Theme essay organizer

Name _______________________
Date ______________
8th LA
Period ____________
Analyzing a Theme – Response to Literature
Task – Write a five (5) paragraph essay that identifies the theme of your book club
book and includes three (3) examples from the book that support this theme.
Each example (support paragraph) must include a direct quote from the book that
is parenthetically documented. A Works Cited page is also required.
The theme, or moral, is a message that the reader gets from a story. It could be a
short lesson about life. It tells how the author feels about life or human nature.
Because the theme is a message, it must be expressed in a complete sentence.
Sometimes the author doesn't tell you what the theme is. You may have to figure
it out from the text. A few themes common in literature are listed below. There
are many others that are NOT included on this list.
Man is man's worst enemy.
Good is stronger than evil.
A person grows by facing obstacles.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Society and a person's inner nature are always at war.
Social influences determine a person's final destiny.
A person's identity is determined by place in society.
There are few friends who will make extreme sacrifices.
Step #1 – Identify some possible themes for your book. Remember – a theme
does not mention a specific character or specifics from the story.
Now choose the one you can best support with evidence from the text.
Step #2 – Identify three reasons (evidence from the text) that support this theme
1. _____________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________( )
2. _____________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________( )
3. _____________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________( )
Step #3 – Create an organizer, paragraph by paragraph
Paragraph #1
Opening Hook – Pull the reader into your essay by using one of the hook types
from the mini lesson.
Write about 3-4 sentences that provide a brief summary of the piece of literature
(include title of the book and the author’s name)
End with theme - Your thesis will tell the reader what the analysis of this theme
will reveal about the book. Write your thesis in an analytical argumentative way.
Explain what the theme makes the reader realize about one aspect of the book,
such as a character, the setting, or life.
Support Paragraph #1 Pick one scene from the book and demonstrate how this
scene relates to the theme.
Introductory sentence
Write no more than 2-3 sentences to summarize this scene. Explain what is
happening in the scene. For example, if you are applying the theme to a
character, pick one scene that strictly connects the theme with this character.
Pick one brief quote from this scene that supports the direction of your essay. The
quote from the text should show how this theme reveals the aspect that you are
writing about. (page ___________)
Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of the scene and quote. The analysis
should include an explanation of this scene and quote, and it should tell WHY this
scene is important and what it reveals about the theme.
Support Paragraph #1 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of this
paragraph to the next paragraph.
Support Paragraph #2 Pick one scene from the book and demonstrate how this
scene relates to the theme.
Introductory sentence
Write no more than 2-3 sentences to summarize this scene. Explain what is
happening in the scene. For example, if you are applying the theme to a
character, pick one scene that strictly connects the theme with this character.
Pick one brief quote from this scene that supports the direction of your essay. The
quote from the text should show how this theme reveals the aspect that you are
writing about. (page ___________)
Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of the scene and quote. The analysis
should include an explanation of this scene and quote, and it should tell WHY this
scene is important and what it reveals about the theme.
Support Paragraph #2 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of this
paragraph to the next paragraph.
Support Paragraph #3 Pick one scene from the book and demonstrate how this
scene relates to the theme.
Introductory sentence
Write no more than 2-3 sentences to summarize this scene. Explain what is
happening in the scene. For example, if you are applying the theme to a
character, pick one scene that strictly connects the theme with this character.
Pick one brief quote from this scene that supports the direction of your essay. The
quote from the text should show how this theme reveals the aspect that you are
writing about. (page ___________)
Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of the scene and quote. The analysis
should include an explanation of this scene and quote, and it should tell WHY this
scene is important and what it reveals about the theme.
Support Paragraph #3 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of this
paragraph to the next paragraph.
Conclusion/Ending Paragraph
Write 1-2 sentences and use different words that re-state your thesis as noted in
your introduction.
Write 3-4 sentences that briefly re-mention all the specific scenes that you choose
from support paragraphs 1, 2, and 3.
The clincher - Write 2-3 sentences that contain a thoughtful, intelligent thought
that seal off the entire essay and leave the reader with something to think about
regarding the book.
