Name: CP English III Date: Mrs. Lynch Research Paper/Debate Project Directions: For the research paper this year, you will be required to select a controversial topic and create a formal debate. This assignment will be done in groups and will require you to write a brief and have an oral debate. 1. Group Selection First, you will determine your group for this assignment. You need to choose wisely; this assignment will produce three test grades. Each member of the group needs to do his/her share of the work. Any issues in this area should be brought to my attention immediately, NOT the day the assignment is due. A log will be kept detailing each meeting and how each group member contributed to the assignment. 2. Topic Selection Each group will need to select a controversial issue to research and debate. You will need to begin by identifying a couple of things about your topic: a) What is the status quo—how does the law stand on your issue currently? We will spend time researching in the library so that each group can identify what the status quo is and then each group can begin to examine both sides of the issue. b) The group will then divide into two smaller groups. One will represent the affirmative and the other will represent the negative. Affirmative=The people on this side of the issue are advocating for a change in the status quo. The affirmative team will research information that will show what is flawed with the status quo and why change is necessary. In addition, they will present a plan to save the problems with the status quo. The team must show that their plan solves all of the current problems with the status quo without creating any new ones. Negative= The people on this side of the issue support the status quo and do NOT support change. They will show the success and benefits of the status quo and show how change will not benefit society. c) Once the above has been decided, the groups need to start research. Each group must have a minimum of 6 sources of information to support their topic. You need to find sources that will assist with both the constructive and rebuttal section lf your debate. You will need to have information on both sides of the issue. Constructive—In this section, you are building your argument for your side of the issue. (In plain English: “These are all the reasons why our argument is right and here is the evidence to prove it.”) Rebuttal—In this section, you are anticipating arguments against your point of view and refuting them. This area is Name: CP English III Date: Mrs. Lynch tough; you must anticipate your opponents’ argument against you and come up with a counter-argument. (In plain English: “Here is what you are going to say to prove I’m wrong; here is the evidence to prove why YOUR argument is wrong). In addition, you will also need to plan an attack on the other team and responses to their defenses. (In plain English: “Here is the evidence proving why you are wrong. You are going to defend yourself by saying this; however, we are still right because of this reason and here is evidence to prove it.”) d) Research information must come from only valid sources, such as WHS online databases or books. You may NOT search Google for information— anyone can post anything on the Internet and call it fact. Only approved Internet sites will be accepted. These must be approved in advance. e) There will be class time given to work on this project. It is important that every group member attempt to be here on those days. If you are absent on one of these days, it is your responsibility to meet with your group and find out what you have missed and what you need to be doing to fulfill the requirements of the assignment. You need to be able to communicate with your group members outside of school. Please swap phone numbers and email addresses. 3. The Brief: The brief will take place of the usual research paper. The brief is the written format for your debate. The negative and affirmative teams will each work to create a brief. This is your research paper and will count as two test grades. This is a group grade; please see me with any concerns or conflicts as the arise, not at the last minute. The brief and debate will consist of a constructive and rebuttal section. You will use your research to help create the brief and debate. Attached you will find a step-by-step guide on how to format your brief, highlighting what should be included in each section. Follow the format closely, using all appropriate headings for each section. Requirements: Brief and all of its requirements will be submitted in a 3 ringed binder. If any requirement is not met, the binder will be returned and will count as a day late. Brief should be 6-8 pages in length—this means 6 FULL pages in length and NO more than 8 full pages. Your paper needs to be typed, double-spaced, in 12 point font, Times New Roman. You need a minimum of 6 sources for your paper and all of them need to be printed and in your binder when you turn in your brief. The Brief must contain a works cited page. Your binder should include: 1) Brief, 2) Works Cited, 3) Rough Draft, and 4) All 6 sources Name: CP English III Date: Mrs. Lynch 4. Lateness Policy: a. The final product (all pieces) is due at the start of your assigned class period on the due date. b. Absences on the due date will be treated in the following manner: i. unexcused absence=late ii. excused absence=turn assignment in the next day. c. Only hard copies of the research paper will be accepted on the due date. BE PREPARED! d. As always, all briefs must be submitted to by the date and time given; otherwise, the paper will be considered late until this requirement is met. 5. The Oral Debate: Each group will conduct an oral debate on their topic. Attached is a hand out that dictates the debate format. Each member of the group will be responsible for one portion of the debate. The debate will count as a separate test grade from the Brief and each person will be graded individually on his or her part of the debate. I will post a schedule and each group will select a day for their debate. Everyone must be there for the day of the debate; there will be a zero tolerance policy on this. Even if one person is absent, the group will go on without that person and will have to “wing” that person’s spot. The person absent will receive a zero for the debate and his/her absence will greatly hinder the grade of the other members in the group. Be responsible and be there! Due Dates: Preliminary Works Cited: Outline with Works Cited: Partial Rough Draft (1 page of the constructive and 1 page of the rebuttal): The Brief: Debates Begin: