Supporting Information Isolation and structural determination of C8-vinyl-bacteriochlorophyll d from the bciA and bchU double mutant of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum Jiro Harada ·Tadashi Mizoguchi ·Kota Nomura ·Hitoshi Tamiaki Table S1 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the wild type of Cba. tepidum Table S2 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the tepdU strain Table S3 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the tepdA/U strain Figure S1 Constructions of Cba. tepidum bchU gene inactivated mutants. (A) Schematic maps show bchU of Cba. tepidum. Genes are indicated by rectangles. The aadA gene confers resistance to spectinomycin and streptomycin. Arrows represent the oligonucleotide primers, aadA-fortepU-F (i), aadA-for-tepU-R (ii), tepU-comf-F (iii), and tepU-comf-F (iv). (B and C) PCR analyses using the genomic DNA extracted from wild type (lanes 1 and 5), tepdA (lanes 2 and 6), tepdU (lanes 3 and 7), and tepdA/U (lanes 4 and 8) strains. (B) Agarose gel electrophoresis shows amplified fragment of around bchU locus using above tepU-comf-F and -R primers. The PCR products were then digested by a restriction enzyme NdeI. The fragments yielded from wild type (lane 1) and tepdA (lane 2) were 2.34 kbp, while those from tepdU (lane 3) and tepdA/U (lane 4) were 1.82 and 0.61 kbp. (C) Agarose gel electrophoresis indicated the fragments amplified bciA locus using the primer set of tepbciA-comf-F and -R. The EcoRVdigested PCR products from wild type and tepdU were 2.21 kbp, while those from tepdA and tepdA/U were 1.44 and 0.70 kbp. Lanes M in (B) and (C) panels represent a molecular size marker (the sizes of bands are indicated at left) Figure S2 1H-NMR spectra of purified R[V,E]BChl d (a) and R[E,E]BChl d (b) in THF-d8 at room temperature. Observed NOE correlations for R[V,E]BChl d are indicated by arrows in the inset molecular structure Figure S3 (A) Preparation of natural and synthetic R[E,E]BChl d from the Cba. parvum NCBI8327d and Cba. tepidum tepdA/U: (i) extraction, (ii) HPLC separation, (iii) hydrogenation by rhodium catalyst on alumina in acetone. (B) UV/Vis absorbance (upper) and CD spectra (bottom) of natural (black lines) and synthetic (red lines) R[E,E]BChl d in THF Figure S4 Co-chromatographic analysis of an equimolar mixture of natural and synthetic R[E,E] BChl d. The elution of pigments was monitored at 430 nm. (a) BChl d homologs extracted from Cba. parvum NCBI8327d; (b) natural R[E,E]BChl d isolated from Cba. parvum NCBI8327d; (c) synthetic R[E,E]BChl d from R[V,E]BChl d isolated from Cba. tepidum tepdA/U; (d) cochromatography of (b) and (c). Peak 1, R[E,M]BChl d; Peak 2, R[P,M]BChl d; Peak 3, R[E,E]BChl d; Peak 4, R[P,E]BChl d; Peak 5, S[P,E]BChl d; Peak 6, S[I,E]BChl d Figure S5 Growth measurements of Cba. tepidum mutants. (A) Growth profiles of the wild type and mutant cells at 30 E·sec ·m . The growth rates (h ) and doubling times (h) were calculated from these curves: wild type, 0.12 h-1 and 5.8 h; tepdA, 0.04 h-1 and 17.3 h; tepdU, 0.07 h-1 and 9.9 h; tepdA/U, 0.03 h-1 and 23.1 h. (B) The Qy absorption maxima of the wild type and mutants -1 -2 -1 were plotted during the cell growth. Symbols: open circles, wild type; closed circles, tepdA; open squares, tepdU; open triangles, tepdA/U. Values at each plot are averages of three independent experiments, and shown in panel C Table S1 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the wild type of Cba. tepidum HPLC peak # a b Assignment 1 R[E,M]BChl c 2 R[E,E]BChl c 3 R[P,E]BChl c 4 S[P,E]BChl c 5 R[I,E]BChl c 6 S[I,E]BChl c Observed for [M+H] + 793.30 (204.15) c 807.35 (204.20) 821.35 (204.15) 821.30 (204.10) 835.35 (204.15) 835.35 (204.10) [M1+H] +a Calculated for [M2+H] +b 589.15 775.35 603.15 789.35 617.20 803.35 617.20 803.35 631.20 817.35 631.25 817.35 [M-(174-ester)+H]+ [M-(31-OH)+H]+ c The difference between [M+H]+ and [M1+H]+ [M+H]+ [M1+H]+ 793.45 (204.18) 807.47 (204.19) 821.49 (204.19) 821.49 (204.19) 835.50 (204.19) 