Impact of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment of Public Bank Employees Dr. M.Fiaz, J. Naeem2, Z.Musab3 1PhD, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China currently working in UET Lahore, Pakistan 2MBA-Continue, Institute of Business and Management, UET Lahore, Pakistan 3MBA-Continue, Institute of Business and Management, UET Lahore, Pakistan 1. Introduction Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between components of organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees of Public Banks of Punjab. Therefore this study could make important contribution to extant research in management and organizational behavior. In the beginning of this study, problem statement is given. Then, literature is discussed about organizational commitment and job satisfaction that focusing on the relationship between them. The result showed that affective, continuance and normative commitment that was not found to have significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. Key Terms Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Continuous Commitment, Normative Commitment, Bank Employees Organizational Organizational Organizational This study examines the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Independent variables like Affective Organizational Commitment, Continuous Organizational Commitment and Normative Organizational Commitment. In this research, problem statement and literature of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment is defined In general terms, organizational commitment is a strong belief in and acceptance of the organizational goals and values; a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization, and a definite desire to maintain organizational membership (Chow, 2004).Also, it is seen as the identification with one’s employer that includes the willingness to work on behalf of the organization and the intention to remain on the organization for an extended period of time (Wager &Hollenbeck, 2005). Organizational commitment also refers to a psychological link between the employee and the organization that makes it less likely that the employee will voluntarily leave the organization (Allen & Meyer, 2006).However, changes in the banking sector have led to the high level of uncertainty, threat and job insecurity among employees there by affecting their level of organizational commitment. Downsizing has almost become a way of life in the banks as away to cope with competitive pressures as well as restructuring initiatives of the central bank. This has led to the high level of employees' turnover, absenteeism, apathy, cynicism, intent to quit among others. Since these attitude and behavior affect the level of employees' commitment to the organization, it is thought that this will affect the job satisfaction of employees of banks. Thus, the main problem that called for this study is to ascertain whether organizational commitment affects or influences profitability, employee satisfaction and quality service delivery in banks. Problem Statement The relationship between components of organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees of Public Banks of Punjab. Research Objective To measure the level of job satisfaction of bank employees and to measure the level of organizational commitment and the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of bank employees Scope of Study The scope of this study is limited to building Public sector Banks of Lahore only. The data for this study was gathered through a questionnaire survey. 2. Literature Review Job Characteristics In the paper of Samad (2006) examining the job characteristics relationship between job satisfaction, the theory of Hezberg (1996), and the result indicated that job satisfaction was associated with a high statistically significant at the .05 level for all variables of job characteristics and was consistent with the research of Thomas, Buboltz, and Winkelspecht (2004) who have studied affection of job characteristics to work adjustment with a sample of new graduates the result showed that the job characteristic influence job satisfaction with statistically significant at the .05 level. From these aforementioned studied results, it can be clearly seen that the positive job characteristics has direct influence to job satisfaction and work adjustment. Dimensions of employees’ jobs have also been related to organizational commitment. When these variables were entered into a regression model as a group, they were found to be significantly related to organizational commitment; however, when entered separately, only task identity had a significant relationship with organizational commitment for both samples studied. Similarly, Bhuian et al. (1996) found that job variety significantly influenced organizational commitment for expatriate employees in Saudi Arabia, while autonomy, identity, and feedback were not significantly related to organizational commitment. Colbert and Kwon’s (2000) study shows that there is a strong correlation between organizational commitment and job skill variety and feedback. Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is the extent to which people are satisfied or dissatisfied with their jobs (Spector, 2007) Determinants of Job Satisfaction A large number of studies over the past several decades have argued that demographic factors including individual factors such as age, marital status, and education; and organizational factors or work-related factors such as job level and years of experience, impact job satisfaction (Abdulla et al., 2011; Zeffane et al., 2008; Ellickson and Logsdon, 2001). Individual demographic variables, to start with, have been a source of variation in job satisfaction (Bennett, 1994; Khaleque and Rahman, 1987; Metle, 1997, 2001, 2002), but the direction of this relationship seems problematic. For example, the positive relationship between age and satisfaction has been documented in several empirical studies in Western and Middle Eastern contexts (Metle, 1997; Clark et al., 1994; Kuo and Chen, 2004; Al Ajmi, 2001; Bennett, 1994; Reese et al., 2007), This positive linear relationship between age and satisfaction has been claimed by numerous studies including Reese et al. (2007). Durst and DeSantis (1997) explain this phenomenon but state that older employees have more realistic expectations about their jobs and a stronger sense of achievement than their younger counterparts and are thus more satisfied with their jobs. However, the linearity of the relationship between age and job satisfaction has been challenged by a number of studies including Clark et al. (1994). After analyzing a large sample of employees in Britain, Clark et al. (1994) found that satisfaction declined from a moderate level in the early years of employment and then increased steadily up to retirement. Metle (2004) indicated that attention has shifted to the shape rather than the causes of the relationship between age and job satisfaction. The focus is on understanding whether the relationship is linear or curvilinear, and not on the possibility that the shape could be different in different organizations for different workers in different countries (Metle, 2004, p. 51). Organizational Characteristics Employees’ perceptions of organizational characteristics have been shown to be related to organizational commitment. One such characteristic, organizational support was described by Eisenberger et al. (1990) as employees’ perceptions of “the extent to which the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being” (p. 51). Organizational support was found to be positively related to the organizational commitment of hourly employees and managerial employees in a large steel plant (Eisenberger et al., 1990) and of nonsupervisory hospital employees (Settoon et al.1996). Organizational Commitment Organizational commitment has been integral to organizational research for over 25 years (Gautam, Van Dick, & Wagner, 2004, P. 301). As a construct, organizational commitment is a fundamental aspect of the employer employee relationship (Mohammed, Taylor, & Hassan, 2006). Organizational commitment remains popular (Cullen, Parlobteeah, & Victor, 2003) and encompasses multiple dimensions and conceptual leitmotifs (Loi et al., 2006). Organizational commitment also relates to other variables as an antecedent, consequence, or correlate (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Contemporary research largely extends and environmentally contextualizes predictive aspects of organizational commitment. The concept of organizational commitment has been treated as a variable of interest in its own right and a variety of definitions and measures have been proposed (Mowday et al., 1982; Meyer et al., 1998; Coyle-Shapiro et al., 2006). The concept has attracted more attention recently from organizational scientists, perhaps due to changes taking place in employment practices that have arisen from the international employment marketplace and increased alternatives for skilled employees in a global economy (Sullivan and Arthur, 2006). Forms of Organizational Commitment The construct of commitment has been viewed in the main as a composite of three main components representing affective, normative and continuance aspects of commitment (Coyle-Shapiro et al., 2006). Allen and Meyer (2000) define affective commitment as an employee’s organizational commitment emotional attachment to, identification with and involvement in the organization. Continuance commitment is sometimes termed as calculative commitment (Hackett et al., 2004) as it is based on the cost that an employee associates with leaving an organization. Normative commitment may be viewed as an employee’s feelings of obligation to remain with the organization, and in contrast to affective and continuance commitment, it focuses on the “right or moral thing to do” by concentrating on the obligation and/or moral attachment of employees that are produced through the socialization process binding employees to the organization’s goals and values (Allen and Meyer, 2000). Research Significance To relate the benefit and contribution of the research to the advancement of humanity, this study is carried out with the aim of increasing the wealth of knowledge accumulated so far on organizational commitment and job satisfaction of banks. Management of banks will find this research beneficial since the study seeks to appraise the importance of commitment in banks with a view to proffering solution to cushion the negative importance of the exercise. Banks intending to commitment their staff at all levels will find this work as a practical guide on how to carry out the exercise in order to minimize the problem that may associate with it. The study will also contribute significantly to the economic development since it is also as engine for banks , or research on the impact of organizational on job satisfaction of banks is useful I making policy recommendations for improvement, and receive stability on banks. Situational Factors Overall satisfaction is a function of a combination of situational characteristics and situational occurrences. The situational characteristics commonly proposed as key factors in job satisfaction are: the work itself, pay, promotion, supervision and co-workers, although other variables such as organizational commitment may also have impact. Situational theories assume that job satisfaction is influenced by the interaction of variables such as task characteristic, organization characteristic and individual characteristic (Hoy and Miskel, 1996). Adam and King (1996) stated that there are several aspects or factors of job satisfaction that influence perception of overall job satisfaction such as career advancement opportunities, communication, management, reward and other. On the other hand, dissatisfaction will bring negative effect to organization. Organization with higher turnover and low compensation was the most common reason given for dissatisfaction. 3. Theoretical Framework Based upon the literature review, there is a need to study the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employee of the institutions. The conceptual framework below will offer the conceptual foundation to examine and explore more to the study in verifying the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Independent Variables Independent variable consists of one variable that is organizational commitment with three main focus affective organizational commitment, continuance organizational commitment and normative organizational commitment. Dependent Variable Dependent variable consists of one variable and that is job satisfaction. Organizational Commitment 1. Affective Organizational Commitment 2. Continuous Organizational Commitment 3. Normative Organizational Commitment Independent Variable Job Satisfaction Dependent Variable Hypothesis H1: There will be significant relationship between the Affective Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction H2: There will be significant relationship between Continuous Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. H3: There will be significant relationship between Normative Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction 4. Data Collection Primary and secondary sources were used for collection of data. • Primary Source Questionnaire used as a research instrument and also called primary source for collecting data from respondents. • Secondary Source Secondary data refer to the data that gathered through existing sources by someone than the researcher conducting the current study such as company record, publication, industry analysis offered by the media, web publications etc. Population and Sample It includes the employees of public banks of Punjab. Employees in grade 17 or above are included in the population of this study. The sample of this research study is composed of hundred (100) (N= 100) banking employees working in different banks of Punjab. Moreover, sampling was done using convenience sampling technique. Research Design • Type of Study The research is focusing on relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This study is a quantitative in nature by using survey method to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The findings and conclusion of the study will depend on the fully utilization of statistical data collected and analyzed using SPSS. Questionnaire Design The questionnaire was divided into five sections to study the characteristics of the important variables in identifying the relationship between the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees. Following are the details of questionnaires and measures: There are 7 questions in questionnaire to measure the affective organizational commitment; next seven questions are related to continuous organizational commitment, six questions are in questionnaire to measure the normative organizational commitment. In the last, seven questions are in questionnaire to present Job satisfaction as a dependent variable of employees. Variables Items Affective Organizational Commitment 7 Continuous Organizational Commitment 7 Normative Organizational Commitment 6 Job satisfaction 7 • Rating Scale Five point likert scales was used in questionnaire. Strongly disagree Disagree 1 2 Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 3 4 5 Data Collection Method In this study, data was collected using a structured questionnaire which consisted of 29 items. The questionnaire was distributed to employees of public banks of Lahore. The respondents are given 4 days to answer and returned questionnaires by respondents through e-mail. Multiple Regression Analysis is conducted to examine which among the three dimensions in independent variables is the most important in explaining the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees. 5. Data Analysis Reliability Analysis The reliability test concerned with the stability and consistency measurement to access the goodness of a measure. It will answer the questions on how consistently it measures a particular concept. Based on the output of the analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha acquired indicates that all the items are positively correlated to one another and it is internally consistent. For that purpose, the Cronbach's alpha has been used to measure reliability among variables. • Summary of Reliability Analysis Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .844 4 Descriptive Analysis All variables are evaluated based on a 5-point scale (1 being strongly disagreed to 5 being strongly agreed). The results show that the mean on affective commitment was 3.9571 with SD = .56289, the mean for continuance commitment was 3.9471 with SD = .54508, the mean for normative commitment was 3.9733 with SD = .51885 and the mean and standard deviation for job satisfaction was 3.9450 and .52468 respectively. The mean values for all the variables are above moderate. Summary of Descriptive Analysis Descriptive Statistics AOC total COC total NOC total JS total Valid N (list wise) N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error 100 2.57 2.43 5.00 3.9571 .56289 -.521 .241 100 2.14 2.57 4.71 3.9471 .54508 -.999 .241 100 1.83 3.00 4.83 3.9733 .51885 -.240 .241 100 2.14 2.57 4.71 3.9450 .52468 -.916 .241 100 Skewness Hypothesis Testing Correlation Correlation test is to show the strength of the association between the variables involved. Inter-correlations coefficients (r) were calculated by the means of Pearson’s Product Moment. AOC and NOC have moderate values of other variables. COC has strong value of JS having value of 0.944. It means Job Satisfaction has strong impact of Continuous Organizational Commitment. Correlations AOCtotal AOCtotal Pearson Correlation COCtotal 1 Sig. (2-tailed) NOCtotal JStotal .437 JStotal ** .395** .000 .000 .557 .000 N Pearson Correlation COCtotal NOCtotal ** 100 100 100 100 .437** 1 .552** .944** .000 .000 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N Pearson Correlation 100 100 100 100 .557** .552** 1 .580** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 N Pearson Correlation 100 100 100 100 ** ** ** 1 .395 .000 .944 .580 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 N 100 100 100 100 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Regression Job Satisfaction has 89% impact on independent variables like Affective Organizational Commitment, Continuous Organizational Commitment and Normative Organizational Commitment. Independent Variables like AOC, COC and NOC have 11% (100-89%) impact on Dependent Variable that is Job Satisfaction. Model Summaryb Model 1 R R Square .948a Adjusted R Square .899 .896 Std. Error of the Estimate .16904 a. Predictors: (Constant), NOCtotal, COCtotal, AOCtotal b. Dependent Variable: JStotal Our study has 0 significance which is less than 0.05. Change Statistics R Square Change .899 F Change 285.907 df1 df2 3 Sig. F Change 96 .000 Equation: ANOVAb Model 1 Sum of Squares Regression Residual Total df Mean Square F 24.510 3 8.170 2.743 96 .029 27.254 99 Sig. 285.907 .000a a. Predictors: (Constant), NOCtotal, COCtotal, AOCtotal b. Dependent Variable: JStotal JS=0.273+ (-0.063)(AOC)+ (0.876)(COC)+ (0.117)(NOC) Coefficientsa Standardized Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) Std. Error Beta .273 .152 AOCtotal -.063 .037 COCtotal .876 NOCtotal .117 t Sig. 1.795 .076 -.068 -1.705 .092 .038 .910 23.011 .000 .043 .116 2.706 .008 a. Dependent Variable: JStotal Recommendations: This study had provided only a small portion of idea regarding relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the context of Public banking sector. Hence, it would be beneficial for future research to consider the following suggestion: Expand the study into other industries by investigate the relationship of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in public and private sector. This kind of investigation would help explain the comparison among the facets of organizational commitment in developing job satisfaction. Conclusion: Based on regression analysis, all the dimensions of organizational commitment clearly have no significant relationship with job satisfaction. In addition, the finding of this study also can help the organization in planning and developing the strategies to enhance the organizational commitment of the employees. It may become one of the tool and guidance for further actions. This is important to keep the survival of the organization in the global era whereby nowadays it is not easy to make employees to feel obliged and become committed to the organization. So, new strategies must be developed from time to time and it depends on the result of this kind of study. 6. References 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Hayfaa A. 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