Bloom`s Taxonomy Chart

Bloom’s Taxonomy
Arrange, Define, Describe, Duplicate, Identify, Label, List, Match, Memorize,
Name, Order, Outline, Recognize, Relate, Recall, Repeat, Reproduce, Select,
Annotate, Calculate, Categorize, Classify, Compare, Comprehend, Conclude,
Confirm, Construe, Contemplate, Convert, Critique, Describe a concept in
one’s own words, Defend, Define, Demonstrate, Discuss, Distinguish, Draw
this scene/story, Estimate, Expand, Explain, Expound, Extend, Extrapolate,
Generalize, Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Interpret, Locate, Match, Organization
and selection of facts and ideas, Outline, Paraphrase, Predict, Project effects,
Propose, Qualify, Recognize, Reference, Reiterate, Relate, Render, Report,
Review, Reword, Rewrite, Show, Summarize, Theorize, Transform, Translate,
Understand meaning of facts and principles
Adopt, Apply, Change, Choose, Classify, Compute, Conduct, Construct,
Deduce, Demonstrate correct usage, Determine, Dramatize, Draw
conclusions, Edit, Employ, Execute, Exercise, Exhibit, Experiment, Illustrate,
Implement, Interpret, Make, Manage, Manipulate, Model, Modify, Operate,
Organize, Paint, Perform, Practice, Predict, Prepare, Produce, Question,
Relate, Report, Respond, Role-play, Share, Show, Sketch, Solve, Translate,
Use, Utilize
Quiz/Test using multiple choice, List key
words, Chart, Time line, Concept map,
Recite learned information, Define terms
Summary report, Illustrate central themes
using graphics, Explain main ideas,
Outline, Create a flow chart, Paraphrase,
(e.g. future trends), Give an example,
Interpret material (e.g. charts, graphs),
Translate (e.g. from one form to another))
Break down objects or ideas into
simpler parts and find evidence
to support generalizations.
Analyze, Appraise, Breakdown, Calculate, Categorize, Compare, Contrast,
Criticize, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Examine,
Experiment, Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Model, Outline, Question, Relate,
Select, Separate, Subdivide, Test
Make and defend judgments
based on internal evidence or
external criteria.
Appraise, Argue, Assess, Attach, Choose, Compare, Conclude, Contrast,
Defend, Describe, Discriminate, Estimate, Evaluate, Explain, Judge, Justify,
Interpret, Relate, Predict, Rate, Select, Summarize, Support, Value
Compile component ideas into a
new whole or propose
alternative solutions.
Arrange, Assemble, Categorize, Collect, Combine, Comply, Compose,
Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Devise, Explain, Formulate, Generate,
Plan, Prepare, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Relate, Reorganize, Revise, Rewrite,
Set up, Summarize, Synthesize, Tell, Write
Use Venn Diagram for two theories,
design a questionnaire, Create a
hierarchical chart describing a process or
theory, Report, Biography, Investigation
to support a view, Review a product, art
work, theory, etc.
Persuasive speech/ essay, Debate, Form a
Panel, Prepare a case study, Create
criteria to judge an activity, novel, etc.,
Conduct a debate about a topic
Create a unique product: Dissertation,
Thesis, Art work, Machine/Program,
Performance, Poem, Story, Invention.
Remember previously learned
Demonstrate an understanding
of the facts.
The use of previously learned
information, rules, or theories is
applied in new and concrete
situations to solve problems that
have single or best answers.
Identify examples, Prepare a case study,
Create a model (e.g., sculpture, drawing,
painting, prototype, market strategy),
Solve a problem, Compute