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The Proposal of Paper, ICSEI 2014 Yogyakarta.
The main objective of this research is to improve student teachers competencies at the
Mathematics Education of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya
University through Lesson Study. The study focused on the improving of competencies
pedagogical, professional, and social. In order to do so, development research was used.
Research subject is student teachers at the 7th semester who follow the Statistic Method
course. Three main steps of lesson study were conducted namely plan, do and see.
Results showed that student teachers were able to improve their competencies such as:
(1) the ability to discuss, among teachers and students, and between students and
students; (2) Student problem solving skills through contextual statistics problem, and (3)
the ability to investigate normality test.
Keywords: Lesson Study, Professional Development, Teacher Education, Statistics
Target Audience:
Researchers, policy makers, teachers and student teachers who interested in
implementing innovation in this case lesson study in order to improve the
performance of students of teachers education.
Professional teachers and lecturers should have four competencies: pedagogical,
professional, personal, and social. Teachers and lecturers should have the ability
to manage the learning of students, the other hand teachers and lecturers are
required to be able to prepare teaching materials, teaching in the classroom, and
evaluate (Zulkardi & Ilma, 2006).
One of the courses in the mathematics course is Statistical Methods which is an
important subject, which is expected after following the course students are able
to apply statistical material using ICT in this blog for the purposes of completion
of under graduate thesis. During this learning process of Statistical Methods
course, has not run well, it is seen from lecturer teach only one direction, where
students just listen and take notes. Materials provided yet meaningful, so that
students are less visible activities during the learning process takes place. Besides
that lecturers course not collaborate in developing teaching materials and learning
to apply them in so there is no cooperation.
One of the issues of educational interest to be discussed is about Lesson Study,
which emerged as an alternative to overcome the problem of learning practices
that have been deemed less effective. Lesson study is a review of the
implementation of learning activities undertaken by teachers. So, lesson study is
not the method of teaching, although in the study of learning activities, teachers
will definitely discuss teaching methods, media, and learning aids used in the
learning process is a learning assessment activities are conducted by teachers.
The role of teachers in the educational process required to always improve his
ability as a dignified and professional personnel. Therefore, any improvement
efforts being made to improve the quality of education. Various efforts have been
made to improve the quality lecturers such as increased ability/mastery of a wide
range of strategies or methods of learning and media. Advances in the field of
information and communication technology in education many are using blogs as
a medium of learning. The existence of the blog is currently expected to be used
to its full potential as an alternative media delivery of knowledge, learning on-line
media, as well as solutions to the problem of the lack of conventional teaching
hours in the classroom (Sujinal, 2011).
The purpose of this paper is to developed teaching materials using a media blog
and using Lesson Study. This research aims to describe the efforts made in
improving pedagogical, professional and social lecturer Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya
University through Lesson Study.
Perspective(s) or theoretical framework
This paper mainly uses the following two theories:
 Lesson study is a cycle of activities in which teacher design, implement,
and improve one or more research lessons and make positive changes in
instructional practice and student learning (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999)
 Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) (Gravemeijer, 1994, 2010) is
a domain-specific instructional theory, which offers guidelines for
instruction that aims at supporting students in constructing, or
reinventing mathematics in problem-centered interactive instruction.
Methods, techniques or modes of inquiry
In this research the professional development of teachers to use lesson study with
the step plan, do, and see.
1. Plan
In the planning step, the lecturers who are members of Lesson Study
collaborating to develop a syllabus that reflects the student-centered learning.
Planning began with analyzing the needs and problems faced in learning, such as
about: a description of the course, students activities, anticipate the lack of
facilities and learning tools, so as to know the real range of conditions to be used
for the sake of learning. Furthermore, together also look for a solution to solve all
problems found. Conclusions from the analysis of the needs and problems of a
part that must be considered in the preparation of the syllabus, so the syllabus
into a plan that is really very mature, in which there could anticipate all the
possibilities that will occur during the execution of the learning takes place, both
in the early stages.
2. Implementation (Do)
In the second step, there are two main activities, namely: (1) the implementation
of learning activities undertaken by one of the professors who agreed or upon his
own to practice syllabus that has been developed with, and (2) activities of the
observation or observations made by members or Lesson Study other
communities (read: professors and students who act as observers/observer).
3. Reflection (see)
The third step is a very important step for further efforts to improve the learning
process will depend on the sharpness of the sets of analyzes based on observations
of the implementation of learning that have been implemented. Reflection
activities carried out in the form of discussions which followed the participants
Lesson Study led by the chairman of a course or other designated observer.
Discussion begins delivering impressions of lecturer who have been practicing the
learning, by submitting a comment or suggest general or special impression on the
learning process is doing, for example, the perceived difficulties and problems in
implementing the syllabus has been prepared.
Data sources or evidence
Data were collected using observation (activities of students and teacher
model) and documentation (student’s solution or contributions), field note and
video-recording(classroom situation). These data will be presented during
presentation in the conference.
Results and/or conclusions/points of view
Results show that the student of teacher education can understand the statistics
method and its application in the study by using Excel. At the time of learning in
the classroom, teachers provide materials to address the issue through a blog id/ratuilma.
Educational importance of this study
The importance of this study can be used for improving the performance of
teacher education especially in learning lesson materials using ICT.
Furthermore, this study enriched and improved the students’ learning
Connection to the themes of the congress
This paper is strongly related to the theme of ICSEI 2014 that is exploring and
understanding contemporary approaches to teaching and learning. The topic is
professional learning for initial teacher education. Here, the researcher
collaborated with team (educators) in implementing the innovations (RME
and Lesson Study) that are recommended by the policy makers in order to
promote quality in mathematics education in Indonesia. Of course, during the
discussion, comments and recommendations from audiences are needed to
improve the quality of the professional development program.
Graveimeijer, K. (1994). Developing Realistic Mathematics Education.
Utrecht: CDBeta Press.
Graveimeijer, K. (2010). Realistic Mathematics Education Theory as a
Guideline for Problem-Centered, Interactive Mathematics Education. In
Stigler, J.W, & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap: Best ideas from the
world’s teachers for improving education in classroom. New York:
Summit Books.
Sujinal. (2011). Designing Blogsupport: Wujud Profesionalisme Guru dalam
Merancang dan MelaksanakanKkegiatan Pembelajaran Matematika.
Paper presented in Simposium Puslitjaknov. Bali
Zulkardi, Z. & Ilma, R. (2007). Pengembangan Blog Support untuk
Membantu Siswa dan Guru Matemtika untuk Belajar Pendidikan
Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI), Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan
Pembelajarannya (JIPP), 2(1).
Zulkardi, Z. & Ilma, R. (2006). Mendesain Sendiri Soal Kontekstual
Matematika. Procceeding in the 13th National Conference of
Mathematics. Semarang.