implementing the scheme - Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary

This Welsh Language Scheme was approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner on
[Date to be inserted]
Reviewed January 2014
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1. Introduction
2. Statement
3. Planning and delivering services
4. Communicating with the Welsh speaking public
5. Corporate image
6. Publications
7. Press releases
8. Websites and information technology
9. Implementing the Scheme
10. Implementation and monitoring
11. Advertising the Scheme and raising public awareness
Timescales and Implementation Plan
Reviewed January 2014
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PAVS is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is regulated by the
Charity Commission and Companies House and prepares accounts in accordance with the
SORP accounting standards for charities, which are audited annually by external auditors.
PAVS operates as a member of the Third Sector Infrastructure Partnership, which is funded
by the Welsh Government and includes Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA); the
Wales Association of County Voluntary Councils (WACVC) and Volunteer Centres.
Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) is the County Voluntary Council
for Pembrokeshire, providing support for voluntary and community organisations and
volunteers throughout the County.
PAVS works closely with CAVO (Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations); CAVS
(Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services) and PAVO (Powys Association of
Voluntary Organisations) through a Regional Memorandum of Understanding signed by the
Chairs of the Boards on 11th September 2013. Collectively, the four County Voluntary
Councils work under the banner “Third Sector Support – Mid & West Wales”. The formal
agreement sets out a framework for and commitment to regional working arrangements,
which extend across a range of policy and service areas, including the Welsh Language.
Mission, Values and Strategic Aims
PAVS’ Mission Statement, approved by the Board on 10th September 2010, is:
PAVS exists to:
Encourage voluntary activity;
Support its members;
Engage with the public and private sectors; and
Promote the vision espoused by the third sector in Pembrokeshire.
PAVS’ values that guide its mission and strategic aims are:
Engaging with members, service users, staff, trustees and volunteers through their language
of choice is a key part of living up to the value of “inclusiveness”.
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PAVS’ Strategic Aims
To encourage voluntary activity PAVS will:
Build capacity within the third sector by offering information, advice, training,
funding and development support, ICT support and consultancy;
Provide facilities and offer support services through the Pembrokeshire Centre for
Voluntary Action;
Run a small grants scheme;
Promote volunteering in the community; and
Expand its membership base.
To support its full and associate members PAVS will:
Accumulate an evidence base to contribute towards their policy development,
funding applications and procurement bids;
Assist them in identifying and, where possible, quantifying their outcomes and
impacts; and
Offer discounts on training, ICT support and consultancy.
To engage with the public and private sectors PAVS will:
Represent local third sector views to statutory bodies, and;
Undertake partnership working with public and private sector organisations.
To promote the vision espoused by the third sector in Pembrokeshire PAVS will:
Develop networks linking third sector organisations with similar objectives; and
Discover opportunities by identifying market failures, policy failures and unmet
PAVS is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is regulated by the
Charity Commission and Companies House and prepares accounts in accordance with the
SORP accounting standards for charities, which are audited annually by external auditors.
The Board of Trustees (who are also Directors of the Company) has overall responsibility for
all aspects of PAVS’ work. The PAVS’ Board is made up of 10 Trustees, 7 of whom are
nominated and elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting. The remaining
posts (Chair, Vice Chair and TSR1 Finance) are appointed through an open recruitment
process, managed by the elected members of the Board. This ensures that people with the
appropriate strategic leadership, management and financial skills are appointed to key
positions on the Board.
A skills audit is carried out at regular intervals and all trustees are encouraged to attend
training courses, conferences and workshops relating to governance issues. Whole Board
training is also organised, as required, and trustees attend joint staff development sessions
with staff at least twice a year.
Trustee with Special Responsibility for Finance
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PAVS Staff
The quality of our services is dependent on the skills and commitment of our staff team.
Despite the fact that many staff are on annual contracts, PAVS has been fortunate to retain
a loyal staff team, many of whom have been with the Association for 10 years or more. This
has been achieved through PAVS’ family and carer friendly employment policies, which
provide for flexible working patterns and remote working from home, with the agreement of
the line manager.
In addition, PAVS is committed to supporting and developing its staff team. All staff are
entitled to quarterly work reviews and an annual appraisal, which provides an opportunity to
set out work objectives for the coming year and identify training and development needs.
Staff development sessions are held each month, providing an opportunity for whole staff
training on issues such as implementing the Welsh Language Scheme, PQASSO, Green
Dragon, etc.
Staff are encouraged to achieve nationally recognised and accredited courses to support
their roles within the Association.
PAVS currently employs 29 staff on a full and part-time basis, led by a full-time Chief Officer.
The staff team is organised across three areas of activity, namely:
Supporting Voluntary Action – organisational development; governance; sustainable
funding; training; volunteering; ICT support and digital inclusion;
Representation & Joint Working – citizen engagement and representing the sector on
strategic and service planning partnerships at local and regional levels including children
and young people; health, social care and well-being; unpaid carers; and the Local
Service Board;
Support Services – providing finance and administrative support to the Association and
its members, including managing the Pembrokeshire Centre for Voluntary Action which
is open to the sector and provides access to hot desks, SKYPE facilities, meeting and
training rooms, equipment loan, practical office services, printing, photocopying and
payroll services.
2.1 PAVS has adopted the principle that in the conduct of its business in Wales, it will treat
the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality so far as is both appropriate in the
circumstances and reasonably practical.
2.2 PAVS receives the majority of its funding from public sources. Therefore, we have a
duty to make bilingual provision for the public in accordance with our funding guidelines.
2.3 More importantly, PAVS believes that offering services to the public in their preferred
language is good practice. We believe that offering services which respect an individual’s
choice of language can make a significant difference to the experience of the individual. We
wish to encourage people who have dealings with PAVS to feel comfortable using their
preferred language.
2.4 A Welsh language service will be considered an integral part of PAVS’ activities. We
will identify resources so that services can be offered in English and Welsh whenever that is
suitable, reasonable and practical.
2.5 This Welsh Language Scheme outlines how PAVS will achieve this in the provision of
services to the public in Wales.
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3.1 New policies and initiatives
3.1.1 In planning new and revised policies or initiatives, PAVS will assess the language
implications in order to adhere to the terms of this Scheme.
3.1.2 All new or revised policies and initiatives that are adopted will promote and facilitate
the use of Welsh wherever possible and take the organisation closer to putting into effect the
principle of equality at all times. We will ensure that all staff, volunteers and Trustees are
aware of the requirements of this Scheme as well as the contractual requirements placed on
the Association by working with other organisations, such as the Welsh Government,
Pembrokeshire County Council and the Hywel Dda Health Board under the Welsh Language
Act 1993.
3.1.3 When PAVS plans and approves policies or initiatives, we will assess the language
outcomes, ensuring that they fulfil the commitments of this Scheme. A check list will be
available to staff, volunteers and Trustees to ensure that all relevant matters are considered
when developing new policies or initiatives.
3.1.4 A senior management committee, chaired by the PAVS’ Chief Officer, will monitor the
compliance of new policies and initiatives with this Scheme.
3.1.5 This Welsh Language Scheme will not be altered without the agreement of the Welsh
Language Commissioner.
