HERE - Great Basin Heritage Area

P.O. Box 78; Baker, Nevada 89311;
(775) 234-7171;
Small Grant Application
Please read through the Grant Guidelines before starting on your application. There are two grant cycles per
year for Small Grants; applications are due May 1, 2014 for the spring cycle and October 1, 2014 for the fall
cycle. Requests will be considered from $1,500 - $7,500. A minimum 1:1 match (including in-kind and volunteer
services) is required. Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership staff is available to provide guidance on the
application process. Contact us at or (775) 234-7171.
Project Title
Project Budget
Performance Period
Contact Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Mailing Address
Organization Website
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Grant Request Click here to enter text.
Start Date
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Project Total
End Date
Please provide a brief description of the project.
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What other organizations, groups or individuals (if any) are involved in this project?
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What is the overall purpose and specific objectives of the project?
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How will project success be measured?
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Projects funded by the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership must meet one or more the goals identified in the
Management Plan. Projects that address two or more goals are highly encouraged. Please read the Grant
Guidelines for details on each of these goals and select which goals the project addresses.
☐Heritage Resource Conservation & Enhancement
☐Interpretation & Education
☐Heritage Tourism & Recreation
☐Community Revitalization
☐Partnership Development
How does the project address these goals?
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Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership – 2014 Small Grants Application
The most successful projects will meet the following Principles of Implementation. Please describe how the
project meets these criteria. Supplementary documentation may be included in the application materials.
☐Encourage collaboration and leverage resources of multiple parties to achieve goals.
☐Address sites or resources that are regionally or nationally significant.
☐Respect the carrying capacity and authenticity of heritage resources.
☐Exhibit a high degree of quality including high standards for planning and design.
☐Show strong potential for sustainability and the capacity to manage after completion.
☐Establish realistic and clearly defined outcomes [see “SMART Goals” in the Grant Guidelines].
☐Can be completed in a timely manner.
☐Include evaluation criteria to measure success of stated goals.
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Are there other options for funding this project? ☐ YES ☐ NO
What will happen if this funding request is not approved?
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Has the applicant (individual or organization) received a grant from the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership
before: ☐ YES or ☐ NO? If so, what is the status of the project? Did the project succeed in meeting its goals?
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Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership – 2014 Small Grants Application
Project Budget
Please provide a detailed budget in the space below. You may provide your budget as a separate attachment if
you prefer, as long as it includes all pertinent costs and shows the required match. Please refer to the Grant
Guidelines for allowable costs and match requirements.
Example: Brochure Printing
Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership Funds
$50/box x 5 boxes
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GBHAP Grant Funds Subtotal
Matching Funds and In-Kind Supplies and Services
Example: Brochure Design and Layout
$20/hour x 15 hours
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Matching Contributions Subtotal
Project Total
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Please submit your completed application and any supplementary materials to
Hard copies can be mailed to Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership; P.O. Box 78; Baker, NV 89311.
Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership – 2014 Small Grants Application