Social Movement and People`s Life ENGL 101

Social Movement and People’s Life
ENGL 101-97E
Meng Zhang
In 1776, the “Declaration of Independence” was signed in the Second Continental Congress,
which is the beginning of the United States history. This declaration brings a huge shake in the
United States society that directly and indirectly leads to the American Revolution, abolitionist
movement, and women’s movement, which make a great effect on politics, economy, and culture.
Not only do these movements radical change the African Americans’ and women’s destiny that
they have equality, liberty, and opportunity, but also there are far-reaching influence on people’s
attitude and behaviors.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of happiness.” (Declaration of Independence, p1) This is the most famous and
classical quotation in the “Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson
is the former president of the United States, the referee of Virginia attending the Continental
Congress, and the draftsman and signer of the “Declaration of Independence”. This quotation
using pithy and powerful language declares the purpose of this country that all the people living
in this country have equality, liberty, and opportunity. This purpose is not only the foundation of
this declaration but also the corner-stone of the United States. According to the “Declaration of
Independence”, the government represents the interests of the people. All the people have the
equal rights to pursue the development of economy and happiness. The “Declaration of
Independence” is the foundation of public opinion and one of the directly reasons leading to the
American Revolution. Since the “Declaration of Independence”, the American people have not
borne any unequal or anti-freedom behavior. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. After
the “Declaration of Independence”, all the thesis of movements getting at the root of the mat is
“that all men are created equal”, which is always used in other people’s speeches.
Since the population of the “Declaration of Independence”, this new country is a
democratic country, and the sense of equality and liberty brings a great influence for the antislavery movement. William Lloyd Garrison is a famous social activist for anti-slavery and
women’s movement. He published an anti-slavery newspaper that “The Liberator” and founded
an organization that the American Anti-slavery Convention. In his “Declaration of Sentiments of
the American Anti-Slavery Convention”, “Every man has a right to his own body – to the
products of his own labor – to the protection of law – and to the common advantages of society.”
(Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Convention, p3) This quotation is based
on “that all men are created equal” this idea. No matter who are the white people or the black
people, they stand on the same place in the society. The black people enjoy the same civil rights
with the white people. The African American can use their labor to create better life. That “all
men are created equal” is the lighthouse pointing the direction of the social future. Slavery and
discrimination disobey the basic rule and purpose for the United States. Before the “Declaration
of Independence”, slavery existed in the whole place of America. After the declaration
publishing, a lot of the black people realized that they were not born as slaver. They oppugn why
they do not have the same right with the white people, why they are different, and why they must
be enslaved without any reason. The “Declaration of Independence” gives them answer that their
treatment is unequal and the slavery should be abolished. William Lloyd Garrison’s “Declaration
of Independence of the American Anti-Slavery Convention” develops the “Declaration of
Independence” in the abolitionist movement. “All men are created equal” and “Abolish slavery
immediately” are the slogans in the abolitionist movement. All the people believe it. They
believe the perfect world that the “Declaration of Independence” describes.
During that time, the women’s movement is another movement happening with the antislavery movement. The first social activist of the women’s movement is Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Stanton’s father was a lawyer. Although she had a brother, after her brother dying, her father
brought up her as a son. She got good education that was impossible for women at that time. In
her “Declaration of Sentiments”, she uses the same modal as the “Declaration of Independence”.
They have the same structure of text and similar language. “We hold these truths to be selfevident; that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
(Declaration of Sentiments, p1) The target of the women’s movement is that women have the
same place with men. The world is compared with men and women. Women are not the
accessory of men. Women should have the opportunity to acquire education. The life of women
belongs to themselves. They have right to control their destiny. They declare women’s rights
which are prescript clear in the “Declaration of Independence”. If there is not women’s
movement, and if the thinking that “all men and women are created equal” does not take root in
people’s mind, there is no woman going to the university, and Senators Hillary Clinton cannot
become the Secretary of State. Second, the way of women thinking problem is different than
men. Female is more sensibility, and male is more logos. No matter whether the anti-slavery
movement or the women’s movement, they liberate labors which is benefit for economic
Nowadays, “all men are created equal” becomes a universal declaration of human. No
matter who you are, and where you are, everyone enjoys the equal civil right and opportunity.
“All men are created equal” is the basic rule for the human being.
This idea can be accepted generally because it bases on religion. In the “Benjamin
Banneker’s Latter to Thomas Jefferson”, Banneker says that “however variable we may be in
society or religion, however diversified in situation or color, we are all of the same family, and
stand in the same relation to him.” (Benjamin Banneker’s Letter to Thomas Jefferson, p1) All the
people are the members of the God family. The equal civil rights are the gift that God gives to
human being. The majority of people living in the America are emigrating from Europe, and
Christianity is their religion. Using the religion as the element is easier to obtain the self-identity,
and this way has the most powerful influence. Religion is the best evidence to prove and
emphasize that “all men are created equal”.
The “Declaration of Independence” is the pioneer; all the other declaration and speeches
of the abolitionist movement and women’s movement are the derivatives of the “Declaration of
Independence”. “All men are created equal” is depth of bone marrow, which effects people’s
attitude and behavior until now.
1. Declaration of Independence; Thomas Jefferson; July 4 1776
2. Declaration of Sentiments; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; July 1848
3. Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Convention; William Lloyd
Garrison; December 6 1833
4. Benjamin Banneker’s Letter to Thomas Jefferson; Benjamin Banneker; August 19 1791