History Curriculum LadderFS & KS1 Foundation Stage Emerging Expected Exceeding End of year expectations Shows interest in the lives Early Learning Goal of people who are familiar to them. Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience. Understanding People and the world Communities Children know the Early Learning Goal difference between past Children talk about past and present events in Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and some and present events in their own lives and in the reasons why people’s lives their own lives and in the lives of family members. were different in the lives of family members. past. Recognises and describes They know that other special times or events for children don’t always They know that other children don’t always family or friends. enjoy the same things, children have different enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. likes and dislikes and that and are sensitive to this. Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life. Knows some of the things They know that other they may be good at They know about different things. similarities and differences They know about similarities and differences between themselves and They understand that between themselves and others, and among different people have others, and among similarities and differences in families, communities and different beliefs, families, communities and relation to friends or family. traditions. attitudes, customs and traditions. that make them unique, and can talk about some of the traditions and why it is Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines. important to treat them with respect. History Curriculum LadderFS & KS1 Year 1 Emerging Expected 1.chronological understanding I can talk about things that I can recognise the distinction have happened to me and my between present and past in family in the present and the their own and other people's past. lives. I can show an emerging sense of chronology by placing a few events and objects in order, and by using everyday terms about the passing of time. 2.knowledge and understanding of events, I am beginning to recount I know and can recount people and changes in the past episodes from stories about the episodes from stories about the past with adult support. past. 3.historical interpretations Understand that the past Identify different ways in can be represented which the past is differently. represented. Begin to recognise why people did things and why events happened History Curriculum LadderFS & KS1 4.historical enquiry I can find answers to some I can find answers to some simple questions about the simple questions about the past from sources of past from sources of information with adult information. support. 5.organisation and communication Begin to make some simple observations about a period of study including people and events. Talk about who was important. History Curriculum LadderFS & KS1 Year 2 Emerging Expected 1.chronological understanding I am beginning to understand I can show my developing sense how to place well known of chronology by using terms historical events in chronological concerned with the passing of order. time, by placing events and objects in order, and by recognising that their own lives are different from the lives of people in the past 2.knowledge and understanding of events, I am beginning to show I can show knowledge and people and changes in the past knowledge and understanding of understanding of aspects of the the past beyond living memory past beyond living memory, and and some of the main events of some of the main events and and people I have studied, with people I have studied adult support. I am beginning to recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did. 3.historical interpretations I am beginning to identify some of the different ways in which the past is represented. Recognise why people did things, History Curriculum LadderFS & KS1 why events happened and what happened as a result. 4.historical enquiry 5.organisation and communication I am beginning to use sources of I can observe or handle sources information to answer questions of information to answer about the past with adult questions about the past on support. the basis of simple observations. Make simple observations about different types of people, events and belief within a society. Talk about who was important. On our 2 year rotation (see topic webs) children will learn about the following significant individuals: Mary Seacole Florence Nightingale Beatrice Potter Guy Fawkes Neil Armstrong Robert Scott Christopher Columbus Captain Blackbeard Calico Jack…