Month / Day / Year ______/____/_____ FINAL REPORT 2015 U.S.-Russia Travel Grants Award Number: ____________________ Primary Applicant Name: ______________________ Institution: ____________________ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This document contains information and instructions necessary for you to complete the final status report of your CRDF Global travel award. The Final Report serves several important functions to CRDF Global and its funders and is used as: An essential component of CRDF Global’s due diligence activities; A metric for gauging the impact of CRDF Global’s programs; An opportunity for grantees to suggest areas for improvement; Publicity and marketing information (with the approval of the participants) to advance CRDF Global’s mission and activities All answers provided in this document should be typed within the non-shaded text boxes. Please note that final reports are due within thirty (30) days of the return of your trip. Failure to provide the required information will delay final payments of your grant and may jeopardize your ability to participate in future CRDF Global funding opportunities. All questions contained within this template must be answered completely (unless otherwise stated in red text) and accurately to the best of your knowledge and ability. Incomplete reports will be returned and you will be required to remediate any missing information. When finished, please submit the completed report electronically to Additional questions, comments, and supplemental information may also be sent to this address. Page | 1 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. SECTION I: TRAVEL GRANT RESULTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS BRIEF STATEMENT OF MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Instructions: Please state major accomplishments made possible by receiving your CRDF Global grant. Refer back to your proposal to compare your original goals and objectives. Major Accomplishments and Results: What did the travel grant allow you to accomplish that you would not otherwise have been able to? How did the travel grant enable you to do this? Is there anything you would have done differently to improve your experience in terms of fostering a more productive trip? Page | 2 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. PUBLIC SUMMARY Instructions: This section is only required if the travel grant was used to conduct research. Briefly explain the technical research you conducted during your trip and the results of the research. The summary also should highlight how this research builds upon the previous CGP grant, or was a new direction for the researchers. Identify, if any, new collaborators or opportunities to conduct research. Also indicate plans for future research and collaboration as a results of this travel award. Using the template below as guidance, please provide your public summary in the blank text box located at the end of this section. The public summary should NOT be in outline format – rather, the outline is to check that you have addressed all relevant topics in your summary. Note: CRDF Global may use the public summary in publicly-distributed documents and other materials. Do not include proprietary or business-sensitive information. RECOMMENDED PUBLIC SUMMARY OUTLINE: Goals (list) Research Problem Statement: This should include a brief statement about the research problem you attempted to solve New Directions in Research: Describe how this research builds upon the research previously conducted with your original CGP grant. In addition, describe how this research was innovative, or a new direction for your research areas. Include, if any, new collaborations formed as a result of this grant. Summary of Research Findings and Research Impacts When thinking about research impacts, we encourage you to consider the kind of impact your research has on local, national, regional, and international levels. Examples include: • • • Benefit to Institution Furthering Knowledge in the Research Field Potential Applications (Solving societal problems and/or providing basis for commercial applications) Plans for Future Activities Describe next steps you and your collaborators will take to continue the research. Examples include, submitting a research proposal to a funding organization, future site visits, publishing a joint-article, etc. Page | 3 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. Public Summary: Page | 4 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. SECTION II: TRAVEL GRANT RELATED PUBLICATIONS& PRESENTATIONS Instructions: This section is required only if one of the original goals of the travel grant was to present at a conference, or prepare manuscripts for publication. Please refer back to your original proposal. In this section, please list the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) Peer reviewed journal publications; and Other non-peer reviewed journals; and Conference presentation; or If no publications resulted from you’re travel grant (and you originally intended to), please provide an explanation why, and a plan for publishing in the future. Please use the format provided below to list all publications and presentations. For a journal or magazine article: Format: Author Name(s). “Article Title.” Journal Name Volume (Year): Page Numbers. (Country of publication) Note: It is imperative to list the country of publication in addition to other citation information. Please do not abbreviate the titles of journals or other publications. Please do not include abstracts from conferences and conference proceedings. Such abstracts should be cited in Section VI, Conference Presentation List. If you include items that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted for publication, please clearly mark these items as “submitted” at the end of the citation. Example: Feldstein, M.M., I.M. Raigarodskii, A.L. Iordanskii, and J. Hadgraft. “Modeling of percutaneous drug transport in vitro using skin-imitating Carbosil membrane.” Journal of Controlled Release 52 (1998): 2540. (Country of publication) For a conference presentation or paper: Format: Presenter’s Name(s). “Presentation Title, (Type of Presentation*), Conference/Workshop