Application Form to IPBES Work Programme This is the web based application form to register your nomination to become an expert to those deliverables of the IPBES work programme that the current call for nomination is addressing. Please follow the link to see the letter of Professor Zakri Abdul Hamid, Chair of IPBES, which further specifies the call for nominations and the nomination procedure. Interested experts (nominees) are requested to fill out their application form no later than 31 March 2015. Nominators (governments or organisations) should submit approved applications by 5 April 2015 at the latest. Earlier nominations are encouraged. All nominated individuals (nominees) should be requested to ensure that they are available on the dates indicated in the letter of the Chair, to participate in the relevant meetings. Experts interested in being nominated are encouraged to contact their IPBES National Focal Point or organisation contact point as they may be operating under their own timeline, within the IPBES process described here. For an effective implementation of all of these three deliverables, it is critical to include a broad variety of experts from various natural and social scientific disciplines and from indigenous and local knowledge systems, as well as policy and technical experts and practitioners. Governments and organisations nominating experts are therefore encouraged to promote this multidisciplinary approach which is fundamental to the success of IPBES. Deliverable 2(b): Regional/Subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services 2(c): Scoping process for the global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services 3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration (Quelle: Inhalt: Online-Fragen für Deliverable 2(b) S. 02 Online-Fragen für Deliverable 2(c) S.10 Online-Fragen für Deliverable 3(b)(i) S. 17 1 ONLINE-FRAGEN für Deliverable: “2(b): Regional/Subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services” 2 A. What Deliverable are you interested in? Deliverable 2(b): Regional/Subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services 2(c): Scoping process for the global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services 3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration Regions Africa: Americas: Asia-Pacific: Europe and Central Asia: Chapters of the regional/subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services (Deliverable 2(b)) Chapter 1: Setting the scene: Chapter 2: Nature’s benefits to people and quality of life: Chapter 3: Status, trends and future dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystems underpinning nature’s benefits to people: Chapter 4: Direct and indirect drivers of change in the context of different perspectives of quality of life: Chapter 5: Integrated and cross-scale analysis of interactions of the natural world and human society: Chapter 6: Options for governance, institutional arrangements and private and public decision making across scales and sectors: Coordinated approach among the approved processes for the regional/subregional assessments and the thematic assessments Deliverable 3(b)(ii): To ensure the possibility of coordination with the thematic assessment of invasive alien species when agreed it is foreseen to have 10 experts on invasive alien species within each of the regional and subregional assessments. Please check here if you are an expert on invasive alien species and willing to form part of the assessment of invasive alien species when agreed: Deliverable 3(b)(iii): To ensure the possibility of coordination with the thematic assessment of sustainable use of biodiversity when agreed it is foreseen to have 10 experts on sustainable use of biodiversity within each of the regional and subregional assessments. Please check here 3 if you are an expert on sustainable use of biodiversity and willing to form part of the assessment of sustainable use of biodiversity when agreed: Deliverable 3(b)(i): Experts of chapter 3 to chapter 8 of the thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration will perform their work as part of the regional and sub-regional assessments contributing to both the regional and sub-regional assessment and the land degradation and restoration assessment. Please register as an expert under chapter 3 to chapter 8 of Deliverable 3(b)(i) if you are interested in the regional/subregional aspects on land degradation and restoration. Chapters of the thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration (Deliverable 3 (b)(i)) Chapter 1: Benefits to people from avoidance of land degradation and restoration of degraded land: Chapter 2: Concepts and perceptions of land degradation and restoration: Chapter 3: Direct and indirect drivers of land degradation and restoration**: Chapter 4: Status and trends of land degradation and restoration and associated changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions**: Chapter 5: Land degradation and restoration associated with changes in ecosystem services and functions, and human well-being and good quality of life**: Chapter 6: Responses to avoid land degradation and restore degraded land**: Chapter 7: Scenarios of land degradation and restoration**: Chapter 8: Decision support to address land degradation and support restoration of degraded land**: ** Most experts of chapter 3 to chapter 8 of the thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration (Deliverable 3(b)(i)) will perform their work as part of the regional and subregional assessments contributing to both the regional and sub-regional assessment and the land degradation and restoration assessment. 