Study Guide # 4

Biology 2 – Study Guide # 4
Chap 34 – Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity - What are the general characteristics of birds? What modifications do
they have for flight? Know the types of feathers and their functions. What is Archaeopteryx? What are the four
characteristics they make them both bird and reptile-like? What are the two major types of birds? What is the most
common type of bird? What are the general characteristics of mammals? Know the characteristics of a mammal. What
were the changes seen in the mammalian jaw and ear bones? What are the three different types of mammals? How do
they differ? Know the evolution of the mammals. What are therapsids? Monotremes? Marsupials? Placentals? Know
the major orders of mammals given in class. What is the evolutionary trend seen in mammals? What are the modern
primates? Who is “Ida”? What are anthropoids? What are the early hominins? What characteristics made them
unique? What are the two models for the evolution of modern humans?
Chap 42 – Circulation and Respiration - What is the difference between open and closed circulatory system? What is
hemolymph? What are the parts of the cardiovascular system? What are the different types of circulation in invertebrates
discussed in class? Know the evolution of the vertebrate heart. What are the different types of circulatory schemes?
Know the path of blood through the human heart (chambers, valves, vessels). Which carry blood with oxygen? Without
oxygen? Know the cardiac cycle (what’s contracting, what valves are open/closed, time, and function). Know the cardiac
output. Know cardiac control (SA node, AV node – Why the two nodes?) What is the lymphatic system? What are the
two factors involved in the interchange of fluid? What is the composition of mammalian blood? Know the factors in
blood clotting. Know the different types of cardiac diseases discussed in class. What are the three conditions for
respiratory surfaces? What is the difference between aquatic and terrestrial environments? What are the four types of
respiratory systems? What is countercurrent gas exchange? What are tracheae? Spiracles? Tracheoles? What is the
difference between diffusion and ventilation lungs? What is the difference between positive and negative pressure
breathing? How is avian respiration different from other animals? What controls breathing? What do animals use to
transport oxygen? How is carbon dioxide transported? What are the adaptations seen in deep-diving mammals?
Chap 43 – The Body Defenses - What is the difference between specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms? What are
the two types of innate immunity? What are the different types of barrier defenses in invertebrates? Vertebrates? What
are the different types of internal defenses? What are lysozymes? Hemocytes? What are the different types of
phagocytic white blood cells discussed in class? What is the inflammatory response? What are antimicrobial proteins?
What is interferon? Compliment proteins? What are natural killer cells? What is the difference between humoral and
cell-mediated immune responses? What are the two types of lymphocytes discussed in class? What are epitopes? Know
the different structures of B and T cells? Know the two types of major histocompatibility complexes. What are
antibodies? What is the difference between the primary and secondary response? What is the difference between helper
T cells and cytotoxic T cells? What are plasma B cells and memory B cells? What are antibodies? What is the difference
between active and passive immunity? What are the abnormal immune responses discussed in class?
Chap 48 – 49 – Nervous System - Know the overview of the nervous system. Know the structure of neurons (cell body,
dendrites, axons, myelin sheaths, schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, node of Ranvier, synaptic terminals, ganglia, nuclei).
What is a reflex? What is a neural signal? What is a membrane potential? Threshold potential? Action potential? (know
the four stages) Know the propagation of an action potential (What is a refractory period?) What is salatory conduction?
How do synapses communicate? Know the steps of a chemical synapse? Know the different types of nervous systems.
Know the sections of a vertebrate nervous system (central vs. peripheral, sensory vs. motor, autonomic vs. somatic,
sympathetic vs. parasympathetic). Know the parts of the brain discussed in class. What are the five types of sensory
receptors? Know examples of each. Know the evolution of the eye. Know the diagram and parts of a single lens eye.
How do we focus? What is myopia? hyperopia? Astigmatism? Know the structure of the human ear. What makes up
sound? What parts are used for equilibrium? What is chemoreception? What are the different muscle types? How does
a muscle actually contract? Know the sliding filament model.