COVER & BUDGET SHEET FOR ORED TECSE Grant Proposal Name of Investigator (s): Academic Title(s): E-mail (s): Telephone: Department(s): Amount of request from ORED: $ Amount to be contributed from other sources:$ The budget of this project will be administered by the Department of: Name of administrative staff contact: E-mail: Title: Phone: IMPORTANT: Under the conditions of the TECSE Grant Program, the Department Chair and Dean of the School or College must approve submission of this application. By submitting the application, the applicant certifies that the appropriate department chair(s) has approved and been provided with a copy. Name of department chair: Signature of Department Chair Department chair’s E-mail: Name of School or College Dean: Signature of the Dean or designated representative TITLE OF PROPOSAL: Summary of Proposal (150 words or less): Body of the Proposal (3 pages maximum): What new instrumentation or technology is proposed for purchase? How will the new instrumentation or technology enhance LSU coastal research capabilities? What researchers will benefit from the new instrumentation or technology? Please include both listed applicants, and other potential users. Where will the new technology or instrumentation be housed? How will the proponents provide access to the instrumentation or technology for the wider community of potential users? How will the proponents assure appropriate operation, maintenance, and upkeep of the instrumentation (including operational costs, consumables, and technical personnel)? What are the additional sources of funding that will be used for the purchase, in addition to the ORED match? BUDGET: Provide a detailed budget of all purchase, shipping, and installation costs (including necessary laboratory modifications) required for this proposal. This must adhere to university guidelines. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION: LITERATURE CITED: One-page maximum SUPPEMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: CV FOR EACH LISTED APPLICANT (2 page per person, including all peerreviewed publications in last three years) CURRENT AND PENDING FOR EACH LISTED APPLICANT USE OF VERTEBRATES, HUMAN SUBJECTS, RADIO ISOTOPES, DNA: Please list below the required protocols and/or authorizations for this research instrumentation. If approved and current, please list the appropriate authorization/protocol numbers assigned and the end date. If pending, please indicate “pending”. Funds are not available until all necessary protocols and authorizations are reviewed and approved by the appropriate committee or individual. For pending protocols, when approved, an e-mail indicating the number assigned, etc. and end date may be sent to Please contact Bob Mathews at or Jason Pasqua at in the IRB Office (130 David Boyd) for assistance. Please attach a copy of the IRB application coversheet to this application. Please submit the competed form to Please submit direct question about this program to Kalliat Valsaraj at