Biology 425 - University of Montana

Biology 425 (BIOB 425)
Advanced Cell & Molecular Biology
CRN 32222, Spring Term 2014
MWF 1:10-2:00 p.m.; Health Science 411.
Web Page: Course Handouts and Messages will be posted on Moodle.
Dr. Jesse C. Hay
Office Hours: Mon. 2-4 p.m. and by appt.
Office: Skaggs #390A (New Addition).
Research Lab: Skaggs #385
Course Text: Molecular Cell Biology, Seventh Edition, by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris
A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh, Angelika Amon, and Matthew
P. Scott, published by W.H Freeman and Company. Available at the University of
Montana Bookstore.
Coursepack: will be handed out and posted online in sections as the course progresses.
Introduction to Class, start Methods
Methods I: Cells
Methods II: Microscopy and Biochemistry
1-22; 397-404; 424-430
93-106; 404-424
Methods III: Genetics and Genomics
finish methods lectures
Protein Conformation Regulates Cell Events
171-182; 198-206; 212-219; 252-256
Protein Conformation (cont.)
Membrane Structure and Function
Membranes (cont.)
President's Day, no class
Exam I (65 pts.)
Regulation of the Cellular Ionic Environment
Posttransl. Protein Transport into Organelles
Posttransl. Transport (cont.)
Transport Across the Nuclear Envelope
Cotranslational Protein Transport into the ER
Transport into ER (cont.)
ER/Golgi Posttranslational Modifications
and Quality Control
Vesicle Formation & Cargo Sorting
594-601; 644; 651-652
Vesicle Targeting and Fusion
Exam II (65 pts.)
Cytoskeleton I: Actin Dynamics, Muscle
Actin Dynamics (cont.)
Cytoskeleton II: Microtubules, Motors, Mitosis 821-859
Cytoskeleton III: Intermediate Filaments
Spring Break; no class
Spring Break; no class
Spring Break; no class
Cell Signaling Pathways
Cell signaling (cont.)
Cell Cycle I
673-713; 721-768
Cell Cycle II
Cell Cycle (cont.)
Exam III (65 pts.)
Mechanisms of Cancer I
Mechanisms of Cancer II
Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion I
Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion II
ECM (cont)
Regulated Protein Degradation
Nerve Cells and Action Potentials
Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory
Finals Week, no class
Final Exam (140 pts); 3:20-5:20 p.m.
Course Structure
Biol. 425 is designed as an advanced course in Cell Biology for students majoring in the life sciences.
To fully absorb the material, it is important that you meet the suggested prerequisites for the course.
Some knowledge of both molecular biology and genetics will be assumed. Thus, it is especially
important to have previously completed coursework in these areas. It is recommended, but not required,
that coursework in biochemistry be taken before or concurrently with this course. Whether you have had
the prerequisites or not, if you feel that you are deficient in molecular biology, biochemistry or genetics,
be sure you have access to good textbooks to use as background references.
Lecture Format
There are 3 lectures each week, given on Mon., Wed., Fri. from 1:10-2:00 p.m. in Health Sciences
411. The lectures are mandatory; you must attend the lectures. It is important that you do not miss
lectures, since lectures will often contain information or examples that are not covered in the readings.
Exam Policy
Exam questions will be based primarily on the material covered in lectures. The final exam will
contain a section covering the last block of new material in detail, as well as a cumulative section
covering the whole semester.
Problem Sets
There will be a problem set distributed approximately one week in advance of each exam (4 total).
These will provide practice for the more difficult types of questions that could appear on an exam,
although there is no guarantee that the same precise topics are covered on the problem sets and exams.
Students are welcome to work together and to seek the instructor's advice on the problem sets. Problem
sets are due at the start of the exam.
Writing Assignment
This course includes one written paper of at least five pages exclusive of references and figures. The
paper will consist of a critical review of current primary research literature and scientific (i.e. not political
or social) discoveries/controversies surrounding the cell biology of a disease (human, animal, or plant).
A detailed description of the assignment, including content and format requirements, will be distributed
at the beginning of the semester. It is hoped that the assignment will help students achieve the following
writing goals: 1) identification of sophisticated questions for inquiry; 2) synthesis of information from
multiple sources; 3) presentation of multiple perspectives and interpretations; 4) learn appropriate citation
and documentation practices for cell biology, and; 5) competence in searching the appropriate electronic
databases. A complete draft of the paper, including the appropriate, correctly formatted references, will
be due before Spring Break. In addition to the paper, students will turn in results from electronic
searches documenting that the relevant literature database(s) was queried with appropriate search terms.
Problem Sets
Written Paper
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Final Exam
80 pts.
85 pts.
65 pts.
65 pts.
65 pts.
140 pts.
500 pts.
4 X 20 pts. (due the lecture preceding each exam)
(draft due beginning of Spring Break; final by last day of class)
Febr. 21
1:10-2:00 p.m.
Wednesday March 19
1:10-2:00 p.m.
April 18
1:10-2:00 p.m.
Wednesday May 14
3:20-5:20 p.m.
All students are expected to take the exams at the scheduled time. If, however, you feel that you are
near death and cannot make an exam, you will be allowed to take a make-up exam ONLY IF YOU CAN
PROVIDE A NOTE FROM A CERTIFIED M.D. to that effect. Other emergencies will be considered
THE EXAM. If you are unable to call, a family member or friend should call instead. If you miss an
exam without making any prearrangements, you will receive 0 points for that exam. The dates for all
exams are listed above. You have no excuse for not knowing when the exams are scheduled or for
leaving before the scheduled final at the end of the semester. To preserve the academic integrity of the
course, we reserve the right to alter the content and/or format of the original exam when creating a makeup exam. Make-up final exams will be oral.
Individual exam scores will not be curved in this class. Letter grades will be assigned after the
semester has been completed, based on the total points accumulated. Adjustments will be made at that
time, if necessary. Cutoffs will be no higher than 450 pts. (90%) for A-, 400 pts. (80%) for B-, 350 pts.
(70%) for C-, and 300 pts. (60%) for D-.
Students may receive graduate credit by completing an additional writing assignment. This will
involve reading primary research articles, identifying a current gap in our knowledge of cellular
processes (or controversial model), and providing a synthesis of recent attempts and future directions to
address it experimentally. Detailed instructions will be given for this assignment following Spring
Academic Conduct
As you proceed through this course you may at times feel the pressure of course work, exams, and
assignments. So much to do, and so little time! If you seriously fall behind in your work, you should
talk to Dr. Hay. He will try to be sensitive to your individual problems, but to be fair to all students, he
will enforce deadlines and grade your performance by standards that apply to everyone.
Whatever happens, don't be tempted to cheat; it's not worth it, and the penalties are very severe. If we
believe that you have been dishonest on an exam, we reserve the right to award you 0 pts. for that exam.
At this stage in your career, suspension and/or failing grades may significantly affect your chances of
being able to graduate on schedule.
Advice on Mastering the Material in Cell Biology
1. Exam questions are based on the lectures. The readings are intended to supplement your
understanding and provide additional examples. However, your lecture notes should always be the
priority when studying for an exam. If you want to succeed, you must attend the lectures and take
complete notes!
2. Review and outline your notes as soon as possible after lecture. Don’t just read your notes.
Cognitive science has shown that writing, for example, outlining your notes, is an important step in
the learning process for most people.
3. Keep up with the class. Don’t wait until just before the exam to master all the material! If you find
yourself having difficulty with the material DO NOT WAIT until you have problems with the first
exam before coming in for help. This is what office hours are for - to clarify material covered in the
4. Make use of all the resources available to you. There are many biochemistry, genetics, molecular
biology, and other cell biology texts in the library that may serve as good references for you. Make
use of office hours. Dr. Hay will also answer concise questions submitted by e mail.
5. It is very helpful for students to form a STUDY GROUP with whom you can meet to discuss the
material in the course. Past experience indicates that these groups work best when they are relatively
small (2-4 people). This allows everyone in the group to talk about the material. They are most
helpful when the group meets on a regular basis (at least once a week - not just before exams
Guidelines for Preparing for the Exams
1. The best way to prepare for the exams is to keep up with the material as we go. Don’t wait until
just before the exam to read the textbook and go over your notes!!