3.2 Delivery of Services
3.2.1 PAVS’ aim is to provide a consistently high standard of services for English and Welsh
speakers in accordance with the commitments set out in this Scheme. The standard of this
bilingual service will be regularly reviewed, with the aim of continuously improving the
3.2.2 Within the timescales set out in the Implementation Plan, PAVS will work towards the
provision of a comprehensive service of the same high standard in English and Welsh by:
Ensuring that all staff/volunteers are aware of the implications of this Welsh Language
Ensuring that service users are made aware of which staff/volunteers speak Welsh by
using the “Working Welsh” badges and posters
Providing training and guidance for staff/volunteers to facilitate the implementation of this
Providing bilingual workplaces within our offices
Finding reliable, professional and accredited translation services of a high standard to
ensure that all relevant material is translated quickly and accurately
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3.2.3 A description of the bilingual services offered by the various teams within PAVS is
given below:
Volunteering Pembrokeshire – a Welsh-speaking Volunteer Officer is available to deliver
the full range of services offered by PAVS’ Volunteer Centre including one-to-one advice
and guidance interviews with potential volunteers;
Supporting Voluntary Action – bilingual or Welsh medium development support is
available to voluntary and community groups in Pembrokeshire through referral to the
County Voluntary Councils in Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire;
Representation and Joint Working – groups wanting to engage through the medium of
Welsh are offered referrals to County Voluntary Councils in Ceredigion and
Carmarthenshire. Responses to consultations are welcome in both languages.
Support Services – callers to the office (both on the phone and in person) are greeted
bilingually. PAVS responds in Welsh to all written communications that are received in
Welsh. PAVS’ recruitment process is fully bilingual – applicants are welcome to submit
applications in Welsh and bilingual interviews are offered.
4.1 Written Communication
4.1.1 PAVS welcomes written correspondence (including e-mails and texts) in English and
Welsh. All correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh.
4.1.2 PAVS will endeavour to ensure that its management information system holds
information about third sector organisations and individuals who prefer to receive
correspondence in Welsh, in English, or bilingually. If it is known that an individual prefers to
receive correspondence in Welsh, wherever practical, we will correspond with that person in
4.1.3 Standard letters that are sent out to individuals whose language preference is not
known will be produced bilingually.
4.1.4 We will endeavour to ensure that all correspondence in Welsh receives attention
within the same timescale as correspondence in English. In order to facilitate
communication with customers in Welsh, PAVS will maintain a list of professional and
accredited translators and make this available to all staff and volunteers.
4.1.5 PAVS’ headed paper and corporate e-mail signature will contain a standard bilingual
statement welcoming correspondence in English or Welsh.
4.1.6 “Out of Office” or other automatically generated e-mail messages will, wherever
possible, be written bilingually.
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4.2 Telephone Communications
4.2.1 People are welcome to speak English or Welsh in dealing with PAVS over the
telephone. All external calls will be answered with a standard bilingual greeting.
4.2.2 If a member of staff is unable to provide a bilingual service, they will explain the
situation to the individual and offer a Welsh language service from another member or staff
or volunteer. If no Welsh speakers are available, the caller may choose to have a Welsh
speaker phone them back; submit the request in writing or continue the conversation in
English. PAVS can also offer to refer calls to Ceredigion Association of Voluntary
Organisations (CAVO) or Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS).
4.2.3 PAVS will provide an internal directory of Welsh speakers in the organisation to whom
calls may be transferred. The directory will also include telephone numbers for CAVS and
4.2.4 Following a telephone conversation in Welsh, all subsequent communications,
whether written or verbal, will be in Welsh or bilingually at the request of the caller.
4.2.5 The answer phone message on the main office switchboard and mobile phone will be
4.3 Face-to-face Communication
PAVS has undertaken to ensure that anyone who wishes to have face-to-face contact with a
Welsh-speaking member of staff or volunteer will be able to do so. This may not be possible
at all times, but we will encourage and train Welsh-speaking staff and volunteers to make the
most of their Welsh language skills to offer as comprehensive a service as possible.
4.4 Public Meetings and Events
4.4.1 Notices of all public meetings and conferences will be bilingual and will include a
statement that the right of those attending to speak English or Welsh will be respected.
4.4.2 Exhibitions and presentations will be bilingual and PAVS will encourage everyone to
uphold the principle of equality.
4.4.3 We will assess the need for simultaneous translation facilities by requesting delegates
to indicate their preferred language prior to attending the event. If at least 20% of the
delegates indicate that they wish to communicate in Welsh, then we will do our best to
provide simultaneous translation. If there are no available resources to arrange a translator,
Welsh-speaking staff or volunteers will translate questions.
