certainly a relationship of the Heites to the Heimbach family (ancestors of the Kempers, Holtzclaw's, Fishbacks, Rectors, and probably of the Martins of the 1714 colony this is indicated by the sponsorships of Heites to Heimbach children for several christenings. This possible kinship of Peter Hitt to so many families of the 1714 group may be one of the reasons he emigrated to Virginia. PETER HITT (HEITE), born ~1680-83, was believed to be the son of Johann Jacob Heite (b.1660) of Rehbach and grandson of Jacob Heite whose children were born 1652-65. In 1707 Peter married Maria Elizabeth Freudenberg , born in 1674, a woman several years older than he. They came to Virginia without children in 1714. Maria Elizabeth probably died soon after arrival in Virginia, and Peter Hitt married (2) another wife named Elizabeth ( who also came over in 1714, according to the 1724 certificates of importation of the German town group). If this the case, it is not too difficult to discover an Elizabeth who came over in 1714 - she was Elizabeth Otterback, born in 1689, daughter of Herman Otterback, sister of Mrs. Holtzclaw and Mrs. Kemper, and probably also the sister of Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Herman Fishback of the 1714 group. Herman Otterback seems to have been the father-in-law of at least five of the 1714 colonists. When the 1714 colonists moved from Germanna , Peter Hitt and his wife Elizabeth acquired 100 acres which made up Lot #8 of the 20 lots surveyed for the German town location. According to the best information available, Peter Hitt and his wife Elizabeth had the following children: I. John Hitt, (our direct ancestor), was born in Germanna in 1715, and died in Fauquier County, VA. in 1782. He first married a Sarah Pace and later Mary ______ in about 1755. II. Joseph Hitt, born in 1717, married Mary Cuntze, daughter of Joseph Cuntze, the 1714 immigrant. III. Henry Hitt was born in 1719 and died in South Carolina after 1783. He married Alice Katherine Holtzclaw, a daughter of Jacob Holtzclaw, the 1714 immigrant. IV. Harmon Hitt was born in 1721 and died in Fauquier Co., VA in 1820, aged 99 years. His wife was Mary Weaver, a granddaughter of the 1714 immigrants Weaver and Cuntze. V. Mary Hitt, born in 1723, married Harmon Rector. VI. Peter Hitt, Jr. was born in 1726 and died in Fauquier Co., VA. in 1810. He married Sarah James on 27 April 1759. Peter Hitt kept an ordinary or general store in Fauquier Co., and his account book is still extant. The original is in the Warrenton Library, but a photostatic copy is in the library of the Virginia Baptist Historical Society at the University of Richmond. It indicates that he was a prominent member of Carter's Run Baptist Church. ** ** <p> The text of Peter's last Will & Testament is as follows: In the name of God, Amen, this 23rd day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two (1772): I Peter Hitt of the County of Fauquier, being of weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to God for it, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is to say I give and devise in the following manner and form: Imprimis: I give and bequest to Elizabeth, my beloved wife, all of my estate to use during her natural life. Item: I give to my son, John Hitt, my Negro woman Judy and My Negro boy George. Item: I give and bequeath to my son, Joseph Hitt, my Negro man called 'Young Tom'. Item: I give and bequeath to my son, Harman Hitt, my Negro girl, Hannah, and my Negro man called 'Old Tom.' Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Rector, one hundred acres of land, being the plantation where I now live, and my Negro boy named Moses. Item: I give to my son, Henry Hitt, one hundred pounds cash, which is all he is to have of my estate. Item: My will and desire is that after the decease of my wife, that all my estate not herein mentioned be sold to the highest bidder, and the money arising therefrom be equally divided among all my children hereafter named. That is to say, John, Joseph, Harman, Peter, and Mary, and lastly, I do nominate and appoint my eldest sons, Harman Hitt and Joseph Hitt, executors of this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. In the presence of Harman (X) Rector, Joseph Taylor, & John Morgan. Signed: Peter (P) Hitt Probate:Teste H.L.Pearson, clerk,Circuit Court of Fauquier County, Virginia, Will Book #1 page #200,Circuit Court of Fauquier County, Virginia. In the court of Fauquier County this 27th day of July 1772. This will was proved by the oaths of Harmon Hitt and Joseph Hitt, executors thereon, who made oath and executed legal bond. The law directs certificate