Notes (Chemical Changes) - Grade 10

Name: ________________________
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Date: _____________________
Grade 10 Science
Chapter 4: Changes in Matter
Topic: Types of Chemical Changes
Types of Chemical Changes
1. Synthesis reaction & Decomposition reaction
2. Precipitation reaction
3. Oxidation reaction
4. Combustion reaction
5. Acid-base neutralization
6. Cellular respiration and Photosynthesis
#1 Synthesis & Decomposition
1. Synthesis Reaction: The combination of two or more reactants to form a new product
a. Generic formula:
A + B  AB
b. Examples:
Forming water, photosynthesis, making NO2, forming rust
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
Date: _____________________
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
Date: _____________________
2. Decomposition Reaction: The separation/breaking down of a compound into two or
more compounds or elements
a. Generic formula:
AB  A + B
b. Examples:
Breaking down water
#2 Precipitation
1. Video observations:
Two clear aqueous liquids are combined and undergo a chemical reaction. They produce
a yellow solid substance that sinks (the precipitate).
2. What are some common features of the following reactions?
Two aqueous solutions forming a solid
a. CdSO4
b. 2 NaOH
c. CuSO4
+ K2S
→ CdS
+ K2SO4 (aq)
+ MgCl2 (aq) → 2 NaCl
+ 2NaOH
+ Mg(OH)2(s)
→ Cu(OH)2
+ Na2SO4
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
Date: _____________________
3. How to recognize precipitation reactions: Two aqueous reactants, one solid product
4. Precipitation reaction: Formation of an insoluble, or slightly soluble, solid substance
(precipitate), when two aqueous solutions are combined
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
Date: _____________________
#3 Oxidation
1. Examples:
Rusting, food going bad, tarnishing silver, burning wood
2. Oxidation: A chemical change involving oxygen or a substance with properties similar
to those of oxygen
#4 Combustion
1. Combustion: Form of oxidation that releases a large amount of energy
2. Examples:
Rust, wood burning
#5 Acid-Base Neutralization
1. Reaction of an acid and a base to produce salt and water.
2. Generic formula:
Acid(aq) + Base(aq)  Salt(aq) + Water(l)
a. If H+ > OH- ,
b. If H+ < OH- ,
c. If H+ = OH- ,
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
3. Heart Burn:
Stomach acid + tums (antacid)  salt + water
Date: _____________________
Name: ________________________
Group: _____
4. Neutralization of HCl and NaOH
5. How to recognize acid-base neutralization reactions
Date: _____________________