stringiness of noodles

Objective of Investigation: To determine the stringiness of HOCHIAK noodles
Problem Statement: To investigate how the duration of time, t, that noodles are cooked affect the
extension, e𝒂𝒗𝒆 , of the HOCHIAK noodles.
Independent Variable: Time take to cook noodles, t.
Dependent Variable: The extension of noodles, e𝒂𝒗𝒆.
Control Variables: Equal amount of water, 300 millimeters, for each experiment, the setting of the gas
stove at the maximum setting and the equal mass of 2 gram applied on noodles cooked for different
Apparatus: Supply of Water, measuring cylinder and beaker, 1-litre pot, gas stove with 3 settings, lighter,
metre rule, chopsticks, slotted masses of 2 gram and HOCHIAK noodles of equal length 10cm, breadth of
4cm, and mass of 20g, stopwatch to take time, retort stand.
Figure A
Step 1: Using a measuring cylinder, and beaker if necessary, pour in 300 ml of water into the 1-litre pot.
Step 2: Cut a piece of noodles such that the initial length when it is uncooked is 10cm and the width 4cm,
and the mass of the noodle should also be fixed, at around 20g. Keep the initial dimensions and lengths
and masses equal throughout the experiment.
Step 3: Observing safety rules, ignite the gas stove with a lighter and turn in to the maximum setting.
Step 4: While immediately adding in the noodle piece, start timing using the stopwatch.
Step 5: After a fixed amount of time, t, carefully remove the noodles from the pot using chopsticks.
Step 6: Calculate the initial length of the two strands of the cooked noodles as L𝒐
Step 7: Suspend the noodle as shown in the diagram, and attach a metre rule by the retort stand as well
to take measurements of the extension. Ensure that the metre rule is upright and perpendicular from
the ground or retort stand.
Step 8: Clamp and hang one end of two strands of the cooked noodle on the retort stand and attach the
mass of 2 grams on the other end as seen in the diagram, Figure A.
Step 9: Using the metre rule and reading at eye level, take the reading of the one strand of the stretched
noodle as L𝟏.
Step 10: Calculate the extension, e𝟏, where e𝟏 = L𝟏 – L𝒐.
Step 11: Taking the other strand of noodles, take the reading of the stretched noodle as L2.
Step 12: Taking the other strand of noodles, calculate the extension e𝟐 = L2 – L𝒐. Hence calculate e𝒂𝒗𝒆,
the average of the two extensions e𝟏 and e𝟐.
Step 13: Remove the clamped noodles and wash up the masses to ensure that there is no residue.
Step 14: Repeat Steps 1 to 13 with 5 more different values of t, though ensure that the amount of water
used, the size and dimensions and mass of the initially uncooked noodles, the setting of the stove and
load hung on the noodle strand are all kept constant throughout.
Step 15: Tabulate all readings in the table below.
t / sec
L𝟏 / m
e𝟏 / m
L𝟐 / m
e𝟐 / m
e𝒂𝒗𝒆 / m
Step 16: Plot a graph of e𝒂𝒗𝒆 against t. Determine the gradient and comment on the relationship
between e𝒂𝒗𝒆 and t. As e𝒂𝒗𝒆 is the dependent variable, plot it on the y-axis, make sure to include
units, thus vertical y-axis should be e𝒂𝒗𝒆 /m. As t is the independent variable, plot t on the horizontal
x-axis and include units, thus x-axis should be t / s.
Step 17: Assuming that the e𝒂𝒗𝒆 is the stringiness, the maximum distance the noodle stretches before
it breaks, thus with a graph of e𝒂𝒗𝒆 or stringiness against t, you will be able to determine the
stringiness of the noodles and draw a conclusion to the stringiness of the noodle. Thus draw a
conclusion and comment on the relationship between time taken to cook the noodles, t, and the
stringiness of the noodles, e𝒂𝒗𝒆.
Step 18: Identify any key sources of error and explain how they affect the accuracy of the readings.
Sevilla Chea (29) 3SY 2013