4.4.4 Badges denoting Welsh speakers will be worn to show which members of staff or
volunteers speak Welsh.
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5.1 Corporate Identity
The corporate identity of PAVS will be completely bilingual including the name of the
organisation, its address and logo. The corporate identity will be visible on headed paper,
fax paper, compliment slips, business cards, publications, premises, etc. Both languages
will be equal in terms of size, format, quality, clarity and prominence.
5.2 Signage
5.2.1 When replacing internal and external signage at our offices, PAVS is committed to the
provisional of completely bilingual signage and both languages will be equal in terms of form,
size, quality and prominence.
5.2.2 The signage will uphold the principle of equality, with the Welsh appearing above or in
front of the English.
6.1 All printed public material such as posters, forms, handbooks, annual reports and
statements will be produced bilingually. If the language preference of the intended audience
is not known, then documents will be produced with both languages in the same document
and in a suitable style for the document, for example, side by side for posters and back-toback for larger documents.
6.2 Customers will be able to choose to receive information in English or Welsh. If the
language preference of the end user is known then separate English and Welsh versions will
be published and distributed according to the preferred language of the recipient
organisation or individual.
6.3 If it is not possible or appropriate to produce bilingual material, separate English and
Welsh versions will be produced. In this case, both versions will be of the same standard
and will be published and distributed at the same time. The fact that an English/Welsh
version is available will be publicised.
6.4 When a charge is made for a document in bilingual format, the price will not be higher
than the single language version of that document. In addition, the price of the Welsh
version will not be higher than the price of the English version.
6.5 Current public material will be produced bilingually when revised or re-printed. We will
consider how to make the best use of voluntary assistance in preparing bilingual
publications. At the same time, we will ensure that the Welsh text is of a high standard and
in the correct register and is mindful of the target audience.
6.6 Staff, consultants, designers and printers will be given written guidelines on how to deal
with bilingual publications.
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7.1 We are committed to issuing bilingual statements and notices to the press and the
media in Wales, whenever possible. It is understood that occasionally in an emergency, it
will be necessary to issue press releases in English only but, in all other circumstances, the
translation process will be incorporated into the planning timescales.
7.2 Press releases will be sent to appropriate English medium and Welsh medium
newspapers. A full list of these will be maintained by PAVS and made available to staff and
7.3 Interviews will be held in Welsh where appropriate and all press releases will include
contact details of a Welsh speaking representative of PAVS. This person will be authorised
to represent PAVS within the boundaries of their knowledge. PAVS will keep a list of
suitable names and make these known to staff and volunteers.
8.1 Members of the public will be able to access information via PAVS’ website in English
and Welsh. The website will indicate language choice clearly. PAVS recognises that the
best way to steer language is to include language choice on each page where a
corresponding version is available.
8.2 We will develop the website’s bilingual content over time and prioritise the most popular
and static pages in the first instance. All new web-based reports, documents and forms will
be available bilingually and all versions will be available for easy download.
8.3 English and Welsh pages on the website will be revised and updated at the same time,
whenever possible. If the English and Welsh content does not appear at the same time for
any reason, then the English content will appear with a note informing the user when the
Welsh page will be available. The Welsh version should appear within two working days.
8.4 All material and provision in English and Welsh will be consistent – this means it will be
up-to-date, accurate and will enjoy the same prominence and be of the same quality. All
staff, consultants, designers and printers will be given guidelines on how to deal with the
design of bilingual material.
8.5 Facebook and other social media networks will be maintained in both languages
wherever possible, either separately in English and Welsh or bilingually. Where possible,
PAVS will contribute bilingually to electronic networks. The contributions of other parties will
not be translated without prior agreement.
8.6 When planning or re-developing websites or any other ICT service, we will take into
account any relevant guidelines published by the Welsh Language Commissioner.