All submissions must be typed & double-spaced!
Introductory paragraph due ____________
Support paragraph #3 due _____________
Support paragraph #1 due _____________
Conclusion paragraph due _____________
Support paragraph #2 due _____________
Five paragraph essay due _____________
Creating a theme essay, step-by step
Step #1 – Identify some possible themes for you
book or story. Remember – a theme does not
mention a specific character or specifics from the
story. Now choose the one you can best support
with evidence from the text.
Step #2 – Identify three reasons (evidence from the
text) that support this theme
Step #3 – Create an organizer, paragraph by
----------------BEGIN CREATING YOUR ESSAY-----------Paragraph #1
Step #1 – Identify some possible themes for your
book. Remember – a theme does not mention a
specific character or specifics from the story. Now
choose the one you can best support with evidence
from the text.
Step #2 – Identify three reasons (evidence from the
text) that support this theme
Step #3 – Create an organizer, paragraph by
Paragraph #1 – Introduce the essay
 Opening Hook - Pull the reader into your essay
by using one of the hook types from the mini
 Write about 3-4 sentences that provide a brief
summary of the piece of literature (include title
of the book and the author’s name)
 End with theme - Your thesis will tell the reader
what the analysis of this theme will reveal
about the book. Write your thesis in an
analytical argumentative way. Explain what the
theme makes the reader realize about one
aspect of the book, such as a character, the
setting, or life (without mentioning the book or
a character specifically).
Support Paragraph #1 Pick one scene from the
book and demonstrate how this scene relates to the
 Introductory sentence
 Write no more than 2-3 sentences to
summarize this scene. For example, if you are
applying the theme to a character, then pick
one scene that strictly connects the theme with
this character. (WHAT is going on?)
 Pick one brief quote from this scene that
supports the direction of your essay. The quote
from the text should show how this theme
reveals the aspect that you are writing about.
(page ___________)
 Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of
the scene and quote. The analysis should
include an explanation of this scene and quote,
and it should tell what this scene and quote
reveal about the theme and aspect that you are
writing about. (WHY is this important?)
 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of
this paragraph to the next paragraph.
Quoting a quote
“‘I expect students to listen,’ stated Ms. Jones”
(Goodman 213).
Support Paragraph #2 Pick one scene from the
book and demonstrate how this scene relates to the
 Introductory sentence - Write no more than 2-3
sentences to summarize this scene. For
example, if you are applying the theme to a
character, then pick one scene that strictly
connects the theme with this character.
 Pick one brief quote from this scene that
supports the direction of your essay. The quote
from the text should show how this theme
reveals the aspect that you are writing about.
(page ___________)
 Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of
the scene and quote. The analysis should
include an explanation of this scene and quote,
and it should tell what this scene and quote
reveal about the theme and aspect that you are
writing about.
 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of
this paragraph to the next paragraph.
Support Paragraph #3 Pick one scene from the
book and demonstrate how this scene relates to the
 Introductory sentence - Write no more than 2-3
sentences to summarize this scene. For
example, if you are applying the theme to a
character, then pick one scene that strictly
connects the theme with this character.
 Pick one brief quote from this scene that
supports the direction of your essay. The quote
from the text should show how this theme
reveals the aspect that you are writing about.
(page ___________)
 Write 2- 3 sentences that provide an analysis of
the scene and quote. The analysis should
include an explanation of this scene and quote,
and it should tell what this scene and quote
reveal about the theme and aspect that you are
writing about.
 Transition Sentence – connects the main idea of
this paragraph to the next paragraph.
Conclusion/Ending Paragraph
 Write 1-2 sentences and use different words
that re-state your thesis as noted in your
 Write 3-4 sentences that briefly re-mention all
the specific scenes that you choose from
support paragraphs 1, 2, and 3.
 The clincher - Write 2-3 sentences that contain
a thoughtful, intelligent thought that seal off
the entire essay and leave the reader with
something to think about regarding the book.
Work Cited
Crowe, Chris. Mississippi Trial, 1955. New York:
Penguin Group, 2003.