Parent/Professional Series: Genetics & Visual

Parent/Professional Series:
Genetics & Visual Disorders
Genetics and Hearing & Vision Loss
Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
8:30 am Registration
This seminar will be conducted by leading authorities in the field of genetics, visual
impairment and hearing loss. This training opportunity is designed for parents, family
members and professionals working in vision education. Presentations will include:
9:15-10:00 “Genetics 101” presented by Sharyn Lincoln, M.S., C.G.C.
Sharyn Lincoln is a licensed genetic counselor at Boston Children’s Hospital. She
contributes to the diagnostic evaluation of patients referred to a busy tertiary care
genetics service and provides counseling services to patients and families. Ms. Lincoln
is also the genetic counselor and Program Coordinator for the Fragile X Program at
Boston Children’s Hospital.
She received her Master’s degree from Brandeis University. Ms. Lincoln was a member
of the Autism Consortium and was involved in multiple research studies sponsored by
the Consortium. She has also been involved in clinical trials for Fragile X syndrome and
Angelman syndrome. Ms. Lincoln provides teaching to the residents of the Harvard
Medical School Genetics Training Program. She coordinates observations for first-year
genetic counseling students from Brandeis University and has been on thesis
committees form students from Brandeis as well as Boston University.
10:05-10:50 “Genetics of Hereditary Vision Loss including Retinitis Pigmentosa”
presented by Emily Place, MS, LCGC
Ms. Place graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a Bachelor of Arts in
Biology. She went on to earn her master’s degree in Human Genetics from Sarah
Lawrence College. Prior to working at the Ocular Genomics Institute, she worked as a
pediatric genetic counselor at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Emily joined the OGI in 2011, where she provides risk assessment and genetic
counseling services to families with inherited retinal dystrophies. She also serves as the
study coordinator for the research study of molecular genetics of inherited retinal
10:55-11:40 “Genetics of Hereditary Hearing Loss” presented by
Tomi L. Toler, M.S., C.G.C.
Ms. Toler is a licensed and certified genetic counselor and a member of the Medical
Genetics Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. The Medical Genetics Program
specialized in the evaluation and care of patients who may have health problems with a
genetic or metabolic basis. Ms. Toler is part of the Pediatric Ear, Hearing and Balance
Center at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and works with individuals of all
different ages with hearing loss. Ms. Toler’s particular interest and work includes
working with patients around issues related to hearing loss, Down syndrome, and
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia.
12:15-1:00 “Usher Syndrome and Retinitis Pigmentosa: Effects on Life and
Education” presented by Terrell Clark, PhD Boston Children’s Hospital
Dr. Clark is a Pediatric Psychologist who has for many years worked with children who
are deaf or hard of hearing and with their families. She is director of the Deaf and Hard
of Hearing Program (DHHP) at Boston Children's Hospital. DHHP is an interdisciplinary
clinical and research group within the Department of Otolaryngology composed of
specialists in psychology, audiology, medicine, education, language, and
communications. Together, the staff of DHHP provides comprehensive evaluations and
consultative services, guidance, and information to deaf and hard of hearing children,
and their referring physicians, families, agencies, and schools. Dr. Clark is a Senior
Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at Boston Children's Hospital and Assistant
Professor at Harvard Medical School.
Location: Perkins School for the Blind, Grousbeck Center for Students
and Technology
175 North Beacon Street, Watertown, MA 02472
FREE for Parents
$50.00 for Professionals
3.5 PDP’s
Space is limited.
Please submit registration and fee made payable to: Perkins School for the Blind;
Perkins Training Center, 175 North Beacon Street, Watertown, MA 02472
by October 11, 2013.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Perkins Training Center through support by the
Klarman Family Foundation
Parent/Professional Series
Parent/Professional Series: Genetics & Visual Disorders
Genetics and Hearing & Vision Loss
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Return registration form and payment to PTC by October 11, 2013.
Primary Phone: (h)(w)(c)
Secondary: (h)(w)(c)
Work Address:
Please indicate accommodations required:
Large Print:
Special Diet:
Age of student(s) & Vision Status:
How did you hear about this workshop?
Perkins Training Center
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Checks can be made out to Perkins School for the Blind.
Payment must be received and confirmed in order to secure your participation.
**Please Note: Confirmed participant refunds will not be given without a 48 hr notice of cancellation**
Perkins Training Center – – (617) 972-7712 –