8.7 PAVS will assist staff and volunteers to work through the medium of Welsh by making
software such as the Cysgliad dictionary and spell-checker available on computers. Welsh
language versions of applications software will be made available to staff and volunteers
who wish to use them. Training will be given to staff and volunteers on the appropriate use
of on-line translation software.
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9.1 Staffing
9.1.1 PAVS will assess what language skills are necessary for each core activity in order to
implement this Scheme. Job descriptions will make it clear whether the ability to
communicate in Welsh is essential, desirable or not required for the post in question.
9.1.2 PAVS will conduct a review of the language skills of its staff and volunteers and will
include this information in an internal contacts list in order to
Make full use of the language skills that exist within the Association;
Identify any skills shortages within the team.
9.1.3 Any language skills shortages will be dealt with by training current staff or recruiting
new staff as appropriate. Language awareness training will be offered to all staff and
9.1.4 Non-Welsh speaking staff will receive training on how to answer the telephone
bilingually and how to refer Welsh language enquiries, as well as how to pronounce and
spell Welsh names.
9.1.5 When recruiting new staff, trustees and volunteers, PAVS will take into consideration
the linguistic requirement of the post and the whole team in order to enable the
implementation of this Scheme.
9.1.6 All posts that are not designated Welsh essential will have “fluent Welsh” as a
desirable attribute. This will mean that those interviewed will receive additional weighting if
they are fluent Welsh speakers.
9.1.7 Training and support in the use of the Welsh language will be provided to staff and
volunteers who want to extend their use of the language where that is appropriate to their
role profile or as part of their career development plan. PAVS will support staff who wish to
improve their language skills as part of their continuing professional development.
9.2 Learning Welsh
9.2.1 PAVS will endeavour to encourage and support staff who wish to learn Welsh and
support Welsh-speaking staff who wish to improve their language skills.
9.2.2 Welsh-speaking staff and volunteers will encourage other staff who are learning Welsh
to speak Welsh in the workplace. PAVS will actively encourage non Welsh-speaking
members of the team to use Welsh during events and will provide useful sentences for them
to practise.
9.2.3 If resources permit, PAVS will fund or contribute to the cost of externally provided
Welsh language training for staff and volunteers.
9.2.4 Copies of Welsh dictionaries will made available in our Resource Centre and all staff/
volunteers will be shown how to use on-line Welsh dictionaries.
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10.1 Monitoring
10.1.1 PAVS’ Chief Officer will monitor the implementation of the Scheme in accordance
with the timescales set out in the implementation plan attached to this Scheme.
10.1.2 Reports on the implementation of the Scheme will be made to the PAVS’ Board of
Trustees/ Directors and the Welsh Language Commissioner on an annual basis.
10.1.3 PAVS’ members and service users will be kept informed of the implementation of the
Scheme through the Annual Report presented at the Annual General Meeting.
10.1.4 PAVS will review and revise the Scheme every three years in consultation with the
Welsh Language Commissioner.
10.2 Complaints and feedback
10.2.1 PAVS’ complaints procedure will extend to any complaints made regarding the
implementation of the Scheme or PAVS’ Welsh language service.
10.2.2 A question on the Welsh Language Scheme will be included in any service feedback
questionnaires distributed to PAVS’ members and service users.
10.2.3 PAVS welcomes suggestions from the public, its staff, volunteers and members for
improving its Welsh Language Scheme and Welsh language service. Any suggestions for
improvement should be made via PAVS’ “Complaints and Compliments” procedure.
11.1 PAVS will advertise its Welsh Language Scheme to the public, staff, volunteers,
members and partner organisations on an ongoing basis. We will ensure that those dealing
with PAVS are aware of the Scheme and its contents. Copies of the Scheme will be
available at our offices in the form of a free bilingual document.
11.2 The following means of publicity will be used:
Issuing information and guidelines to staff and volunteers
Ensuring that copies of the Scheme are available to all members of PAVS and the public
in general by placing it on our website and issuing it on demand
Including our progress on the implementation of the Welsh Language Scheme in PAVS’
Annual Report, which is presented at our Annual General Meeting
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