be granted them for a probate through due form. The law directs certificate is granted them for attaining a probate therof in due form. Teste:J.W.Burkett ** ** <p> It is believed that Peter and Elizabeth had six children born between 1715 and 1726. The birth dates seem to be about right based upon the fact that all of Peter's sons were of age and married in the 1740's. Three of Peter's children were most likely born at Germanna and three at Germantown based upon their birth dates and the dates when the Virginia counties were formed. Germanna was in Essex County until about 1721 when it was part of Spotsylvania County; it remained a part of Spotsylvania County until Orange County was formed in 1734. Also considered is the fact that the families moved to Germantown in about 1721. ** ** <p> The following is from a brochure that is available at the Crocket Lake that covers the original Germantown in Fauquier County. Germantown Twelve men of great fortitude from the iron mining region of Nassau-Seigen, Germany, arrived in Virginia in 1714. Accompanying them were their families and a minister, Rev Henry Haeger. Governor Spotswood settled them on the frontier outpost he named Germanna to pursue his silver and iron mining interests. By 1718, difference arose between the governor and the Germans, so the colonists purchased 1,805 acres of fertile land lying further into the Virginia wilderness. They packed all of their provisions on their heads, travelled northward along an old Iroquois trail, and settled upon their new homeland in what is presently southern Fauquier County. It was agreed that the property and its expense would be divided equally among the following settlers: Melchior Brumback, Joseph Coons, Harman Fishback, John Fishback, Peter Hitt, Jacob Holtzclaw, John Henry Hoffman, John Kemper, John Joseph Martin, Jacob Rector, John Spilman and Tillman Weaver. Lots were drawn to assign the rectangular parcels of farmland. Homes were built on the southwestern side of Licking Runn which flowed through farm. The settlement was named Germantown. Being devout members of the German Reformed Church, each landowner also agreed to donate ten acres to form a glebe whereupon Fauquier County'' first church, parsonage, and school were constructed. Agriculture was practiced in the feudal German tradition with the exception of their cultivation of tobacco. A grist mill and a saw mill were soon in operation. German Rolling Road was built for easier transport of their plentiful goods and crops to the Falmouth market. Germantown's settlers prospered; however, this good fortune resulted in acquisitions of abundant land elsewhere. By the time of the Revolution, nearly all of the original settlers of Germantown had relocated. All that remains of Germantown lies in the vicinity of C. M. Crocket Park near Midland. Fragments of stone foundations, weathered tombstones, and traces of German Rolling Road are still visible. The millpond is now beneath Germantown Lake, so named to honor the area's early settlement. German was the first village to thrive in Fauquier County. Its presence lingers in the great number of the descendants who populate Fauquier County, Virginia, and the United States today. Written by Diane Gulick, 1993 Sponsored by The Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia, Inc. ** ** <p> Information on the Germanna Colony location. Since Fauquier Co., VA wasn't formed till 1759 it appears the County it was in at that time was Stafford Co., VA. Germantown is under a lake. Its located in whats now called Crocket Park. Its located on Meetze Rd., approximately six miles from Warrenton Va. (Fauquier Co.) The old museum on Main St. in Warrenton has some information on Germantown and the Lake. ** ** <p>. There were no children of Peter1 Hitt (6065) and Maria Liessbeth Freudenberg (292). Children of Peter1 Hitt (6065) and Elizabeth Otterback (285) were as follows: 2. i. JOHN2 (6063), born 1715 at Germanna, Essex Co., Virginia; married Sarah Pace (280); married Mary (--?--) (275). 3. ii. JOSEPH (6062), born 1717 at Germanna, Essex Co., Virginia; married Mary Coons (256). 4. iii. HENRY (6061), born 1719 at Germanna, Essex Co., Virginia; married Alice Katherine Holtzclaw (255). 5. iv. HARMON (6060), born 1721 at Germantown, Stafford Co., Virginia; married Mary Weaver (254). v. MARY (6059) was born in 1723 at Germantown, Stafford County, Virginia. She married Jacob Rector (253) circa 1748. She died circa 1813 at Grayson Co., Virginia. She was also known as RECTOR (6059). Reference: 303. 6. vi. PETER (6058), born 1726 at Germantown, Stafford Co., Virginia; married Sarah James (294).