Press release - The Children`s Society

Carol singing template press release
Your fantastic carol singing event could make a great local interest story for the regional
newspapers and would be a great way to recruit more singers or attendees.
Below is an easy to use template you can use and here are some top tips to help you:
In the press release (below) there are words/sentences highlighted in red. These are for
you to replace with the relevant information about your carol singing event.
Please only change the sentences highlighted in red as the rest of the release includes the
additional details about The Children’s Society that the paper will want to know about. It is
also important that these are consistent.
Once you have filled in the appropriate areas, the press release is ready to be emailed to
your local media. Do this at least 2 weeks before the event.
There might be one or more newspapers relevant to your area so why not try them all.
You should be able to find the contact details in your newspaper, on the internet or in the
Yellow Pages.
It is best to send the press release to the ‘news desk’ – if you have trouble finding the right
email address simply give the paper a call and ask.
It is more likely that your story will make the newspaper if you provide fun and interesting
pictures to bring the story to life such as photos of previous events.
It is worth following up with a phone call a few days later.
If you need any help and support please contact Jemma Mahon, fundraising media officer at The
Children’s Society
Office number: 020 7841 4520
Mobile number: 077 2041 8670
Church of England Children’s Society
Company No. 40004
Charity Registration No. 221124
Registered Office:
Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London, WC1X 0JL
A company limited by guarantee
Royal President:
HRH The Duchess of Gloucester GCVO
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York
Carol Singing Press Release template
For immediate release: [insert date e.g.: Monday 29 September 2014]
Sing to support children living in poverty in [enter town or city]
Local man/woman/group is holding a carol singing event at insert location on insert date to
raise money for children living in poverty.
Local Christmas spirit is needed to help raise money for The Children’s Society. The carol singing
event at insert location will include (insert detail about your event i.e. length, suggested
donation amount and if there will be other Christmas celebrations also).
Whether communities would like to join the festive chorus or simply go along to hear the
Christmas cheer and make a donation, support is truly appreciated. Money raised from this year’s
carol singing appeal will go towards the vital work The Children’s Society does, including
supporting children living in poverty.
There are currently 3.7 million children living in poverty whose families have to decide between
heating and eating.
Last year over £100,000 was raised for The Children’s Society and this year the charity aims to
raise even more.
Simon Burne, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at The Children’s Society said: “We are so
grateful for the effort put into carol singing events across the country which raise money that is
critical for towards our work.
“These funds make it possible for us to continue helping disadvantaged children across the
country including those whose families are living in poverty and are struggling to put food on the
For more information about the carol singing event at insert location please contact insert your
contact details.
Media enquiries
For more information, call 020 7841 4423 or email For out-ofhours enquiries please call 07810 796 508.
Notes to editors
The Children’s Society has helped change children’s stories for over a century. We expose
injustice and address hard truths, tackling child poverty and neglect head-on. We fight for
change based on the experiences of every child we work with and the solid evidence we
gather. Through our campaigning, commitment and care, we are determined to give every
child in this country the greatest possible chance in life.
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