2. Discuss the material regularly with a study group of 2-4 classmates. Talk about the information
presented in lectures.
3. Make use of office hours to help you understand the difficult topics. If you have brief questions,
use e-mail.
4. The exams will test your understanding of the material in three ways:
Factual Recall: Do you understands the facts presented? These are the “regurgitation”
questions - they require relatively straightforward answers.
Concepts: These questions expect you to put several facts together into a concept you have
already been introduced to in lecture. They test your understanding of how components fit
together. They may be questions about models or mechanisms or processes (simple and
Application: These questions will test your ability to apply the information from lecture to real
data examples. These are “story problems” that you will have to reason through. You may be
asked to interpret a graph, propose an experiment, or explain some results. In each case, the
necessary information will have been presented in lecture or discussion, but you must apply it to
this new situation.
5. Concentrate on the lecture notes, since only material covered in lecture will be on exams. Use
the textbook or other assigned readings as needed to provide further clarification of the material. Keep
in mind that certain information presented in lecture will not be found in the reading. Don’t just
memorize the information - make sure you understand it!!
Expected Learning Outcomes for BioB 425
1. Students should understand the experimental basis from which modern cell biological
knowledge comes; this includes being able to interpret experiments and evaluate conclusions
from studies using:
a. Tissue culture (primary and clonal)
b. Antibodies as specific probes for cellular components using several distinct protocols
c. Recombinant gene expression studies and gene knockout and knockdown approaches
d. Light and electron microscopy
e. Protein purification and analysis
f. Genetic analysis including epistasis experiments for ordering gene pathways
g. Basic genomic algorithms and tools for predicting gene function
2. Students should understand the fundamentals of protein structure and how cellular stimuli
regulate the activity of proteins. They should be able to describe example mechanisms for how
posttranslational events like phosphorylation or GTP binding and hydrolysis translate into
altered protein activity. Students should also be able to recognize a number of conserved
protein domains and their functions.
3. Students should understand the makeup of cellular membranes throughout the cell; this includes
phospholipid asymmetries between cytosolic and extracytosolic leaflets, the abundances of
different lipids in different organelles, and the location of synthesis of the major lipid species.
Students will also need to understand the different types of membrane proteins, their
mechanisms of associations with membranes, and their mechanisms of constraint and microlocalization within membranes.
4. Students should understand how the cell regulates transport across its membranes. This will
include knowledge of the major groups and biochemical mechanisms of membrane transporters,
ion pumps and channels. It will also include knowing the major ionic equilibria and
approximate ion concentrations in cellular compartments.
5. Students should have extensive and detailed knowledge of how proteins become targeted to
cellular compartments. This includes mechanisms that occur co-translationally (proteins of the
endomembrane system) as well as posttranlationally (mitochondrial, peroxisomal, chloroplast
and nuclear proteins). They will also know the primary sequence of localization signals within
proteins and how they are interpreted and effected by the targeting machinery.
6. Students should understand the details of protein trafficking within the endomembrane system,
once a protein enters this system (see goal 5). This will include understanding and knowing the
major examples of transport vesicle coats, cargo recognition and sorting mechanisms, and
vesicle targeting and fusion. The students will be able to generalize these mechanisms to
specific transport steps of physiological or medical importance such as the uptake of cholesterol
via receptor mediated endocytosis, etc.
7. Students should understand the major posttranslational modifications and how protein quality
control is maintained. This will involve knowing several pathways, for example the unfolded
protein response, autophagy, and ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal activation, for the regulated
degradation of inappropriate proteins.
8. Students will know the basic functions, mechanisms of synthesis and regulation, and structural
characteristics of cytoskeletal elements, including microfilaments, intermediate filaments and
microtubules. This will include understanding at a molecular level the process of treadmilling,
branching, dynamic instability and other regulatory phenomena. Students will also know the
major cytoskeletal regulatory proteins and how they control muscle contraction, mitosis,
cytokinesis and other cellular transformations. The students will also know the major classes of
cytoskeletal motors and which movements and transport events they regulate and how.
