July 8, General Meeting

MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013
Those present: Sandra Ahn, Cindy Albright, Dave Beck, Wanda Berrigan, Linda &
Dennis Davison, Cindy DeEmedio, Helga Gayowski, Warren Golde, Betsy Hansot,
Judy Heims, Donna Hoyt, Barbara Hunt, Kathy McDonough, Kathy McGovern,
Diana O’Hagan, Lou Papp, Fred & Nancy Phillips, Susan Townsend, and Len & Clair
Cindy Albright opened the meeting thanking Warren for all he has done to get
the Children’s Learning Garden up and running. She also introduced Len and Clair
Wade. Clair was a first time guest. She also introduced Beth Mills, a visitor.
Judy Heims reported on the Treasurers’ Report. The income for June was a
total of $13,421 and expenditures were $3,641.69. LIB’s balance as of 6/30/13
was $15,727.50. She informed everyone that a lot of money was saved by the
members mulching the King’s Highway Garden.
Children’s Learning Garden - Nancy Phillips reported that the garden
continues to grow and they have been harvesting a lot of produce. They have
replanted fall vegetables. Lou Papp has ordered three (3) benches, two (2) picnic
tables and a storage chest. She also said that they received wonderful feedback
on the Garden Tour. They participated in the Doo-Dah Parade. She also
mentioned that they were contacted by Del Tech regarding the possibility of
holding classes at the CLG. Plans are made to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony
soon. Barbara Hunt passed out signup sheets for volunteers to help in the CLG for
story hour.
Kathy McGovern spoke about donating excess produce to a soup kitchen at
New Covenant Presbyterian Church. Warren stated it was decided that
everything was for the children to take home. Nancy also reminded her that Katy
needs some of the produce for her Saturday classes at the Farmer’s Market and,
they were not sure there would be enough to share with a soup kitchen. Cindy
Albright added that if there was enough left over we can contact the person at
the church. Nancy will send around a signup sheet for volunteers to oversee
Warren reported on the Horticultural Committee. He mentioned that we
have had a lot of rain and have lost several plants due to the abundance of rain at
Vesuvios, Graves and the fire station. He mentioned that another weeding
session needs to be held at the King’s Highway Garden. He thanked the members
who have volunteered to take responsibility for clean up at the various gardens
around town. He also stated the bump outs in front of King’s Ice Cream Shop on
Second Street need to be completely redone. He met with Lacy ______ at PNC
Bank regarding a project they are undertaking called “Leave A Legacy for Lewes”.
PNC will present their idea to people in the greater Lewes area to possibly leave
sums of money to various charities in the Lewes area. PNC is considering LIB as a
possible beneficiary for this idea. He said it would cost LIB approximately $250 $400 to participate. The deadline to enter is August 1st. Betsy Hansot stated she
thought we had nothing to loose. Kathy McDonough made a motion to move
forward on this and, Diana O’Hagan seconded the motion. All members present
voted yes.
Spring Fest – Spring Fest was held in May at the Fisher Martin Herb Garden.
Diana relayed that there was a nice representation attending. The Vessels Family
attended as well as some of the Master Gardeners and founders. Diana thanked
committee members Cindy Albright, Brenda Brady and Linda Davison for their
help. Ted Becker, Deputy Mayor and Betsy Reamer, Executive Director of the
Lewes Chamber of Commerce also attended. Lou Papp will soon be securing a
new sign for the Herb Garden.
Committee Structure – Cindy informed the membership that the Board is
reviewing the committees that are presently listed and will be fine tuning these
committees. We may combine some committees and have new ideas for others.
She asked for some volunteers to head up the Annual Luncheon Committee. Sue
Townsend, Betsy Hansot, and Kathy McGovern all volunteered.
Nominating Committee - The Nominating Committee responsible to find new
officers to serve on the Board come November is comprised of Fred Phillips,
Warren Golde, Barbara Hunt and Lou Papp.
Warren talked about ordering bulbs in the near future for sale in the fall. He
asked if the membership thought we could increase the number to be purchased
this year. Diana sold a large number last year at the Farmer’s Market. It was
suggested we add Hyacinths, Lilies, and Alums to the Tulips. Clair Wade offered
to donate Iris. Also suggested were mums and wild flower packets.
The program for the evening was “How Does Your Garden Grow”. Many
good tips for gardening were shared. Betsy Hansot suggested having a members’
garden tour. Warren thought having different gardens for different months was a
good idea. Everyone liked this idea. He also suggested planting Verbena
Varbanansa (? Sp) at the Children’s Learning Garden next year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectively Submitted,
Linda Davison