Anthropology Department SLOs and DLOs Aug `10


Anthropology Department DLOs

DLO1: Student will understand Natural Selection and Evolutionary Theory.

DLO2: Student will understand the interrelationship between humans and their physical environment.

DLO3: Student will be able to suspend judgment and understand people within the context of their opportunities and challenges.

DLO4: Student will recognize and appreciate as valid people's variable language histories and experiences.

DLO5: Student will be able to recognize the value of the archaeological and fossil records.

DLO6: Student will utilize the scientific method in observations of human attributes (biology, behavior, language, artifacts).

SLOs by course, along with developed rubric (if any)

Anth 101 – Physical Anthropology

1. The student will identify and recognize natural selection as a mechanism for evolutionary change.

2. The student will analyze the hominid fossil evidence and apply that knowledge to an interpretation of human biological heritage.

3. The student will define the biological concept of “race” and explain the failure of the concept to explain and describe human variation.

Rubric for SLO1:

Good Answer

Demonstrates micro- and macro-evolution as applied to hominids and human adaptation and variation

(including “race”).

Average (passing) Answer

Demonstrates understanding of components of natural selection (existence of variation, competition, inherited traits, fitness) and evolution (natural selection, sexual selection, mutation, gene flow and drift).

Poor Answer

Demonstrates inadequate understanding of scientific method, as well as an inability to differentiate between Lamarckian explanation and natural selection.

Anth 102 – Cultural Anthropology

1. The student will recognize the complex interplay between the various components of culture within a single society.

2. The student will demonstrate the ability to suspend judgment and understand behavior within the context of the culture that generates the behavior.

3. The student will recognize the differences between observations and assumptions concerning human behavior.

4. The student will understand the concept of culture from the anthropological perspectives.

5. The student will describe the objective and systematic methods of ethnographic observations of human behavior.

Rubric for SLO 1

Good Answer:

The student used an appropriate, real world example, to demonstrate how all three of the systems discussed interrelate. The integration of the different systems is correct and the student recognizes that change in one area will affect the others.

Average Answer:

The student used a hypothetical example, that demonstrates how one aspect of culture will affect at least one other aspect of culture. The student may have used a real-world example that demonstrates how one are of culture affects another but did not effectively tie in the third component.

Poor Answer:

The student did not use an example in their answer, and/or the student used an inappropriate example, and/or the student did not effectively demonstrate how one component of culture affects another.

Anth 103A – North American Indians

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of European invasions and colonization of North America on the original occupants of the continent.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues for Native Americans and the events of the historic period.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about Native American societies/nations and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 103B – Northwest Coast Indian Cultures

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of European invasions and colonization of the Northwest Coast of North America upon the indigenous populations of that region.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues for Native Northwest Coast Indians and the events of the historic period.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about Native Northwest Coast Indian societies/nations and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 103C Cultures of the Pacific Islands

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of European and Asian contacts on the island societies of the Pacific.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues of indigenous Pacific Islanders and the events of the historic period.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about Pacific Island societies/nations and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 103D Latin American Cultures

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of European invasions and colonization of the areas now known as Mexico, Central America and South America upon the indigenous populations of that region.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues for Latin American countries and the events of the historic period.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about Latin American societies/nations and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 103E Cultures of Africa

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of external invasions and colonization on the native nations and societies of Africa.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues of indigenous African societies and the events following the invasions.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about indigenous African societies/nations and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 104 – World Prehistory

1. The student will make connections between the social and biological environments and the invention of food production.

2. The student will critically evaluate various theories of the development of civilizations.

3. The student will critically evaluate the relationships that exist between changes in culture and conditions of the environment.

Anth 111 – Physical Anthropology Lab

1. The student will demonstrate how the various mechanisms of evolution provide an explanatory framework for modern human variation.

2. The student will analyze the hominid fossil evidence and apply that knowledge to an interpretation of human biological heritage.

3. The student will describe the role of DNA in inheritance and biological variation.

Anth 115 – Introduction to Archaeology

1. Students will demonstrate the significance of artifacts’ provenience and context to the description of the past based on artifacts.

2. Students will recognize the difference between accounts of the human past based upon historic documents and those based upon the archaeological record.

3. Students will distinguish between systematic scientific investigations of the archaeological record and those investigations which ignore the lessons of archaeology by looting.

Anth 121 Californian Indians

1. The student will understand the vast and complex ramifications of the various invasions and occupations of Alta California for the Native Californian societies.

2. The student will describe the relationships between current issues for Native Californians and the events of the historic period.

3. The student will discern between stereotypical ideas about indigenous societies/nations of California and accurate information about those societies/nations.

Anth 125 – Magic, Witchcraft and Religion

1. The student will describe the various forms of supernatural beliefs that exist cross-culturally.

2. The student will demonstrate the ability to suspend judgment and understand behavior within the context of the culture that generates the behavior.

3. The student will define the roles and circumstances of the various specialists in culturally sanctioned interactions with the supernatural.

Anth 145 – Introduction to Language and Linguistics

1. The student will use appropriate and specific tools for making various kinds of observations about language.

2. The student will recognize the complex interplay of language and culture.

3. The student will recognize the influence of social setting on the development of specific characteristics of language in individuals and groups.

Anth 201 – Forensic Anthropology

1. The student will recognize and apply the methods of estimating demographic information from skeletonized humans.

2. The student will understand the role of the forensic anthropologist within the medicolegal community.

3. The student will recognize the different types of trauma and determine the respective forces.

Anth 205 – Archaeological Excavation

1. Students will record artifact provenience and context in appropriate recording systems.

2. Students will distinguish between archaeological strata and excavate each separately.

3. Students will maintain professional work attitudes and develop archaeological ethics.

Anth 210 – Archaeology Laboratory

1. Students will catalog artifacts in such a way that provenience and context is preserved.

2. Students will identify construction techniques for ceramic artifacts from sherds.

3. Students will identify the raw materials from which artifacts are constructed & treat the artifacts appropriately based on that identification.

Anth 215 – Archaeological Survey

1. Students will recognize characteristics of archaeological sites on land surfaces.

2. Students will record archaeological sites on USGS and other maps.

3. Students will orient themselves in the field using mapping technology.
