KILLIN MEDICAL PRACTICE NEWSLETTER: January 2015 LOCUM NEWS: Dr Tara Mill will start with the PATIENT ACCESS In this age of technology the facility is available for patients to order Repeat Prescription, book and cancel GP appointments through This is a well established website which acts as a portal for patients to carry out these tasks at any time of the day so you are no longer limited to the opening hours of the practice. You must sign up for this service and it is our aim to start this in February. If you are interested please speak to a member of our admin team. IT’S A FOUL MESS The problem of dog mess left on the area around the Surgery needs to be highlighted. This causes problems for workers and patients and can result in dog mess being trailed into the practice. There is a bin on the lamp post outside the practice where you can deposit bagged dog mess and you can also dispose of it in your own general rubbish bin. We have arranged with Stirling Council to hold a supply of dog bags in the practice and these are available from the foyer. Offenders will be reported to the dog warden service. There is no excuse for not cleaning up after your dog so please show consideration: BAG IT AND BIN IT practice in February to cover Dr Watson’s maternity leave. The aim is for Dr Watson to return on a phased basis from July and be back to full time by September 2015. Dr Mill is from the area and has experience of working in a rural setting. Dr Strang will also continue to provide GP services on Wednesdays and this will be reviewed in March 2015 STAFF CHANGES: Many of you will know that Cilla McLaggan who has worked with Killin Medical Practice for many years as a District Nurse retired in November. Cilla is looking forward to spending time with her grandchildren and being at home. Whilst Susan McRobbie and Evelyne Ronald will still deliver the bulk of District Nursing Care, you will notice that there are times when the services are covered by the team at Callendar. The Health Visitor to the practice changes from January 2015 and we look forward to welcoming Susan McGill to the team. ......FAREWELL to Lesley Syme who retires from KMP at the end of January after 30 years. Lesley will be known to many of you and is looking forward to having more time for her hobbies. PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP: We were very pleased to hold our first KMP Patient Participation Group meeting on Wednesday 3rd December. This was attended by Linda Frost, Scott Wilson and Kay Riddell. In addition representation from Killin Community Council was made by Frances Chisholm with Alistair and Beatrice McDonald attending on behalf of Strathfillan Community Council. Claire Buchan from the Scottish Health Council also came along and she will support the group in taking forward issues which are highlighted. The next meeting is Friday 13th February at 12.30pm. If you would like to be involved please get in touch with Audrey Whitton, KMP Practice Manager or one of the PPG Group detailed above. FLU VAC ANTIBIOTIC AWARENESS Had yours yet? The winter months can be a difficult time for patients who begin to catch viruses that cause coughs, colds, sore throats and sinusitis and bronchitis. For most cases, these self limiting conditions do not require antibiotics and can be self managed without consulting the doctor. There is good evidence that inappropriate use of antibiotics causes major problems with bacterial resistance. As this bacterial resistance grows, it becomes more and more difficult to treat infection when patients really need it. Symptoms caused by a viral infection can be helped by paracetamol, fluids and similar products. Laura and the rest of the staff at Davidsons Chemist can advise regarding this. Phone now to book an appointment available until March 2015 If you are 65 or above you are automatically entitled. Some conditions mean you are eligible under 65 years Telephone to book an appointment or let us know you don’t wish to have the vaccination PRACTICE CLOSURES 2015 Public Holidays Friday 3rd April Monday 6th April Monday 4th May Monday 12th October Friday 25th December Monday 28th December Friday 1st January Monday 4th January Training Dates Thursday 29th February Tuesday 17th March The GPs at Killin Medical Practice will need to see and examine you and only prescribe antibiotics if clinically it is absolutely necessary. We will not generally prescribe antibiotics over the phone. You may get a ‘delayed’ prescription, a strategy to try and reduce the use of antibiotics. Please be aware that antibiotics DO NOT help treat cold and flu symptoms and other viral illnesses. PRESCRIBING PRACTICE We do not routinely prescribe certain medications on “Repeat” prescription for reasons of patient safety and good medical practice. Examples are:Hormone Replacement Therapy, Oral contraception, Antidepressants, Oral Prednisolone, Benzodiazepines (Sleeping tablets and Diazepam etc), Strong opiate painkillers such as Tramadol, Morphine and others, as well as Disease Modifying Drugs (DMARDS) such as Methotrexate.. The medications mentioned above should be prescribed as an “Acute” prescription only after review of the problem by a doctor or nurse. There may be exceptions to this, for example some patients who are on long-term antidepressants but these are people who will be having regular reviews, anyhow. If you have any queries about the above, please do not hesitate to contact one the GP’s who will happily discuss. FURTHER DATES TOSEE FOLLOW DO YOU CONSULTANTS IN OTHER HEALTHBOARD AREAS? We want to let patients know that if they see consultants in Health Board areas outwith Forth Valley, there may be difficulty for these doctors in accessing test results. The preferred option is for us to send these results to the patient’s email address. Please make this request with one of the practice administrators. HOSPITAL APPOINTMENT TIMES: If you need to be seen in a hospital based clinic or by a consultant and you receive an early morning appointment, you can telephone the department and rearrange for an appointment later in the day.