9. The students should understand the cell division cycle and its regulation. This will include
understanding the historical elucidation of maturation promoting factor and our current
molecular understanding of these kinase complexes, their targets, and how they effect cellular
events. Students will know about many cell cycle regulators and be able to predict the effects of
changes in their activities on rates of cell division and potential roles in cancer.
10. Students will know the major pathways of cell signaling originating from ligand binding by cell
surface receptors. This will include tyrosine kinase and G-protein coupled receptors and their
entire signaling cascades, second messenger systems, scaffolds and cellular effects.
11. Students will understand the cellular and genetic basis of cancer. This will include
understanding the different types of mutations that accumulate in cancer and how they promote
cell mitogenesis, tumor production or invasiveness. Common cellular modifications observed
in cancer, such as GTPase deficient Ras, should be learned. Students should be able to predict
whether a given mutation or modification would have oncogenic vs. tumor suppressor
12. Students will learn the major pathways leading to and inhibiting programmed cell death, or
apoptosis, and understanding the integration of these pathways with oncogenic and tumor
suppressor effects in cancer.
13. Students will know in detail the structure of the extracellular matrix and how it contributes to
cell migration, tissue formation, and human disease.
14. Students will know the basic anatomy of neurons, propagation of action potentials, and
formation of neuronal signaling circuits. The students should be able to successfully integrate
this neuron-specific information into a cutting edge model of learning and memory at the
cellular level in Aplysia californica that incorporates many of the cell biological concepts
learned throughout the semester.
15. The students should be able to write a paper reviewing current research on the cell biology of a
disease, incorporating scientific concepts from class that:
a. Identifies a sophisticated question for inquiry
b. Synthesizes information from multiple sources
c. Presents multiple perspectives and interpretations
d. Demonstrates appropriate citation and documentation practices for cell biology
e. Demonstrates competence in searching the appropriate electronic databases
Focus and Format Requirements:
Choose a disease that has a known or hypothesized cellular/molecular biological basis. Be sure
there is little or no overlap with assignments you have done for other classes (this could be
considered academic misconduct).
The bulk of the paper should deal with basic cell biological research related to your chosen disease. It
should not be only a recitation of symptoms or a report of clinical studies, though these things can be
briefly summarized in the Introduction section. There should be little or no discussion of patients or
patient surveys or human subjects. The main purpose and challenge of this assignment is to dig into
and understand the primary literature surrounding the cell biology (ie molecular and cellular
mechanism) of the disease.
The paper is to be NO SHORTER than 5 pages (1.5 spacing, 11pt. font, 1-inch margins on all
sides), excluding figures, references and other literature documentation. It is fine to integrate
figures into the text if you want, just make sure the text on it own meets the minimal length.
Sections of the Paper:
1. Introduction - this section should include information about the clinical symptoms of the disease
and any known epidemiology or related statistics. The purpose here is to tell us, in general terms,
about the impact of the disease. Information in this section must cite published journal articles
from which you got it, and reviews would probably be the most appropriate type of article to use
here (ask a librarian how to limit your literature search to reviews).
2. Cellular/Molecular Basis of the Disease - this section has two parts.
a. First, present a model for what causes the disease at the cellular level. This must be
clearly related to material presented during lectures or in your textbook, meaning it is put in
the context of cell biological knowledge. For example, what cellular regulatory pathways,
specific protein structures and functions, membrane/organelle structures and functions, or
physiological processes are affected in the disease? How are they affected? The level of
detail and focus area of the model presented will need to be sufficient to support part b
below. In this context, “model” means current molecular/cellular concepts of how the
disease arises, not to be confused with an “animal disease model”, which is an
experimental system that replicates a human disease. This section (part a) can cite reviews
or primary experimental articles, though reviews should be your starting place for
gathering information. You do not have to include a figure with a graphical model, but it
would be appropriate; if you borrow one from an article, be sure to properly cite it in the
figure legend.
b. Second, present three or more specific experiments that were undertaken recently
demonstrating how research is evaluating, extending, or changing the model from part a.
