TENDER 0517 – RETENTION STORAGE SYSTEM Question 1. Can Council release the hydraulic model prepared for the Aurecon Clarification Yes the hydraulic model can be released. preliminary design? This would allow us to determine whether there are alternative approaches to storage volumes and conveying bypass flows. 2. Is the area set aside for retention storage within the Moonah Primary School fixed? Would the School consider an area of 1000 m2 in the northwest corner in lieu of the linear retention tank shown on the preliminary design? 3. The preliminary design suggests a 2.1m pipe from HLO-07 in Derwent Park Road to carry 13.4 m3/s. The existing pipe work is a 1.5m pipe which presumably has a much lower capacity with the balance of the water arriving as surface flows. Detail 2 shows a proposed grated pit as the inlet for these surface flows. Can Council provide any information on flood depths and surface flow rates on Derwent Park Road that could be used to design the inlet? 4. The linear retention storage is a structure that is generally quite deep (~5m). Is there any reason why such a structure has to be sealed against groundwater flows given its nature as a retention storage? Page 1 It is council preference not to expand the retention storage within the school grounds, But this option maybe considered. There are actually two 1.5m diameter pipes: one along Derwent Park Rd, and one coming into it from Chesterman St. Section 2.4.7, p19 of Part D specifies the grate on the inlet pit shall be designed to accommodate a flow rate of 2.4 m3/s. This is incorrect. The grate shall be designed to accommodate a flow rate of 1 m3/s. The flood depth is not defined, however, please assume 200 mm. The structure is to be sealed against groundwater flows due to environmental requirements: if a spill occurs in the roadway, contaminants are to remain in the storage structure rather than being diffused into the groundwater as it travels along the structure. Question 5. PS1 – on page 5 of the scope of works (1.6) it mentions 1 pump, Clarification A single pump was deemed sufficient for the purpose of the project. similarily the drawing W-216 only depicts 1 pump. However on page 11 of the overall design philosophy (4.2.1) it asks for duty and standby pumps. What do we allow for? 6. At the site meeting you mentioned that there was UV at the school site in addition to the 10 um filtration. I can’t seem to find any reference to this UV system anywhere – is it missing, am I blind or is it not required? 7. Section 2.1, Performance Requirements, I am wondering if it could be clarified as to what percentage removal of TSS down to 10 microns is required? Do you need 100% or is something like 8590% OK? 8. With many design elements needing time and cooperation, an extension to the due tender date would enable us to produce better detail and quality, thus the projects pricing estimations overall will be of a higher accuracy. We are requesting an extension to the due tender date of one week which will also subsequently push back the projects time line by the same amount. If the tender date isn’t extended then most likely various parts will not be fully designed by the due date leaving unknown aspects to the project and attributed vague pricings. The construction period is also worrying with 14 weeks specified leaving a tight schedule, we see that 6 weeks of this period would easily be taken up by investigations, design (there will be some, tender date extension or not), documentation and compiling and waiting for approvals. Leaving 8 weeks to construct and finish the Page 2 - The school will use harvested water exclusively for drip irrigation purposes, and therefore does not require UV treatment. - injection to the ASR bores does not require UV treatment. Filtration required prior to ASR injection, the allowable upper limit is 10mg/l Council notify tenderers that an extension of time for construction has been granted from 14 weeks to 20 weeks. Question job; an insufficient amount of time for these projects. Allowance for the previously mentioned items into the construction period should be considered, we see this needing an extension of 8-10 weeks to accommodate appropriately for both projects on offer at this present time. 9. What is the invert level of the existing 1800dia pipes? 10. From the long section it seems the invert level of the proposed overflow culvert is 1.50m, is this correct? 11. If the new overflow culvert is set higher than the existing 1800dia pipes, wont Gepp Road still be inundated in the event the 1800’s capacity is exceeded? 12. A request for an extension to the current closing date of the tender. Our preferred tender closing date being Wednesday 15th February 2012. We request this extension due to the timing of the tender period coinciding with the Christmas/New Year period in which a number of key potential suppliers and subcontractors are unavailable to provide pricing or design alternatives. An extension of time would also facilitate the opportunity to explore design options and optimisations to ensure that we can be in a position to offer a quality design combined with a competitive price structure. 13. Could you please confirm that GCC will accept at no charge to the Contractor all surplus and/or contaminated fill material at the Glenorchy Waste Centre. The Contractor being essentially responsible for including in our tender price the site handling, loading and cartage of such material to the GCC Waste Centre for disposal. Page 3 Clarification Approx. 1L 0.5m AHD. Please see pickup drawing within the tender documents Gepp Parade 29/4/96 sheet 1. This is correct The invert of the new culvert is set slightly above the centreline of the existing DN1800 to accommodate excess flow prior to the DN1800 pipes capacity being exceeded. Notified of extension of time. Been answered previously. Question 14. I have been having a look at the provided documentation and there is very little detail on what happens at SF001/04 which is the large pit on the Brooker Highway. There are some indicative line drawings from Council’s GIS showing the alignment of the stormwater pipes but these do not show pipe sizes or invert levels and the only other detail plan is a copy of the DPW plan of the twin 1800 pipes under the highway which is in imperial units to presumably an imperial datum. Can you provide me with some details of the pipe configuration at the Brooker Highway to the same datum please? Page 4 Clarification Invert level of existing DN1800 diameter pipes is approx 0.5m AHD. Other dimensions/levels should be determined from the provided drawings Question 15. What I have done here is prepare a DRAIN model of the line to see what variations in overflow culvert are possible whilst still meeting the maximum water level limits for the 1 year and 20 year flows. 16. Table 3, section 2.3.2 of part D – Specification, specifies the design flow rate through the culvert as 8,880 l/s (1 year ARI) and 22,500 l/s (20 year ARI). Can you please confirm if these flow rates are for the new culvert only, or for the combined new culvert/existing dual pipe system? 17. Are details of the existing dual DN1800 pipe system and outlet structure available please? Design/construction drawings including RL’s would be of assistance. Page 5 Clarification No answer required. New culvert only Additional information drawings are available, will be distributed to all tenders by 20/01/2012