BOOKING PROCEDURES AND GUIDANCE FOR USE OF SHARED SPACE. Rooms / areas included: Ground Floor: First Floor: 0.03, Exhibition Area, First Floor Balcony, 0.07, Lecture Theatre, 1.01A, Seminar Room, 0.27A, Seminar Room, 1.01B, Seminar Room, 0.27B, Seminar Room, 1.05, Seminar Room. Contents: Page: 1.0 Room Capacities and Furniture / Equipment Provision 2 2.0 Pre Booking information: 3 3.0 Catering / Hospitality, Audio Visual Support, Roaming microphone for Lecture Theatre, Video Conferencing, Manual Handling, Conference / Event Management, Filming / photography. Making a booking. 4 4.0 Guidance for use of shared space. 5 Version: 3 Reviewed: April 2015 Procedure Reference: CSERV/FM/HEB/RB01 1.0 Room Capacities & Furniture / Equipment Provision. Room / Area 0.02 Exhibition Area Capacity Capacity (Seminar) (Lecture) Events / bookings to be considered on a caseby-case basis. Size – 19.8m x 9.4m 0.07 Lecture Theatre N/A 153 0.27A 16 20 28 50 Size – 31.01 m2 0.27B Size – 63.46 m2 First Floor Balcony 1.01A Events / bookings to be considered on a caseby-case basis. 10 N/A Size – 18.28 m2 1.01B 16 28 28 50 Size – 42.28 m2 1.05 Size – 57.29 m2 Room Equipment Mobile LCD monitor with Networked PC available on request Large Video wall and 2 Digital Signage Screens (Image needs to be in WGXA format (widescreen). Dimensions 1280 x 800). 2 large Sofa’s 4 sofa seats 24 chairs 6 small tables 7 small catering / display tables / 8 larger catering tables Data Projector / Networked PC / Laptop Input Blu-Ray / DVD Player HDMI Input DOC Cam Video Conferencing 3 white boards Data Projector / Networked PC / Laptop Input / HDMI Input 1 Smart Board 1 White Board 16 Chairs 7 Tables Video Conferencing* Data Projector / Networked PC / Laptop Input / HDMI Input 1 Smart Board 1 White Board 28 Chairs 12 Tables Video Conferencing* 16 Chairs 4 small tables 1 catering / display table 10 Chairs 4 Tables Video Conferencing* Data Projector / Networked PC / Laptop Input / HDMI Input 1 Smart Board 1 White Board 16 Chairs 7 Tables Video Conferencing* Data Projector / Networked PC / Laptop Input / HDMI Input 1 Smart Board 1 White Board 28 Chairs 9 Tables Video Conferencing* * Portable Video Conferencing equipment is available for use in these rooms. To book, please contact INSRV Connect at 2.0 Pre booking Information. The following services need to be booked independently: Catering / Hospitality: o For rooms 0.27A, 0.27B, Coffee Shop, Exhibition Area, First Floor Balcony catering / hospitality must be booked via Catering & Bar Services ( o There is the option to use Cardiff University approved external caterers. Please contact Catering and Bar Services for details. o Food and drink (excluding water) is not permitted in the Lecture Theatre at any time. If you require catering / hospitality for events taking place in the Lecture Theatre the room bookings team will raise your request with the Building Facilities Manager to consider an appropriate location for the catering / hospitality before the booking is confirmed. o If you require catering / hospitality to be set up outside of the room booked you must book an alternative room / area. Please note that catering / hospitality is not permitted in areas directly outside room 0.27A, 0.27B and 1.05. o Please consider reducing food waste and only order what is required. Audio Visual Support: o Must be booked via INSRV Connect (email or telephone 029 2087 4487). Handheld and Roaming microphone for Lecture Theatre: o This must be signed in and out from reception. Video Conferencing: o The Lecture Theatre is equipped with Video Conferencing Equipment. o Rooms 0.27A, 0.27B, 1.01A, 1.01B, 1.05 can accommodate a portable Video Conference set up. o If you wish to book Video Conference portable unit and / or support, contact INSRV Connect (email ) or Telephone 029 206 88145 / 029 206 88143. Manual Handling: o There is no manual handling service based in the building therefore if you require assistance in moving furniture / room set up contact the University Manual Handling Team (email or telephone 029 2087 4320). Conference / Event Management: o The University Conference Services Team can assist with larger conferences / events (email or Tel: 029 2087 4616 / 029 2087 4702). Filming / photography: o Requests must be discussed with the Building Facilities Manager so that impact on building users and the necessary Security / Reception arrangements are considered. 3.0 Making a booking. If your request is for a meeting / event to take place within the next 24 hours telephone the University Room Bookings Team on 029 2087 4057. Otherwise email details of your request ( providing the following details: o o o o o o o o Name of booking, Nature of booking (Lecture / Seminar / Hospitality / Meeting), Date of booking, Time of booking (please ensure you allow time for set up / breakdown of room(s) recommended 30 minutes), Preferred room (if available), Number of people attending, Contact details of Organiser, Contact details of host (person who will be on site). The Room Bookings team will contact you to confirm your booking or will advise you on alternatives if your request cannot be fulfilled. Please note, the following types of request will require consideration by the Building Facilities Manager prior to the booking being confirmed. o o Requests for use of the exhibition area or the first floor balcony, Requests outside of 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday, This is to ensure that impact on building users and the necessary Security / Reception arrangements are considered. If Security / Reception services are required out of hours, costs must be covered by the event organiser. 4.0 Guidance for use of shared space. Room layout. Please refer to the table above showing capacity of layout of each bookable space. Please also note: o All seminar rooms must be returned to a seminar layout following each booking. Room information is available on the back of each seminar room door. o Additional chairs are available (for “Lecture Style” layout) and must be booked in advance and signed out at Reception. o There is no manual handling service based in the Building therefore if you require assistance in moving furniture / room set up contact the University Manual Handling Team ( or telephone 029 2087 4320). Additional Room Supplies. o Items such as flipcharts, flipchart pens, whiteboard pens, flipchart pads, general stationery items, photocopying / printing facilities are not provided. Housekeeping: o General. It is the host / organisers’ responsibility to ensure all bookable areas are left in a clean and tidy condition after the booking. o Catering. If external caterers are used it is the responsibility of the host / organiser to provide access to water and to clean away afterwards. Please dispose of food waste in blue general waste bins located on the first floor balcony or ground floor exhibition area. o Whiteboards. Whiteboards must be cleaned after each use. Health and Safety: o Emergency / Fire Safety Arrangements. Please ensure all delegates are fully briefed. Fire Action notices are located in Seminar Rooms and displayed throughout the building. If you have any queries regarding Emergency / Fire Safety arrangements, please contact Claire O’Connell (Building Facilities Manager) on 029 2068 8072. o Risk Assessments. Depending on the size and / or nature of your event, a risk assessment may be required. Queries: o If you have any queries before or on the day of your booking, please contact the Reception team or the Building Facilities Manager, Claire O’Connell on 029 2068 8072.