835.50 (204.19) 589.27 603.28 617.30 617.30 631.31 631.31 Table S2 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the tepdU strain HPLC peak # a Assignment 7 R[E,M]BChl d 8 R[E,E]BChl d 9 R[P,E]BChl d 10 S[P,E]BChl d 11 S[I,E]BChl d Observed for [M+H] + 779.35 (204.10) c 793.40 (204.15) 807.45 (204.20) 807.45 (204.20) 821.40 (204.10) [M1+H] +a Calculated for [M2+H] +b 575.25 761.35 589.25 775.35 603.25 789.45 603.25 789.40 617.30 803.40 [M-(174-ester)+H]+ b [M-(31-OH)+H]+ c The difference between [M+H]+ and [M1+H]+ [M+H]+ [M1+H]+ 779.44 (204.19) 793.45 (204.18) 807.47 (204.19) 807.47 (204.19) 821.49 (204.19) 575.25 589.27 603.28 603.28 617.30 Table S3 APCI-mass spectrometric data of the pigments extracted from the tepdA/U strain HPLC peak # a Assignment 12 R[V,M]BChl d 13 R[V,E]BChl d 14 S[V,E]BChl d Observed for [M+H] + 777.35 (204.15) c 791.40 (204.20) 791.40 (204.20) [M1+H] +a Calculated for [M2+H] +b 573.20 759.30 587.20 773.35 587.20 773.35 [M-(174-ester)+H]+ b [M-(31-OH)+H]+ c The difference between [M+H]+ and [M1+H]+ [M+H]+ [M1+H]+ 777.42 (204.18) 791.44 (204.19) 791.44 (204.19) 573.24 587.25 587.25 Figure S1 Constructions of Cba. tepidum bchU gene inactivated mutants. (A) Schematic maps show bchU of Cba. tepidum. Genes are indicated by rectangles. The aadA gene confers resistance to spectinomycin and streptomycin. Arrows represent the oligonucleotide primers, aadA-for-tepU-F (i), aadA-for-tepU-R (ii), tepU-comf-F (iii), and tepU-comf-F (iv). (B and C) PCR analyses using the genomic DNA extracted from wild type (lanes 1 and 5), tepdA (lanes 2 and 6), tepdU (lanes 3 and 7), and tepdA/U (lanes 4 and 8) strains. (B) Agarose gel electrophoresis shows amplified fragment of around bchU locus using above tepU-comf-F and -R primers. The PCR products were then digested by a restriction enzyme NdeI. The fragments yielded from wild type (lane 1) and tepdA (lane 2) were 2.34 kbp, while those from tepdU (lane 3) and tepdA/U (lane 4) were 1.82 and 0.61 kbp. (C) Agarose gel electrophoresis indicated the fragments amplified bciA locus using the primer set of tepbciA-comfF and -R. The EcoRV-digested PCR products from wild type and tepdU were 2.21 kbp, while those from tepdA and tepdA/U were 1.44 and 0.70 kbp. Lanes M in (B) and (C) panels represent a molecular size marker (the sizes of bands are indicated at left) Figure S2 1H-NMR spectra of purified R[V,E]BChl d (a) and R[E,E]BChl d (b) in THF-d8 at room temperature. R[V,E]BChl d are indicated by arrows in the inset molecular structure Observed NOE correlations for Figure S3 (A) Preparation of natural and synthetic R[E,E]BChl d from the Cba. parvum NCBI8327d and Cba. tepidum tepdA/U: (i) extraction, (ii) HPLC separation, (iii) hydrogenation by rhodium catalyst on alumina in acetone. (B) UV/Vis absorbance (upper) and CD spectra (bottom) of natural (black lines) and synthetic (red lines) R[E,E]BChl d in THF Figure S4 Co-chromatographic analysis of an equimolar mixture of natural and synthetic R[E,E] BChl d. The elution of pigments was monitored at 430 nm. (a) BChl d homologs extracted from Cba. parvum NCBI8327d; (b) natural R[E,E]BChl d isolated from Cba. parvum NCBI8327d; (c) synthetic R[E,E]BChl d from R[V,E]BChl d isolated from Cba. tepidum tepdA/U; (d) co-chromatography of (b) and (c). Peak 1, R[E,M]BChl d; Peak 2, R[P,M]BChl d; Peak 3, R[E,E]BChl d; Peak 4, R[P,E]BChl d; Peak 5, S[P,E]BChl d; Peak 6, S[I,E]BChl d Figure S5 Growth measurements of Cba. tepidum mutants. (A) Growth profiles of the wild type and mutant cells at 30 E·sec-1·m-2. The growth rates (h-1) and doubling times (h) were calculated from these curves: wild type, 0.12 h-1 and 5.8 h; tepdA, 0.04 h-1 and 17.3 h; tepdU, 0.07 h-1 and 9.9 h; tepdA/U, 0.03 h-1 and 23.1 h. (B) The Qy absorption maxima of the wild type and mutants were plotted during the cell growth. Symbols: open circles, wild type; closed circles, tepdA; open squares, tepdU; open triangles, tepdA/U. Values at each plot are averages of three independent experiments, and shown in panel C