SUPPORTING INFORMATION Figure S1. Schematic representation of the T-DNA insertion in the mutants for SUS1 (N544615) and SUS4 (N619660). The promoter region is represented in blue, the UTR regions in grey, the exons in black. LB indicates the left border of the T-DNA sequence. Figure S2. Microarray analysis of the six sucrose synthase genes using the Genevestigator Tool. Datasets related to low-oxygen treatments were selected. Figure S3. Microarray analysis of the nine invertase genes using the Genevestigator Tool. Datasets related to low-oxygen treatments were selected. Table S1. Growth media, conditions, treatments used for the experiments reported in the figures. Figure Growth media Growth conditions treatment Media composition during the treatment 1 Multi well with liquid media, Sucrose 90mM 4 days old seedlings, dark grown anoxia, hypoxia and submergence, 48 h, darkness Sucrose 90mM 2a Multi well with liquid media, Sucrose 0 - 22,5- 45-90 mM 4 days old seedlings, dark grown Anoxia, 48 h, darkness Sucrose 0 - 22,5- 45-90 mM 2.b Multi well with liquid media, Sucrose 90 mM or Glucose 90 mM+Fructose 90 mM 4 days old seedlings, dark grown Anoxia, 48 h, darkness Sucrose 90 mM or Glucose 90 mM+Fructose 90 mM 2.c Multi well with liquid media, Sucrose 90mM 4 days old seedlings, dark grown 2.d Multi well with liquid media, Sucrose 90mM 4 days old seedlings, dark grown 3.a Vertical plates, 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 3.b Vertical plates, 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 3.c Glass jars, 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 4.a-b Pot grown plants (in soil) 4.c Hydroponic system with nutrient solution 4.d Hydroponic system with nutrient solution 4.e-g Hydroponic system with nutrient solution 5.a 5.b Multi well with liquid media, glucose 55mM and sucrose 15mM Multi well with liquid media, glucose 55mM and sucrose 15mM 2 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 2 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 2 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 3 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 3 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 3 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod 3 weeks, 12:12 photoperiod anoxia, hypoxia and submergence, 48 h, darkness anoxia, hypoxia and submergence, 48 h, darkness anoxia 22h and 24h, darkness hypoxia 5 and 7 days, darkness submergence 7 and 14 days, darkness waterlogging 4 days, 12:12 photoperiod waterlogging 3,6,and 8 days, 12:12 photoperiod waterlogging 24 and 48 h at light Recovery Sucrose 90mM Sucrose 90mM 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 1 week 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 1 week 1% agar, sucrose 30mM 1 week 1 week waterlogging 48 h at light 4 days, 12:12 photoperiod anoxia 12h and 24h, darkness mannitol 70mM 4 days, 12:12 photoperiod anoxia 24h, darkness mannitol 70mM Table S2. Data were subjected to one-way and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the means were separated using the F-test (95.0% confidence level). Significance of two-way analysis of variance (*P-value ≤ 0.05; ***P-value ≤ 0.001;n.s. = not significant): Fig.2 (2.a) Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/anoxia treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. (2.b) Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : *.; air/anoxia treatment (b) : *** ; a x b: n.s. (2.c) Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : *.; air/anoxia treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: *; Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/hypoxia treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/submergence treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. (2.d) ATP/ADP ratio for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/anoxia treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. ATP /ADP ratio for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/hypoxia treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. ATP/ADP ratio for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/submergence treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. Fig.4 (4.b) Rosette area in waterlogged plants (a): ***; air/ waterlogging treatment (b) : ***; a x b: ***. (4.d) n.s. Ethanol quantification for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/ waterlogging treatment (b) : *.; a x b: (4.e) ATP/ADP ratio for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/ waterlogging treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. (4.f) INV activity for different genotype (a) : ***; air/ waterlogging treatment (b) : *; a x b: *; (4.g) SUS activity for different genotype (a) : n.s.; air/ waterlogging treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s. Fig 5 (5.c) ATP/ADP ratio for different genotype (a) : n.s.; treatment (b) : ***.; a x b: n.s.