Devon Strategic Partnership Board 2.00p.m Friday 19th July 2013

Devon Strategic Partnership Board
2.00p.m Friday 19th July 2013
Ansell Room, Coaver, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD
Minutes of meeting
Cllr John Hart, DCC (Chair)
Lucy Hunt, Environment Agency
Paul Davies, Devon and Cornwall Police
Nora Corkery, representing the Voluntary and Community Sector
Karen Hooper, Dept. of Work and Pensions
Jenny Winslade, NEW (north east west) Clinical Commissioning Group
Richard Sheard, South Hams and West Devon Councils (representing District
Phil Norrey, DCC
(Caroline Rae, DCC)
Apologies: Diana Crump (Voluntary and Community Sector) and Rebecca Harriott
(NEW CCG) – both sent apologies and deputies. Cllr Jeremy Christophers,
representing District Leaders did not attend.
1. Election of Chair. Cllr John Hart was re-elected as Chair
2. Minutes of last meeting. The minutes were accepted. There were no matters
arising not on the agenda.
3. Devon Strategic Partnership conference (24th May 2013) feedback: Richard
Sheard fed back to the group about the recent conference.
a. Localism. He noted that there was a consensus about wanting to
make localism work, despite some scepticism that localism was
linked to cutting services. The Board noted that a lot of work was
already happening whilst recognising that most localism happens
without public sector involvement or knowledge. It may be useful to
map what is underway in general terms, with some detail from each
partner, and develop a narrative of where we might want to be in 5
years’ time. It was agreed to set up a Task and Finish Group to look
at this, to be led by Richard Sheard.
b. Economic aspects of localism. Some really good ideas came out of
the afternoon session of the conference, but it was recognised that
the timing needs to be right to be able to implement any of them. It
was agreed to concentrate on the aspects of localism as discussed
in 3a. above, and leave the economic aspects until opportunity
presented itself. However it was agreed to send the ideas through to
Keri Denton (Head of Economy Devon County Council) to see if she
had opportunity to take anything forward.
4. DSP Food Task and Finish Group. Martyn Goss, Chair of the Food Task
and Finish Group presented the group’s interim report. The Board discussed
the report and its timeliness given the current publicity regarding child
poverty in the south west that had been published that day.
The Board asked about the group and a membership list is attached.
Food T&F group
The recommendations were strongly supported.
5. DSP Welfare Reform Advisory Group (WAG). Karen Hooper presented two
briefing papers. The first concerned the Local Support Services Framework
and the potential for the Welfare Reform Advisory Group to act in a strategic
role. The second briefing was about Devon Digital Group. Both papers were
noted. The Board supported the continued work of the Welfare Reform
Advisory Group in understanding what is happening and needed to support
people, and to explore the potential of a strategic role in relation to the
LSSF. Paul Davies offered to circulate a redacted version of their draft
strategic plan.
DSP workshop Friday 15th Nov 2013 9.30a.m. – 1.00p.m.
DSP Board meeting, Wednesday 18th December 2.00p.m.
DSP Board meeting, Thursday 13th February 2014 2.00p.m.
DSP workshop Friday 9th June 2014 9.30 a.m. -1.00p.m
DSP Board Meeting Friday 18th July 2014 2.00p.m.
(all meetings at County Hall Exeter, exact room to be advised)
Set up localism Task and Finish Group
Economic aspects of localism
Food group to continue
Draft strategic plan circulated
Caroline to coordinate
with Richard
Caroline to send ideas
to Keri Denton
Caroline to liaise with
Martyn Goss
Paul Davies