Curriculum Map for Thematically-Linked Multi

Unit Curriculum Map
Ellen Dunn Spanish II October 2013
Theme, Enduring Understandings,
How Students will Demonstrate
Standards-based Essential Skills &
Strategies / Best Practices Used
Resources for
& Essential Questions for this Unit
Their Understanding
Concepts to be Targeted
to Explicitly Teach the Skills
this Unit
Summative Assessments: TSW
Content Standards:
Each day, TSW will engage in
ML11.1.D Give descriptions.
“Repaso y Prevista”, or a review
ML11.1.F Ask questions and
and preview of skills to come. will
provide responses based on topics
consist of a few daily questions to
such as self, others and immediate
be answered individually in each
student’s spiral notebook and
ML11.2.A Initiate, participate in,
reviewed as a whole class. This
and close an oral or written
portion of class will provide the
participation grade (30 minutes
ML11.2.D Demonstrate Novice-
of Spanish Immersion) as well as
Mid to Novice-High proficiency in
oral and written exchanges…
Mini-Lesson TSW explore airport
MLII.3.B Interpret culturally
vocabulary and discuss what they
authentic materials and info.
understand about travel. TSW
M11.5.D. Demonstrate
view where Spanish is spoken in
Novice-Mid to Novice-High
Latin America, South America
proficiency in oral and written
and Spain. In pairs, TSW practice
vocabulary words in preparation
TSW begin discussing leisure time
and travel.
take a quiz on irregular
present tense verbs and
First Week:
travel vocabulary.
Overarching: How do I
communicate travel needs?
TSW be quizzed on where
Spanish is spoken.
Formative Assessments:
verbs communicate travel needs?
countries could I travel?
verbs will aid me in
Enduring Understanding: To
vocabulary words
in Smart Exchange
effectively communicate leisure
time and travel, I must have
working knowledge of travel
Journal Entry: What do
I do at the airport?
for listening and reading
comprehension exercises. TSW
review irregular present tense
Ticket out the door: Where is
Spanish spoken? What are some
irregular present tense verbs?
1. En Español, textbook Resource
2. Smartboard activities for
generating student
3. Practice book activities for
added practice of current
4. Audio-CDs for listening to
native proficiency
5. Musical Spanish notes online
(free resource)
6. Relics and photos from Cusco,
Peru will be used in sharing travel
vocabulary and experiences
Theme, Enduring Understandings,
How Students will Demonstrate
Standards-based Essential Skills &
Strategies / Best Practices Used
Resources for
& Essential Questions for this Unit
Their Understanding
Concepts to be Targeted
to Explicitly Teach the Skills
this Unit
Formative Assessments:
Content Standards:
Mini-lesson: Using Mrs.
Travel and Leisure Time
As students become more
MLII.1.F Ask questions and
Dunn’s mother’s trip to
1. En Español, textbook Resource
Week 2:
familiar, TSW be quizzed on
provide responses based on
Cusco, Perú, TSW analyze an
2. Smartboard activities for
preterite forms for self-
suggested topics.
example of describing or
Overarching: How do I
assessment. We will take our
MLII.1.G Ask questions and
relating a trip in the past
time with the past tense 
provide responses about plans
Performance Assessment:
and events.
TSW take notes and
TSW begin “workshop” with
ML11.2.A Initiate, participate participate in preterite
to create a presentation on a
in, and close an oral or
conjugations as well as when
trip they have taken. TSW
written exchange.
it is used.
begin drafting their favorite
ML11.5.B. Give brief,
trip in their journals.
organized oral presentations,
Knowledge of past tense is
using visual and technological
critical. TSW review the
support as appropriate.
communicate my past
between the preterite and present
countries could I travel?
Enduring Understanding: Without
knowledge of the past tense, one
can not communicate past
presentation rubric for
generating student
3. Practice book activities for
added practice of current
4. Audio-CDs for listening to
native proficiency
5. Musical Spanish notes online
(free resource)
6. Relics from Cusco, Peru will be
used in sharing travel vocabulary
and experiences
7. Graphic organizer for verb
required content with the
Theme, Enduring Understandings,
How Students will Demonstrate
Standards-based Essential Skills &
Strategies / Best Practices Used
Resources for
& Essential Questions for this Unit
Their Understanding
Concepts to be Targeted
to Explicitly Teach the Skills
this Unit
Theme/Unit: Leisure and
Summative Assessment:
ML11.2.D Demonstrate
Test on various preterite
Novice-Mid to Novice-High
TSW take notes and practice
1. En Español, textbook Resource
Week 3:
tense Verbs
proficiency in oral and
using irregular preterite
1. Smartboard activities for
Enduring Understandings:
Formative Assessments:
written exchanges…
In Spanish, speaking
Teacher observation
ML11.5.B. Give brief,
Cooperative grouping –
effectively means choosing the Warm-up practice
organized oral presentations,
Sort verbs into their present
correct verb conjugation for
Oral “chain game” practice
using visual and technological
tense and preterite
the speaker and situation.
Performance Assessment:
support as appropriate.
conjugations. TSW practice
Essential Questions:
TSW continue creating their
drilling each other with travel native proficiency
Overarching: How do I
travel presentations. Use of
technology is recommended
TSW be involved in listening
for this project. (Ppt., photo
comprehension and capturing
story, etc…, uploading
notes about travel
photos) TSW review the
communicate my past
between the preterite and present
presentation rubric.
generating student
2. Practice book activities for
added practice of current
3. Audio-CDs for listening to
4. Musical Spanish notes online
(free resource)
5. Relics from Cusco, Peru will be
used in sharing travel vocabulary
and experiences
6. Graphic organizer for verb
countries could I travel?
Theme, Enduring
How Students will Demonstrate
Standards-based Essential Skills
Strategies / Best Practices Used
Resources for
Understandings, & Essential
Their Understanding
& Concepts to be Targeted
to Explicitly Teach the Skills
this Unit
Performance Assessment:
All Content Standards will
TSW complete notes on their
be reviewed.
understanding of the oral
Questions for this Unit
Week 4: Travel and
Enduring Understandings:
In Spanish, speaking
effectively means choosing
the correct verb conjugation
for the speaker and
Essential Questions:
Overarching: How do I
communicate my past
between the preterite and
present tense?
experiences with others?
The students will present
their travel presentations.
presentations for participation
points (Spanish Immersion).
(We will have a special
presentation of the Day of the
dead, Nov. 2 in Mexico. TSW
bring in a favorite recipe from
a deceased relative to practice
the custom of honoring the