membership meeting 092015

Membership Meeting Minutes
Quorum: Yes
Pledge: Bob Borunda
Visitors? None
Roll Call: Orlando Gonzalez, Chris Roberts, Tosha Broadnax, Carlos Muñoz, Darryl Sykes, Ricardo
Becerra, Mike Parry, Mike Heyenga (Absent), Cassie Beach (Absent), Abigail Becker (Absent)
Reports of officers:
Carlos: Sanyo ratified contract, it was unanimous. SEIU, upcoming Supreme court decision, they are
preparing for the worse. They are trying to sign up all none members. Recently participated in
organizing training this weekend. Trying to organize Digital Life and upcoming Direct TV. I will let
Darryl speak on that. We scheduled a conference call with DTV employees.
Darryl: Safety with specials group. I have been working with Frank Lopez closely in safety rodeos. We
do have a meeting with DTV employees. Today was the first day for DTV installation. Working on
organizing Amerit mechanics.
Tosha: Make sure you have membership RSVP, so we have a good count on how many things we need.
Don’t plan on a bunch of gifts, but having a great time. We had organizing institute this past weekend.
We have to get ready to start mobilizing. Mondays baby blue or black, Thursday orange or red. We will
let you know who strike captains will be soon.
The Local finances for August 2015 were great, we netted 15000 dollars, considering we made a payment
of 16,000 for the elections.
The National Union did not want to reimburse wages for TPP that were not filed in 2014 because no
extenuating circumstances existed. After an appeal and a conversation with the District staff, they
reimbursed the Local a bit over 3000. We received other reimbursements as noted on the report.
This this our final month in the fiscal year. The accountant will likely be here next month to perform an
audit. In preparation for that, I am still working on redoing all the credit card vouchers, which is very
time consuming, from this fiscal year using a excel spread sheet that I created. Instead of having multiple
binders of information scattered, I am also consolidating information using our guide to record retention
We received a subpoena for information from a law firm representing a formal AT&T employee who was
terminated. I met with a couple of their attorneys to discuss the matter. The lawsuit is against the
Company. I am working on completing subpoena by the end of the week.
The Local’s bond is set to expire this month. It automatically renews for a policy period of 3 years. I
spoke with the National, and the Local was still paying for bond coverage with information from 2006,
which is when our membership was much larger and we had an additional building. The Local will save
about 1000.00 over 3 years.
The Teamsters pension administrators audited our books for the last 3 years. They sent us their
conclusion report recently. The determined that Jonathan Naranjo, our employee, was covered by their
insurance since we never sent an opt-out of insurance form when he was hired. They assessed that we
owe them a bit over 7000.00. I had a few conversations with the administrators regarding the issue. I
wrote out an appeal to challenge the fee and also sent out the opt-out form for Jonathan.
Chris: PremTechs mandatory OT. All the All-Clears were tracked. Big push for contact forms, we have
about 65% of contact forms from our membership. United Way campaign
Bargaining coming up soon
Charity. Planning fund raisers.
Bob P: Flyers for picnic
Tosha: Please take some with you when the meeting ends.
Bob B: SEIU, that group is a very tough group. I don’t envy. Good luck.
Felix: Can you tell me a little bit more on DTV. (DS) management is supposed to train you for 2 days. I
was in Santee today, techs unclear what to take and load. Management has meter. They will be with
Felix: So October? (DS) Tentative. We are not really sure of date. (CR) Spoke with Trent, he has some
of the same questions. I want member feedback along the way.
Melinda: Are they going to be put in Apendix E, also the impact on Service Reps. (CR) The thought
process of the Company is that they will.
Committee Reports:
Organizing: (Jeanette Robinson) Attended organizing institute. We are getting ready to start organizing.
Education Committee: (Jesse Arana) Management gave us an hour at the Plaza Bonita store, myself,
Orlando and Lupita. We took an opportunity to talk to them about SAGE. It was a very positive
experience for them. It was something that they were not use to. The employees appreciate it. (Felix)
At 6 months? (JA) At 6 months you are qualified for Horizons.