Name, Dates of Conference, Location of Conference. Note: For “Type of Presentation,” please indicate either “Oral Presentation” or “Poster Presentation.” Example: KIordanskii, A. L. “Diffusion Modeling of the Propranol Drug Delivery from a Hydrophilic Transdermal Therapeutic System,” (Oral Presentation), Third Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery, September 6-9, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal. Page | 5 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. Peer-Reviewed Publications and Presentation: For publications: if the article is not ready for submission to a journal, please provide the working title and potential journals to submit to below. For presentation: please include the number of people who attended the presentation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. If you do not have any project-related publications or presentations to cite, please explain: 2. Are you planning on publishing or presenting in the near future again? ___Yes ___No 3. If yes, please provide details about planned publications, including the expected journal/book title(s) and submission date(s), dates and locations of the respective conferences. Page | 6 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. SECTION III: NEW LINKAGES Did you or other travelers supported by this grant establish new professional linkages with researchers, educators, industry professionals, or other institutions? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, please fill out the table below. (Insert additional rows as necessary.) Name, Institution Areas of Interest Purpose of Linkages Established Research Education Industry ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Have these linkages resulted in any new potential projects or activities?If so, please describe any planned activities or achievements. Examples include, but are not limited to, new research collaborations, a new funding opportunity or joint proposal, Memorandum of Understanding, or faculty and student exchanges. How did the travel grants allow you to form these new linkages? Please explain: Page | 7 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. SECTION IV: BENEFITS FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS If applicable, describe how this travel award benefited young researchers (students, post-doctorate researchers, or young scientists who have received their Ph.D. within 5 years). What opportunities did they have that they would not otherwise as a result of this travel award? SECTION V: TRAININGS, WORKSHOPS & LECTURES If applicable, describe any trainings, workshops, lectures or other educational activities that occurred as a result of this travel grant. Please provide details including who gave the lecture, the number of people in attendance, and the beneficiaries of the training. SECTION VI: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (optional) CRDF Global appreciates receiving supplemental information, such as photographs, publicity articles, publication copies, Power Point presentations, or other materials. Please send such materials along with your Final Report to If you submit photographs, please be sure to identify all persons pictured and indicate their roles in the CRDF Global project. Please be aware that unless you indicate otherwise, CRDF Global reserves the right to use photographs and other materials above in publicly distributed CRDF Global documents. Please list any supplemental information you provided 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page | 8 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. SECTION VII: CRDF GLOBAL AWARD ADMINISTRATION 1. Did you encounter any administrative difficulties during the course of this project? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, please identify the type of problems encountered. Check all that apply. ☐Visa issues ☐Airfare/transportation issues ☐Hotel/lodging issues ☐Advance payment issues ☐Reimbursement issues ☐Communication with CRDF Global staff ☐Other: (please describe in box below) Please describe any problems you encountered in more detail: 2. On a scale from 1 to 6 (where 1 is poor and 6 is excellent), please assess your satisfaction with theindicators below. Please check one box only. Poor Fair Neutral Good Very Good Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Communication with CRDF Global program staff ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Communication with CRDF Global grants and contracts staff ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Overall performance of CRDF Global in administering your award ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 3. You are welcome to provide any additional comments about your experience with the travel grant its administrative staff, or about CRDF Global’s grants and programs. Thank you for participating in the Cooperative Grants Program! In 6 months we will ask you to fill also out survey regarding other outcomes from this travel grant. We thank you for your cooperation. Page | 9 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection. Final Report Checklist Please make sure that all sections listed below are included and properly indicated in your report. For your own reference, review your final report and check off each item that is included. Section I: Travel Grant Results &Accomplishments ☐ Brief Statement of Major Accomplishments ☐ Public Summary (for research projects, if applicable) Section II: Bibliography of Travel Grant-Related Publications& Conference Presentations (if applicable) ☐ Peer Reviewed Journals List ☐ Other Non-Peer Reviewed Journals List ☐Project-Related Conference Presentation List ☐Plans for publishing or presenting Section III: New Linkages Section IV: Benefits for Young Researchers Section V: Trainings, Workshops & Lectures Section VI: Supplemental Information (optional) Do you have supplemental information you would like to include: ☐ Yes ☐ List of Supplemental Information (if applicable) ☐ No Section VII: CRDF Global Award Administration Email this completed form to Page | 10 If your version of Microsoft Word does not support check-boxes, please mark an “X” next to your answer to indicate selection.