CORVAM: Corpus ORal de Variedades Magrebíes (Oral Corpus of

CORVAM: Corpus ORal de Variedades Magrebíes
(Oral Corpus of Maghribian Varieties)
Metadata File
(Delete all red letters when the file is completed)
Recording Data
Collector of the data or author: name and last name of the person who has made the recording, the
transcription and the translation, specifying the author of each work if it has been done by different
Title: choose a short title (3 or 4 words); it will be the reference of the online publication.
Type of account: monologue, conversation, interview, etc.
Length of the recording: e.g. 4:35.
Recording topic: briefly explain the conversation or the report topic.
Languages: specify the languages that appear in the account, also in codeswitching.
Recording Date: as accurate as possible.
Recording place: as accurate as possible.
Recording devices: list the devices used in collecting the data.
Informants Data
Number: (number of informants, filling all the data for each one: informant 1, informant 2, etc.)
Name: write only the name or nickname. The informants should not be recognizable by a third
person, unless they have specifically requested not to be anonymized.
Education level:
Origin: provide data about the informants’ origin, for example, the name of the tribe, the birthplace,
the family extraction, the place of residence, the spoken variety, etc.
Interesting data from the linguistic point of view: e.g. the informant has lived a long time abroad,
linguistic competence (monolingual, bilingual), etc.
Data analysis
Transcription type: select from phonological transcription, broad phonetic transcription and narrow
phonetic transcription.
Translation language: select among Spanish, French or English.
Author comments: add all what the author considers relevant about the sound archive or the
documents .pdf.