1 1. Fault rotation model 2 In a previous publication [Olive and Behn, 2014], we proposed a conceptual 3 framework for understanding the rapid rotation of normal faults from a steep 60º- 4 initiation angle down to dip angles in the 30–45º range, over a few km of offset. We 5 proposed that fault evolution proceeded in a manner that systematically minimized the 6 mechanical work required to sustain fault slip, and showed that (1) this assumption 7 results in rotation rates that scale roughly as the inverse of the faulted layer thickness, and 8 (2) accounting for rotation is essential to correctly predict fault lifespan in a force balance 9 model. Here we adopt a complementary approach, which is significantly less 10 computationally challenging to implement, but produces very similar rotation rates (see 11 below). Specifically, instead of assuming work minimization, we model fault rotation as 12 the passive advection of the fault plane in the displacement field induced by flexural 13 relaxation of the footwall and hanging wall blocks. 14 If we denote 15 fault rotation rate will scale roughly as the average rotation rate of the near-fault displacement field, then the (S1) 16 To first order, the main source of rotation in the flexural displacement field is the lateral 17 gradient of vertical motion (Figure 1a), which is maximal at the fault and equal to V tanθ, 18 and becomes negligible a fraction of the flexural wavelength (γα, the lever arm, where γ 19 is a scaling factor and α is the flexural wavelength) away from the fault. We therefore 20 write (S2) 21 Plugging (S2) into (S1) with the constraint h = 2Vt yields ¶q tanq =¶h 4ga 22 (S3) Which can be integrated into æ æ 1 q = sin ç sinq 0 exp ç è 4g è -1 dh ö ö ò0 a (h) ÷ø ÷ø h (S4) 23 In addition, we taper the rotation rate at heaves greater than 80% of the faulted layer 24 thickness so that rotation ceases at large offsets, when the fault has become curved and 25 the idealized fault geometry depicted in Figure 1a no longer applies. 26 Fault rotation enters the force balance model in several ways. As extension 27 proceeds, the elastic-plastic iterations predict the fault-induced topography [Buck, 1988; 28 1993]. At every extension step (h), we fit this topography with the elastic solution of 29 Weissel and Karner [1989] and determine an equivalent elastic thickness for the entire 30 plate. We then use it to calculate an equivalent flexural wavelength, α(h), which enters 31 into the calculation of the next fault dip at step (h+Δh) following Equation (S4). We find 32 that a scaling factor γ = 0.25 provides a good fit to the numerical models, regardless of 33 layer thickness and other parameters. In other words, the lever arm associated with fault 34 rotation corresponds to about a fourth of the effective flexural wavelength of the faulted 35 layer. 36 37 Once fault dip has been updated, it enters the calculation of the frictional force FFRIC, following [Behn and Ito, 2008] FFRIC = 38 mr gH / 2 + HC m sin 2 q + sinq cosq (S5) For reference, the threshold for breaking a new fault is given by FBREAK = mr gH / 2 + HC0 m sin 2 q 0 + sinq 0 cosq0 (S6) 39 where θ0 corresponds to the Andersonian dip for a new fault breaking intact lithosphere. 40 (All notations are summarized in Figure 1a). 41 Fault dip also enters the calculation of the bending and topographic forces. A fault 42 that rotates as it accumulates offset generates less throw than if it were to retain its initial 43 angle. We therefore slightly modify the method of Weissel and Karner [1989] by using 44 an effective dip θEFF in the loading term of the flexure equation (w*(x) in Olive and Behn, 45 2014). For a given amount of heave (h) this effective dip yields the amount of throw that 46 would have been reached by a rotating fault, and can be written: æ1h ö ò tanq (h) dh÷ø èh q EFF = tan -1 ç 0 (S7) 47 θEFF then enters the calculation of the fault-induced topography and the associated work 48 terms. Specifically, the bending work WBEND is obtained by integrating the bending stress 49 times the bending strain over the entire layer [Olive and Behn, 2014], while the 50 topographic work WTOPO corresponds to the change in gravitational potential energy 51 associated with offsetting the air-rock density contrast, Δρ, from its initial flat state, and is 52 written +¥ WTOPO = ò Dr g y ( x ) dx 2 -¥ (S8) 53 54 2. Comparison with the energy minimization model of Olive and Behn [2014] 55 In [Olive and Behn, 2014], we suggested that fault rotation proceeds in a manner 56 that minimizes the work needed to sustain fault slip, but did not explicitly consider the 57 physical mechanism that causes rotation. The present approach suggests that passive 58 advection of the fault plane in a flexural displacement field provides a good candidate to 59 explain the kinetics of rotation observed in numerical experiments. Indeed, this new 60 model predicts the rotation kinematics observed in our simulations (Figure 2b). Much 61 like the energy minimization model, it accounts for rapid rotation of normal faults down 62 to dip angles of 30–45º over fault heaves shorter than half of the faulted layer thickness. 63 Further, the inverse scaling of rotation rate with layer thickness is evident from Equation 64 (S3) and is derived from the fact that thicker layers bend on a larger wavelength, making 65 faults rotate about a longer lever arm. 66 Finally, we find that the present kinematic model for fault rotation predicts dips 67 that remain close to the lowest energy configuration throughout fault evolution, even 68 though energy minimization was not assumed. Supplementary Figure fs01 compares the 69 kinematic elastic-plastic solution for a 15 km thick layer (red line in Figure 2b) to an 70 energy minimization model where plasticity is accounted for by assuming an effective 71 elastic thickness of 7.5 km. Colors indicate the total amount of work required to sustain 72 slip on the fault. The kinematic rotation model predicts slightly slower rotation then the 73 energy minimization model for small offsets, which provides a better fit to numerical 74 experiments (Figure 2b). 75 76 Supplementary captions 77 78 Supplementary Figure fs01 – Total external work (WEXT = WFRIC + WBEND + WTOPO) 79 required to keep a normal fault active as a function of fault dip and heave for increasing 80 amounts of extension in a 15 km thick elastic pseudo-plastic layer with an effective 81 elastic thickness of 7.5 km. The white dashed line indicates the lowest energy path 82 computed following the model of Olive and Behn [2014] taking into account all energy 83 terms: WFRIC, WBEND, and WTOPO, the last of which was previously ignored. The thick 84 white line shows the kinematic rotation model used in this study. 85 86 Supplementary Table ts01 – Summary of parameters and results of our numerical 87 experiments. 88