MBA PROGRAM ACADEMIC-BASED / RESEARCH-BASED INDEPENDENT STUDY REQUEST FORM The Academic-Based or Research-Based Independent Study is the means to pursue and register for a personallydesigned learning project. To be able to enroll in an Academic-Based or Research-Based Independent Study project you must: Discuss your idea with the Director of Student Affairs (Tim Hossain – Evening MBA students, Sigrid Olsen – Full-time MBA students). Before scheduling a meeting you should review the Academic/Research- Based Independent Study Proposal Template. Submit an Academic /Research-Based Independent Study Proposal to the MBA Program Office for review and approval. Upon approval of the proposal, secure a faculty member to sponsor your independent study. Complete the Independent Study Request & Project Agreement form. Drop off the Form & Agreement, with Proposal attached, at the MBA Program Office. Register for independent study credits no later than the end of the first week of the quarter (per academic calendar) for 4-credit projects or the end of the third week of the quarter for 2-credit projects. Note: Grades in 600-level classes will appear on your grade sheet and UW transcript, but are not calculated into your cumulative GPA. Section to be Completed by the Student Name: _______________________________________________________________Student ID#: ____________________ UW Email: _________________________________ Program: □ Full-time MBA □ Evening MBA Academic Quarter: □ AUT □ WIN □ SPR □ SUM Year:___________ Type of Independent Study: □ Academic-based □ Research-based Project Credits: □ 2 Credits □ 4 Credits Faculty Sponsor:_____________________ MBA Program Office Use Only: MBA Program Office Approval:___________________________________________________ Registration Processing Date Received: ________________ Staff Initials______________ Faculty Dept Prefix:________________________ SLN:_______________________________Faculty Code:_________________ Date Registration Information/Confirmation Sent to Student:________________ Revised July 2015 MBA PROGRAM ACADEMIC-BASED / RESEARCH-BASED INDEPENDENT STUDY PROJECT AGREEMENT Please provide information to reflect the mutually-agreed upon understanding of the project between you and your faculty sponsor as guided below. Attach additional information as necessary. Both you and your faculty sponsor must sign and date to indicate agreement. Independent Study Credits: □ 2 Credits (Approximately 60-80 hours of work during quarter) □ 4 Credits (Approximately 120-160 hours of work during quarter) □ Project Proposal Attached Your project proposal must be reviewed and signed by the Director of Student Affairs and your Faculty Sponsor BEFORE you turn it into the MBA Program Office to register for the credits. If the scope of work outlined in your project proposal changes at any point throughout the duration of the project, you must update your proposal and share the updated copy with your faculty sponsor and the MBA Program Office. Required Meetings with Faculty Sponsor Please list the date and times of at least three scheduled meetings with your faculty sponsor. 1. Week 3:___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Week 6:___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Week 9:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreement Student Signature: Faculty Signature: ________________________________Date________ ____________________________________Date________ Printed Name: Printed Name: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Revised July 2015