Join APICS as a Student Associate Member. It is easy as 1-2-3! 1. Visit a. b. c. d. Select “Membership Tab” Select “Join APICS” Select Student Membership, click “Continue” Review benefits, click “Continue” 2. Please log in using your existing username and password. If this is your first visit to, you will need to create a new user account. a. Enter requested information, including your University Name and expected graduation date. Upload documentation verifying your status as a full-time student member b. Create a username and password c. Agree to Terms and Conditions, click “Continue” 3. Locate your School’s Student Chapter. a. If your school does not currently have a chapter, please select Student Member-at-Large, click “Select Chapter” b. Review your membership selection and chapter affiliation. Annual dues will be $0. Click “Submit Application” c. Success! You are now a Student Associate member of APICS! 8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 1000 Chicago, IL. 60631, USA +1.773.867.1778 +1 800.444.2742 +1.773.639.3000 OFFICE TOLL FREE FAX