Annual Responsible Investment / ESG template Used by clients to

Green Investment
Annual Responsible Investment / ESG
As part of its Responsible Investment Policy, the UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) requires its clients
to report on material environmental and social issues arising on projects – the templates in this
document are examples of the form of reporting that can be used for this purpose.
Also provided is the template annual management representation letter which can be used to fulfil
annual reporting obligations.
Appendix A - Event Reporting:
A template to be used for the ad hoc reporting of material environmental and social issues as
soon as possible after any issue arises.
Appendix B – Annual Reporting (including Green Impact Report):
A template which can be used for the annual management representation cover letter (including
the Green Impact Report submission).
 Annual Green Impact Reporting Template submission can be appended to this letter
 Table 1 – a template to be used for the aggregate annual reporting summary of all material
environmental and social events during the year, (as reported above) including an update of the
latest status of action plans; and
 Table 2 – a template for annual reporting of all environmental and social improvements.
Appendix A: Material Event Report Template (for ad hoc reporting)
1: Material Event Report: [Insert Date] [project]
Event Description
Nature of
and social event
Detail of E&S
Action to
Timeline to
Diesel spill to surface
On 1st August, at the
The Environment
Completed actions
Action to resolve
forklift truck refilling
Agency was
impacted area
to resolve immediate
station, a diesel line
advised and water
and the
connected to the fuel
samples were
tank cracked and 1500
Retraining of site
litres of diesel leaked
Replace the
correspondence with
personnel in
into a drain and entered
the Environment
the River Rio. Upon
pipeline. Seal
observing the leak the
drain to
tank stopcock was
prevent further
Install spill
Agency response
(expected within 2
Appendix B: Annual Management Representation Template
UK Green Investment Bank plc
Atria One
Level 7
144 Morrison Street Edinburgh
Annual Environmental and Social reporting relating to [insert Project name]
Annual Environmental Compliance Report
Attached is our submission of a summary of Environmental and Social matters for the year ending
[insert year end date] including:
All materially adverse environmental issues notified to GIB in accordance with clause [●] of the
[Facility Agreement] and the action taken or intended to be taken including the status of progress
against the action plan, together with all relevant material adverse social issues in accordance with
clause [●] of the [Facility Agreement].
Opportunities for improvement in and/or progress made to improve the management of environmental
matters, in accordance with clause [●] of the [Facility Agreement]
In accordance with clause [●] of the [Facility Agreement], we also confirm that to the best of our
knowledge, other than as reported in this submission, the project is:
1. In material compliance with all relevant Environmental Laws and Environmental
Authorisations, the Environmental Polices and the Environmental Management system (each
as defined in the [Facility Agreement]); and
2. There have been no other material and reportable environmental, health and safety events.
3. [Insert other sector-specific / Equator Principles covenant compliance reporting]
Annual Green Impact Report (see separate excel template)
Also attached is our submission of certain Green Impact data for the year ending [insert year end date
between 31 Dec and 31 March], in accordance with clause [●] of the [Facility Agreement] and using
the Green Impact Report Template for reporting green data.
We hereby confirm that so far as we are aware the data contained in this submission are consistent
with the project’s financial and operating performance, are true and accurate in all material respects
and no data given or omitted that would make the data reported untrue or misleading.
For and on behalf of [the client],
[Authorised Signatory]
1: Annual Environmental and Social Report [project]
[aggregate of above reports submitted]
Event Description
Nature of material
and social event
Detail of E&S
Action to
Timeline to
2: Annual Environmental and Social Report [project]
environmental and social improvements made during the year: [Insert Date]
Environmental and spill response training of all staff.
Annual Responsible Investment Report Narrative:
[Add 2 paragraphs summarising the Responsible Investment / environmental and social aspects for the year.]
Copyright © UK Green Investment Bank plc
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UK Green Investment Bank plc is a public company with limited liability, registered in Scotland with the number SC424067 and
is wholly owned by HM Government. Registered Office: Atria One, Level 7, 144 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EX. UK
Green Investment Bank plc is wholly owned by HM Government. The company is not authorised or regulated by the Financial
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