(Melinda H) Mira Mesa store was rat infested, I want to know how the Local responded.
(Chris R) The questions out of order, please ask during New Business.
(SE) Legislative: Had an opportunity to go to SCC. T. Santora announced his retirement. That is a big
loss, he is very knowledgeable. Legislature looking for CWA endorsement, goes to show how much
more endorsements are then money. All three candidates are ex CWA members. Legislative Committee
will meet soon.
Election: (Chair) not here
Community Service: (Norma D) No information
Finance oversight: (Chair) Not here
Health and Safety: (Chair) Not here
Women’s Committee: Vanessa Meza. We are raffling out baskets in the DMG. (Bob B) Cancer walk?
(VM) All the money we are collecting money will go towards breast cancer research.
Equity: (Chair) Not here
Membership: (Chris R) Working on talking to Agency Fee Payers and Objectors. Trying to mend
bridges. Trying to get these former members back in good standing.
(Felix) Can you elaborate on employees less than a month and job actions? (Chris R) All the members
are bound by the National Constitution the moment they become members of the Union. There is no
waiting period. At the same time, we will not do anything to jeopardize their employment. One of the
things that came up last time we had job actions, is that there was not a uniform message. We sued the
members who crossed the picket line.
(Kay D) I heard that we won and lost some of the cases in court.
(Chris R) Same cases presented, ruling depended on the judge.
(Bob B) We got better at it, as we presented them.
(Melinda H) I could attest to all of them. There was a member who persisted in suing the Local with
frivolous lawsuits. There was a message sent out that was not authorized nor was it on behalf of Local
that triggered these suits.
Unfished Business: None
New Business: (Melinda H) Local position. Mira Mesa rat infestation. What was Local reaction?
(Jesse A)There was not a reaction? What did this Local do? The first part of it. I do have employees
who communicated with me, most tenured. I have calls and text threads to counter that allegation. Mira
Mesa mobility store was infested with rats. Pungent smell of dead animals. What management did, is
they had employees outside while they assessed the situation. As far as employees, they love going to
Trade because they make a ton of sales. When this persisted, the stores sent employees to different stores
paid by the company. Employees did not want to go home because they lose out on sales. We had calls
on multiple occasions. I kept my officers and chief stewards continually informed about the situation.
The one thing the employees did not want to do is go home
(Melinda H) My second question is about the derogatory statement that was made by Don McCauley
against the Latino community in the Ruffin yard. (Chris R) We filed an immediate grievance. That
manager has been on vacation since. He agreed to meet on grievance on Thursday. What is your position
as the President of the Local. (Melinda H) What is the resolution requested in the grievance?
(CR) Any individual in that location we encourage them to file EEO. What is the resolution that the
grievance. I have not seen the grievance, but I believe its having him (Don) give himself a code of
(Melinda H) in your opinion….Are you going to settle, or be persistent? (Chris R) Of course we are.
Santee: We are ready mobilize. Strippers get paid more to climb a pole. We will do our surveys in
November. We have a large contingent of Premtechs.
Any goals set for contract negotiations?
That’s what the surveys are for?
Is there a goal that we are setting for? ‘
Felix: We want to talk about specifics on survey.
MH: The bargaining surveys are very generalized….it will be the Locals responsibility to try and get the
most participation in surveys.
Felix: Bad taste in mouth. We really want to mobilize, have a close relationship.
(Felix) Why did we not strike last time? (CR) The members voted to ratify the second contract proposal.
(Melinda H) we are very close to bargaining. We have to do our part as members. Get to know fellow
(Felix)…you have to understand. All of a sudden we are installing satellite dishes. (Chris R) The
satellite portion was a surprise. That was bargained for in 2006.
Good and Welfare: Vanessa Meza10/18/2015 walk