The experiments discussed should come from at least three separate primary experimental
articles. Discuss these three articles plus any others necessary for you to adequately
explain and interpret the experiments. Be sure it is basic science research, not clinical
research (i.e., no human subjects, unless patients are used only as a source of cells/tissue
for experimentation). As in part a, it is not required to present figures, but it is appropriate
and best if it helps explain the conclusions. Figures can be incorporated into text pages or
put on separate pages. Avoid exhaustively recapitulating the methods--just briefly explain
the rationale for conducting each experiment, the experimental approach, the result and
conclusions, and their implications for the model(s) described in part a. You should focus
on what you believe is the most significant, conclusive experiment from each of the three
experimental articles you are covering.
3. Future Directions - this section could include information on directions of future research
and potential therapies to treat/cure the disease that could arise from a better understanding
of the cellular basis of the disease. For example, do aspects of the model evaluated in your
articles open up new pathways or proteins that could be used as drug targets? This section
is more open ended and is mostly your interpretation and opinion. You do not necessarily
need to cite more articles unless specific new facts or research is brought up.
4. References - references should be cited parenthetically in the text using the following
formats: (Wittman, 2009) for articles with one author, (Cookson and van der Brug, 2008)
for articles with two authors, and (Gitler et al., 2008) for articles with three or more authors.
At the end of the document, include a separate section titled "References" containing the full
citation for all of the articles cited in the text, arranged alphabetically by last name of first
author. Each article should appear only once in the reference list, even if you cite it at
multiple points in the text for multiple facts or ideas. Include all authors' names (do not use
"et al."), year, complete article title, volume and page numbers as shown below (if my
examples are not clear please check the reference format in any recent Journal of Cell
Biology article). References should be single-spaced with larger spaces between references.
Abbreviate the names of journals according to PubMed. Below are examples for journal
articles and book chapters (book chapters that comprise primary literature reviews can be
cited in parts 1, 2a, or 3 of the paper; they are not suitable for part 2b, which must cite
journal articles). Websites are generally not acceptable for citation since they do not
represent a permanent, published, information source.
Journal article format:
Gitler, A. D., B. J. Bevis, J. Shorter, K. E. Strathearn, S. Hamamichi, L. J. Su, K. A.
Caldwell, G. A. Caldwell, J.-C. Rochet, J. M. McCaffery, C. Barlowe, and S.
Lindquist. 2008. The Parkinson's disease protein alpha-synuclein disrupts cellular
Rab homeostasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105(1):145-50.
Book chapter format:
Innerarity, T. L., D. Y. Hui, and R. W. Mahley. 1982. Hepatic apoprotein E
(remnant) receptor. In Lipoproteins and Coronary Atherosclerosis. G. Noseda, C.
Fragiacomo, R. Fumagalli, and R. Paoletti, editors. Elsevier/North Holland,
Amsterdam. 173–181.
5. Literature Searches - Every student must also submit documentation of appropriate
literature database searches that identify resources used in this assignment. The
recommended database for this assignment is PubMed
(, but others may be acceptable. Approach
a reference librarian at Mansfield Library for help using PubMed or another database if you
encounter difficulty or would like some assistance. The Information Center (IC) desk is
staffed until 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and until 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The
documentation should detail your search strategy (database selected, search terms and limits
used) and results for at least two searches. The search results do not have to be submitted in
any particular format--whatever the database provides is fine. The first database search
should be used to identify review articles about the cellular basis of your disease. An
example PubMed search to get reviews about synucleinopathies (Parkinson's-related
diseases) would be the following: synuclein*[Title] AND review[Publication Type]. When
further limited to the last 10 years, this search produces ~175 articles, which is small enough
to be perused comprehensively. The other search(es) should be informed by reading one
or more of the review articles and use specific proteins, molecular pathways and terms
related to your disease to identify recent (late nineties and onward) primary research
articles for your paper. For any of your searches, you may have to use more limits to
avoid getting hundreds or thousands of clinical reviews and primary papers. One hint would
be to combine the disease name with a specific protein name (e.g. hemophilia[Text Word]
AND ERGIC-53[Title]). You must turn in sufficiently limited searches—perusing hundreds
or thousands of titles is not considered a legitimate search strategy. One downside of being
at a small university is that not all research articles will be available to you in full-text.