4 B. Details of Government/Organisation supporting your nomination Please note that the Government/Organisation will be contacted to confirm your nomination Type of nominating body: Government: Organisation: Position of contact person: Full Name (nominator): First Name: Last Name: E-mail (nominator): Phone Number (nominator): Area Code Phone Number: C. Personal information of the Expert C1. General Information Full Name (nominee): First Name: Last Name/Family Name/Surname: Gender: Date of Birth: Nationality 1: Nationality 2: Residential Address: Street Address: City: State / Province: Postal / Zip Code: 5 Phone Number (nominee): E-mail (nominee): Passport Number: (required for experts that will receive financial support from IPBES) Scanned copy of Passport (to facilitate travel arrangements) C2. Employment (Please start with present/most recent employment) Position 1 Name of Employer 1: From: To: Are you presently employed here? Yes No Position 2 Name of Employer 2: From: To: 6 C3. Education (Advanced education relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Degree type: Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No C4. Expertise (Relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Please select a maximum of 3 Expertise Animal diversity: Anthropology: Agriculture: Biogeochemistry: Conservation and restoration: Direct drivers and impacts (e.g. climate change, pollution, invasive species, land degradation, land and sea use): Ecology: Economics: Ecosystem services: Evolution: 7 Extinctions: Freshwater ecosystems: Genetics: Geography: History: Indigenous and local knowledge: Interdisciplinary studies: Law: Marine ecosystems: Practitioner (e.g. natural resource management, spatial planning, protected areas) : Natural resource management: Marine systems: Microbial biodiversity: Physiology: Plant diversity: Policy making: Political sciences: Psychology: Scenarios: Sociology: Species interactions and interrelationships: Systematics and species: Techniques and measurements (e.g. remote sensing, in situ, observations, indicators, data collection): Terrestrial ecosystems: Other: …… C5. Publications (Significant publication(s) relevant to this specific Deliverable) (Year. Title. Journal/Publisher) Publication 1: Publication 2: Publication 3: Publication 4: Publication 5: 8 C6. Supporting Information CV/Resume Supporting Statement (Please describe why you are interested in contributing to this Deliverable, and contribution you would like to make): D. Other information Would you be willing to take a leading role, such as Coordinating Lead Author, in the case of an assessment, for which more time commitment is necessary? Yes No Would you be willing to be considered for any other Deliverable that you are suited for? * Yes Submit Form No Print Form 9 ONLINE-FRAGEN für Deliverable: “2(c): Scoping process for the global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services” 10 A. What Deliverable are you interested in? Deliverable 2(b): Regional/Subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services 2(c): Scoping process for the global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services 3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration B. Details of Government/Organisation supporting your nomination Please note that the Government/Organisation will be contacted to confirm your nomination Type of nominating body: Government: Organisation: Position of contact person: Full Name (nominator): First Name: Last Name: E-mail (nominator): Phone Number (nominator): Area Code Phone Number: C. Personal information of the Expert C1. General Information Full Name (nominee): First Name: Last Name/Family Name/Surname: Gender: 11 Date of Birth: Nationality 1: Nationality 2: Residential Address Street Address: City: State / Province: Postal / Zip Code: Phone Number (nominee): E-mail (nominee): Passport Number: (required for experts that will receive financial support from IPBES) Scanned copy of Passport (to facilitate travel arrangements) C2. Employment (Please start with present/most recent employment) Position 1: Name of Employer 1: From: To: Are you presently employed here? Yes No Position 2: Name of Employer 2: From: To: 12 C3. Education (Advanced education relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Degree type: Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No C4. Expertise (Relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Please select a maximum of 3 Expertise Animal diversity: Anthropology: Agriculture: Biogeochemistry: Conservation and restoration: Direct drivers and impacts (e.g. climate change, pollution, invasive species, land degradation, land and sea use): Ecology: Economics: Ecosystem services: Evolution: 13 Extinctions: Freshwater ecosystems: Genetics: Geography: History: Indigenous and local knowledge: Interdisciplinary studies: Law: Marine ecosystems: Practitioner (e.g. natural resource management, spatial planning, protected areas): Natural resource management: Marine systems: Microbial biodiversity: Physiology: Plant diversity: Policy making: Political sciences: Psychology: Scenarios: Sociology: Species interactions and interrelationships: Systematics and species: Techniques and measurements (e.g. remote sensing, in situ, observations, indicators, data collection): Terrestrial ecosystems: Other: …… C5. Publications (Significant publication(s) relevant to this specific Deliverable) (Year. Title. Journal/Publisher) Publication 1: Publication 2: Publication 3: Publication 4: Publication 5: 14 C6. Supporting Information CV/Resume Supporting Statement (Please describe why you are interested in contributing to this Deliverable, and contribution you would like to make) 15 D. Other information Would you be willing to take a leading role, such as Coordinating Lead Author, in the case of an assessment, for which more time commitment is necessary? Yes No Would you be willing to be considered for any other Deliverable that you are suited for? Yes Submit Form No Print Form 16 ONLINE-FRAGEN für Deliverable: “3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration” 17 A. What Deliverable are you interested in? Deliverable 2(b): Regional/Subregional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services 2(c): Scoping process for the global assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services 3(b)(i): Thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration Chapters of the thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration (Deliverable 3 (b)(i)) Chapter 1: Benefits to people from avoidance of land degradation and restoration of degraded land: Chapter 2: Concepts and perceptions of land degradation and restoration: Chapter 3: Direct and indirect drivers of land degradation and restoration**: Chapter 4: Status and trends of land degradation and restoration and associated changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions**: Chapter 5: Land degradation and restoration associated with changes in ecosystem services and functions, and human well-being and good quality of life**: Chapter 6: Responses to avoid land degradation and restore degraded land**: Chapter 7: Scenarios of land degradation and restoration**: Chapter 8: Decision support to address land degradation and support restoration of degraded land**: **Most experts of chapter 3 to chapter 8 of the thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration (Deliverable 3(b)(i)) will perform their work as part of the regional and subregional assessments contributing to both the regional and sub-regional assessment and the land degradation and restoration assessment. 18 B. Details of Government/Organisation supporting your nomination Please note that the Government/Organisation will be contacted to confirm your nomination Type of nominating body: Government: Organisation: Position of contact person: Full Name (nominator): First Name: Last Name: E-mail (nominator): Phone Number (nominator): Area Code Phone Number: C. Personal information of the Expert C1. General Information Full Name (nominee) First Name: Last Name/Family Name/Surname: Gender: Date of Birth: Nationality 1: Nationality 2: Residential Address Street Address: City: State / Province: 19 Postal / Zip Code: Phone Number (nominee): E-mail (nominee): Passport Number: (required for experts that will receive financial support from IPBES) Scanned copy of Passport (to facilitate travel arrangements) C2. Employment (Please start with present/most recent employment) Position 1: Name of Employer 1: From: To: Are you presently employed here? Yes No Position 2: Name of Employer 2: From: To: C3. Education (Advanced education relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Degree type: Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No 20 Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No Degree type Field of study: Name of institution: Is this ongoing? Yes No C4. Expertise (Relevant to the Deliverable mentioned above) Please select a maximum of 3 Expertise Animal diversity: Anthropology: Agriculture: Biogeochemistry: Conservation and restoration Direct drivers and impacts (e.g. climate change, pollution, invasive species, land degradation, land and sea use): Ecology: Economics: Ecosystem services: Evolution: Extinctions: Freshwater ecosystems: Genetics: Geography: History: Indigenous and local knowledge: Interdisciplinary studies: 21 Law: Marine ecosystems: Practitioner (e.g. natural resource management, spatial planning, protected areas): Natural resource management: Marine systems: Microbial biodiversity: Physiology: Plant diversity: Policy making: Political sciences: Psychology: Scenarios: Sociology: Species interactions and interrelationships: Systematics and species: Techniques and measurements (e.g. remote sensing, in situ, observations, indicators, data collection): Terrestrial ecosystems: Other: …… C5. Publications (Significant publication(s) relevant to this specific Deliverable) (Year. Title. Journal/Publisher) Publication 1: Publication 2: Publication 3: Publication 4: Publication 5: C6. Supporting Information CV/Resume Supporting Statement (Please describe why you are interested in contributing to this Deliverable, and contribution you would like to make) 22 D. Other information Would you be willing to take a leading role, such as Coordinating Lead Author, in the case of an assessment, for which more time commitment is necessary? Yes No Would you be willing to be considered for any other Deliverable that you are suited for? Yes Submit Form No Print Form 23