Practice Exam 3- Equine Skeletal System Answer Key

Equine Skeletal Sytem Practice Test
Matching: Match the Letters to the Correct Names for Each of the Bones.
Word Bank:
Cranial Bones
Proximal Phalanx
Fetlock Joint
Metacarpus #2,4 (Splint Bones)
Pastern Joint
Shoulder Joint
Metacarpus #3 (Cannon Bone)
Coffin Joint
Facial Bones
Middle Phalanx
True Ribs
False Ribs
Distal Phalanx
Elbow Joint
Proximal Sesamoid Bone
Navicular Bone
Accessory Carpal Bone
A: Cranial Bones
N: Fetlock Joint
B: Facial Bones
O: Proximal Phalanx
C: Maxilla
P: Pastern Joint
D: Mandible
Q: Middle Phalanx
E: Scapula
R: Coffin Joint
F: Shoulder Joint
S: Ulna
G: Humerus
T: True Ribs
H: Sternum
U: False Ribs
I: Elbow Joint
V: Accessory Carpal Bone
J: Radius
W: Proximal Sesamoid Bone
K: Carpus
X: Distal Phalanx
L: Metacarpus #2, 4 (Splint Bones)
Y: Navicular Bone
M: Metacarpus #3 (Cannon Bone)
Z: Pubis
Word Bank:
Cervical Vertebrae
Metatarsus #2,4 (Splint Bones)
P1( Long Pastern)
Shaft of Ilium
Metatarsus #3 (Cannon Bone)
Tuber Ischa
P2( Short Pastern)
Wing of Ilium
Tuber Sacrale
P3 (Coffin Bone)
Lumbar Vertebrae
Hip Joint
Coccygeal Vertebrae
Tuber Calcis
Tuber Coxac
Thoracic Vertebrae
A: Stifle
N: Patella
B: Cervical Vertebrae
O: Tibia
C: Thoracic Vertebrae
P: Fibula
D: Lumbar Vertebrae
Q: Tuber Calcis
E: Tuber Coxac
R: Tarsus
F: Tuber Sacrale
S: Metatarsus #2, 4 (Splint Bones)
G: Sacrum
T: Metatarsus #3 (Cannon Bone)
H: Wing of Ilium
U: P1 (Long Pastern)
I: Shaft of Ilium
V: P2 (Short Pastern)
J: Coccygeal Vertebrae
W: P3 (Coffin Bone)
K: Tuber Ischa
L: Hip Joint
M: Femur
True or False: Read each Statement carefully and write whether it is True or False
The “trunk” is of a horse includes the skull, spine, ribs, and breast bone. True
The Mandible is another name for the upper jaw. False (Maxilla)
The function of the cranial bones is to encapsulate the brain and provide support. True
The facial bones form the nasal passage. True
The lumbar vertebrae form the croup of the horse. False (Sacral Vertebrae do)
Horses have a total of 205 bones in their body. True
The fibula is the smaller bone fused to the radius. False (Fibula is the smaller bone fused to the Tibia/ Ulna is
the smaller bone fused to the Radius)
8.) The patella is another name for the hock. False (Patella means knee, Hock is Tarsus)
9.) The hock consists of 7 bones. True
10.) The Navicular bone is located behind the coffin bone, and is also known as the distal sesamoid. True
Multiple Choice: Read each question and circle the best possible answer
11.) How many cervical vertebrae do horses have?
a. 8
b. 7
c. 6
d. 10
12.) How many thoracic vertebrae do horses have?
a. 12
b. 14
c. 16
d. 18
13.) How many lumbar vertebrae do horses have?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
14.) How many sacral vertebrae do horses have?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
15.) How many coccygeal vertebrae do horses have?
a. 18
b. 10
c. 12
d. 5
16.) Which of the following are functions of the skeletal system?
a. Provides body structure
b. Protects organs and muscles
c. Supports the horse’s body weight
d. All of the above
17.) What are bone to bone attachments called?
a. Tendons
b. Ligaments
c. Sinew
d. None of the Above
18.) What are bone to muscle attachments called?
a. Tendons
b. Ligaments
c. Sinew
d. None of the Above
19.) The “arm” of the horse is also known as the ______________?
a. Radius
b. Ulna
c. Humerus
d. Femur
20.) Which statement is false?
a. The cervical vertebrae form the neck
b. The Coccygeal vertebrae form the tail
c. The sacral vertebrae form the croup
d. The thoracic vertebrae form the loin (The lumbar vertebrae form the loin, thoracic form the back)