Librarians and the library journal search page (choose the green tab from the library
homepage, can help you to identify the articles available in full-text. DO
NOT limit your searches to “Free Full Text” on Pubmed. This will cause you to ignore the
preeminent journals with the most exciting results. Do not submit the actual full-text
articles with your assignment. I require documentation of the searches your performed, not
just results. The documentation proves that you performed appropriately crafted, narrowed
searches that gave reasonable numbers of results and that you chose to focus on appropriate
Submission Instructions
A complete draft of the paper is due by 5 a.m. on Tuesday April 1st, 2014. The document
should be emailed to as an email attachment. I will acknowledge
receipt within 24 hours. The email address from which the document is sent will be the same
address to which it is returned with a grade and comments. The complete draft, including
references, figures, tables, lit. searches etc., must be submitted as a single PDF file of less
than 5 MB in size. Word processor files will trigger an automatic 10-pt reduction. Get
computer lab help if you have trouble making or sizing your PDF, as this is an important part of
the assignment. The database results should be saved as a file (or captured by copying and
pasting or screenshots) and incorporated into the submitted PDF.
Approximately half of the grade will be determined by writing style and clarity, and half on
command of the literature and conceptual framework. The draft will be graded on its merits; this
evaluation will include a list of suggested improvements, including style and content changes. For
example, the instructor may require the student to pursue more sophisticated questions about the
research, synthesize information from more diverse sources, or present multiple interpretations of
the work discussed. In addition, it may be necessary for the student to adapt the paper to include
acceptable citation and documentation formats or repeat electronic searches using more
sophisticated criteria. Of course, there will also be standard editorial suggestions related to clarity,
grammar, organization, and avoidance of redundancy. Standard deductions of 10 pts. will be
applied for lateness, missing search documentation or submission of word processor or over-sized
files. It will be clearly stated which improvements are considered "minimal" and which are
required for a "major" writing overhaul. All of the minimum suggested improvements must be
incorporated into the final paper to maintain the same final grade. To get an improved grade on the
final paper (10 pts. maximal improvement), all of the stated minimum improvements plus suggested
major improvements must be incorporated. The instructor will judge the degree to which suggested
improvements were met.
Disease Suggestions
The disease chosen must have a known or hypothesized cellular basis - this list does not guarantee
that all these diseases are appropriate. They are only suggestions, places to start. The disease may
affect humans, other animals, microbes, or plants.
Tay Sachs
muscular dystrophy
canine parvo
Huntington’s disease
spinobulbar muscular atrophy
spinocerebellar ataxia
Bannwarth’s Syndrome
acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
Kennedy’s disease
multiple sclerosis
Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA)
Peutz-Jegher’s syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
I-cell disease
IgA deficiency
Hodgkin’s disease
myasthenia gravis
Pomp’s disease
Shigella - secretory diarrhea (Vibrio cholerae)
Zellweger’s syndrome
pituitary microadrenomas-prolactinoma
Paget’s disease (increased bone)
von Willebrand’s disease (blood clotting)
Refsum’s disease
Gilbert’s syndrome (can’t conjugate bilirubin)
Marfan’s syndrome
familial polyposis of colon (polyps)
Gardner’s disease
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (pancreatic tumors)
retinitis pigmentosa
Polio virus
fructose intolerance
Maple syrup urine disease
Niemann-Pick disease
alpha-1 anti-trypsin
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome
Lyme disease
ataxia telangiectasia – IgG
erythropoietic protoporphyria
myotubule myopia (ryanodine receptor mutations)
osteogenesis imperfecta
Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome (cardiac arrhythmias)
von Hippel-Lindau (inherited, retinal blastomas)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome (mad-cow disease)
infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr Syndrome)
SCIDs - severe combined immunodeficiency (bubble kids)
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (IgA, IgM, IgG deficiency)
spherocytosis - RBCs spherical
G6P dehydrogenase deficiency - RBC death
McArdle’s disease - no muscle breakdown of glucose
polycystic kidney disease
primary hyperoxaluria
diabetes (specific type)
spondyloepiphyseal displasia tarda