Deb Woodard, UMKC School Counseling Coordinator 2014 - 2015 UMKC School Counseling PRoBE Project (Partnerships in Results Based Evaluations) CPCE 5575B & C: School Counseling Internship CPCE 5575A – You may begin this project during your first internship semester in order to have enough time to assess the need, implement the intervention, collect data and analyze your results. If your project is finished before the final portfolio submission, your reviewers will be able to see and comment on it Your assignment is to create a presentation of a counseling program intervention using data to both identify the need and to analyze the results. Your work will be based on the ASCA National Model, the Missouri Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program, and/or the Kansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program. Your presentation of this information should be brief, to the point, and be usable for audiences such as administrators, board members, parents, etc. who may not understand your role or who you may be trying to influence. There are some PRoBE projects on the DESE (MO Department of Elementary and Secondary School) website that will help you see how many counselors are using this tool. Four of those projects come from UMKC grads. No two projects can or should look alike, as you are developing them based on your school, your existing data, your needs assessment, the intervention you choose to do, and the data you collect before and after the intervention to see how it worked. Step by step instructions: Please note the details 1. Select a problem you would like to address for the school where you are doing your internship. HOW? You will first want to find the preliminary existing data based on that school. The information you will be looking for will be items such as attendance, academic, or behavioral issues, test results, graduation rates, etc. This is not demographic information. However, it helps to gather and share some of that information as you relate the problem. You will also get data directly from your own needs assessment. (This should be a survey of teachers, students, parents, etc.). It will tell you how to approach the problem. Consider how the needs of the students relate to the problem you have identified in the existing data and how you can intervene to impact student success and demonstrate a percentage of change in attendance, academics, behavior, test results, graduation rates, etc. Be sure that you have consulted with your administrator and site supervisor or fellow counselor(s) about existing data collection, your needs assessment, and the resulting intervention. Submit a signed copy of the PRoBE Project Consultation Agreement that states that the Intern and administrator, sites supervisor, and other counselor(s) have all discussed the collected existing school data, needs assessment, problem area, and possible intervention to be used to fulfill the PRoBE project requirements. You will need to scan the final copy of this agreement so that it can be uploaded to LiveText with the rest of your project. 2. Decide on an appropriate intervention based on your existing data and needs assessments and consultation with the administrator and site supervisor or fellow counselor(s). Deb Woodard, UMKC School Counseling Coordinator 2014 - 2015 3. Generate a pre and post survey to use to evaluate the impact of your intervention. 4. Implement the intervention (If you are facilitating a group, you will want to hold a series of sessions to evaluate results; if you are teaching core curriculum, you will want to design and deliver a unit of lessons to base your pre and post survey assessment on, etc.) 5. Analyze the results. Consider how your intervention impacted both the students involved and whatever outcome you were trying to achieve (e.g. change in attendance, number of referrals to the office, graduation rate, involvement in violence or other unhealthy behaviors, etc.) You want a percentage of change in those areas you looked at related to your existing data. Your needs assessment data will support that, and your pre and post surveys will tell you the outcome for students as well as school. 6. Produce a short Project Brief that should: Be a one page handout, brochure or flier for your audience (school stakeholders or fellow students) that is clear and readable. This handout, brochure or flier will help you summarize some of the items that you do not want to take a great deal of time presenting, including: Your school’s mission statement, the school counseling department’s beliefs and philosophy, your counseling mission statement, and your counseling vision statement. A brief description of the developmental characteristics of the students involved in your project and the relevance of their needs to your selected problem and intervention. (This should not simply be a list of characteristics. There should be a direct relationship between the characteristics discussed and the problem at hand. You will also want to consider the response of a parent of family member when including these characteristics). The IDEAS process and Data Analysis for School Counselors Identification of ONE issue, need or problem you will address in your project. Description of the situation, using SIMS (students involved, intervention, measurements, & settings). Existing data collection (see description above). Use both the existing data and your own needs assessment to create this data collection. Be sure, however, that you do not consider them as the same thing. Analysis of the data from the pre and post surveys created to demonstrate the impact of your intervention (using scores, means, and percentages in graph form). Again, this data should reflect the impact on students and on your original problem (attendance, grades, behavior, etc.) You are working here for Outcome Data. Summary of your findings, including recommendations for improvement and suggestions for further research. 7. Create a short presentation to be used with an audience of school board members, administrators, fellow counselors, parents, etc. Use Prezi, a traditional PowerPoint. or other creative technology to create your presentation. Add unusual formats, audio or video bits, clip art, graphs, pictures from the web or from the school (with permission). Make it stand out while making sure that all of the elements above have been included. Showcase: A brief introduction to the school/you. A statement of the issue or problem and your rationale for selecting it. The IDEAS process (one slide with general statements) The SIMS (one slide with general statements) Intervention details in 2 - 3 slides Include only the salient information about how you worked with the students (e.g. your favorite strategy or lesson) Deb Woodard, UMKC School Counseling Coordinator 2014 - 2015 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The measurements you used and what you discovered (your final data analysis based on your pre and post survey) and how it relates to the existing data that helped you identify the problem. What data was collected? What was the outcome? What percentage of change did you note? What changes you would make in the future and why. A reference list in APA format. A thank you and your contact information Present your PRoBE to a stakeholder(s) in your school or district. You may use the principal, the teachers, the school board, or a group of counselors. You will want the presentation to be short and clear (7 - 10 minutes, 12 minutes with questions). Remember: Your introduction of the intervention can change the impact of your presentation! Have the audience members complete a review of the presentation to be turned in with your final product. You must have at least one review, and you are strongly encouraged to have more. Share the presentation, your project brief handout, and a summary of the feedback you received from the stakeholders at your school/district with your fellow classmates. Provide: the professor with a well-organized notebook that includes a copy of all materials. You will need to so some planning in advance to make sure that you have sufficient time for the printing. Add all elements of your presentation to your portfolio: TaskStream: Standard #10 LiveText: Program Goal # 11 (Remember, if your project is finished before the final submission date, it will allow the reviewers to see and comment on it) Submit all elements to LiveText for evaluation. They must be in a Zipfile. The final review will be completed within LiveText and will be based on a five point rubric. The due date for submission to LiveText will be: Use the data to improve your program, to communicate to stakeholders (e.g., parents, fellow teachers, administrators, school boards), and to tell others how your program is making a positive difference in the lives of students in your school! Be sure that you share! Additional Consideration: If you create a Prezi and publish it on the web, it is available to be found by others. That is not a problem. I just want you to be aware of that dynamic.