Independent Reading Projects

Independent Reading
A Summary of Requirements
These projects are not due until September 2, 2014, but I know
many of you will want to start over the summer. Although this
packet concentrates on reading and interpretation of literature, we
will be doing a lot of writing in 8th grade. Your 8th grade year should
be an exciting and challenging time for you! I look forward to
working and learning with you next year!
In the spring, we will be reading Anne Frank- The Diary of a Young
Girl. It would help if you obtained your own copy of the text. It is
available on and in bookstores for $5.99. While there
are different versions of the diary, we will be using the one with an
original copyright date of 1952 (maroon cover).
**This packet must be turned in with your project on the day it
is due. **
8th Grade Enriched Communication Arts
Independent Assignment #1
1. From the 8th Grade novel list below, choose one novel that you have NOT read before.
2. Read it carefully.
3. From your reading, decide the theme of the novel. While each novel may include several
themes, decide on ONE theme that is the most prevalent and important. Consider what the
author would say is the most important idea to be learned from this book. Be sure to
carefully read the pages on themes before writing this.
4. Create a three dimensional, creatively detailed SYMBOLIC representation of this ONE
prevalent novel theme. Though a very few aspects of the creation may be literal, the
overall creation must symbolically depict the theme through design, color, shape,
texture, and image. Attention to craftsmanship and quality of design are also
Note - The following must be represented tastefully in any artistic form on the project but
should not distract from it:
1. Student Name
2. Novel and Author
3. Theme - type-written in one sentence
4. “A quote from the novel which most accurately supports this theme followed by
the page number.” (page # ). Example “
“ (17).
5. Technological Presentation-For your technological presentation, it is recommended you
use Prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Google Presnetation. Prezi is a web-based
presentation application and storytelling tool. To learn more about Prezi, you can visit the
Prezi website (, and view the following YouTube video to help you get
started There is a 5 slide minimum and
a 10 slide maximum.
If you DO NOT know how to use Prezi or Google Presentation do NOT select this option.
You will be penalized for this if it is apparent you cannot operate the program!
Remember your technological presentation should be attention grabbing, easy to read,
and organized in a manner that makes sense with the verbal presentation. This is a
supplement! It should be 3 to 5 minutes!
Grade 8 Independent Reading Choices
Chocolate War
Where the Red Fern Grows
Death Be Not Proud
Rocket Boys
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Into Thin Air
Call of the Wild
Of Mice and Men
The Glory Field
The House on Mango Street
The Secret Life of Bees
Treasure Island
The Lottery Rose
The Hobbit
Watership Down
A Walk in the Woods
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Fahrenheit 451
Code Talker
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Daniel Half Human: And the Good Nazi
Michael Grant
Robert Cormier
Wilson Rawls
John Gunther
Homer Hickam
Stephen King
Maya Angelou
Jon Krakauer
Jack London
John Steinbeck
Laurie Halse Anderson
Walter Dean Myers
Sandra Cisneros
Sue Kidd
Robert Louis Stevenson
Irene Hunt
J.R.R. Tolkien
Richard Adams
Bill Bryson
Baroness Orczy
Jane Austin
Charlotte Bronte
Ray Bradbury
Joseph Bruchac
Angie Sage
Jules Verne
David Chotjewitz
The above titles come from positive reviews and recommended reading lists. The
instructor of this class is not responsible for any content, which may be offensive to the
reader and/or his/her parents. Parents are advised to review these books before allowing
their children to read them.
Parent signature
1. A theme is the main idea or philosophy the author of a piece of literature conveys to
the reader through his or her writing. Rarely, it is a moral or a lesson.
2. A theme is always “universal,” which means, it is a concept that applies to all people
through all ages.
3. A theme must be written in sentence form.
4. A theme must be supported by the text.
By Shel Silverstein
Have you been to The Land of Happy,
Where everyone’s happy all day,
Where they joke and they sing
Of the happiest things,
And everything’s jolly and gay?
There’s no one unhappy in Happy,
There’s laughter and smiles galore.
I have been to The Land of HappyWhat a bore!
Possible Theme: Opposition provides diversity to life and enhances the joy of living.
Notice that this is written in one complete sentence and that this theme can be supported
by the text. Also notice that the theme is well written and doesn’t use a cliché. A cliché is a
phrase overused, such as: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” or “Beauty is only skin
deep.” Do not use clichés. Think carefully as you write and revise your theme in order to
avoid this!
Examples of non-themes:
You should always be kind to others.
Listen to the wise people of society.
The above TELLS the reader what to do. THESE ARE NOT UNIVERSALLY
2. A theme is NOT CLICHE - look this word up in the dictionary:
Example of clichés: *Beauty is skin deep.
*A penny saved is a penny earned
*What goes around comes around.
These may be thematic, but because they are cliché, they will not receive
credit. You must look and write more deeply.
“A symbol is anything that stands for or represents something else. Symbols
are usually concrete objects or images that represent abstract ideas. For
example, the eagle is often used as a symbol of freedom. Likewise, chains can
symbolize slavery and oppression. In literature, concrete images are often
used to represent, or symbolize, the themes of a literary work. For example,
in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the beating heart of the old man
could be a symbol of the old man’s vengeance or of the main character’s guilt”
(Prentice Hall Literature Book, Silver Edition, 823).
When creating a symbolic representation, consider what images, textures,
colors, shapes, etc. can be used as symbolic representations of the theme. Be
creative and consider common elements as the medium toward deeper
understanding. For example, the theme deception entangles the clarity of truth
could be represented using twisted barbed wire (representing the sharp
dangers of vice) surrounded with an opaque material (representing how it
obscures reality or truth). Deep within the sculpture could be a mirror
representing the reflection of truth, but it would be difficult to see clearly, for
it would be surrounded by the barbed wire and material sculpture. I’m sure
your ideas will be much better, but this will get you started. DO NOT DO THE
OBVIOUS, but be original. Be sure to brainstorm so that you don’t begin
something, only to think of a better idea later.
Student Name _____________________________________
Title of novel: ____________________________________________________
_____/ 5 Student has followed all the directions of the assignment to a superior degree.
 Project is 3 dimensional
 Can be viewed from all sides, not boxed
 All required information is present and typed
 Symbolic representation of theme
 Well-crafted, solid, attractive
_____/ 5
Quote is a relevant representation of the novel’s theme and supports both the theme and
the representation. (This quote helped you understand and form your theme.) It strongly
supports the theme and may connect to the 3-D representation.
_____/ 5
Theme is well written, showing beneath the surface thinking. It is an important idea that
is strong and prevalent in the novel, not a simplistic moral or cliché. Theme is expressed
in one complex, grammatically correct sentence. (Avoid run-on sentences!) It is universal.
_____/ 5
Object is a symbolic, not literal, representation. Its symbolism supports the expressed
_____/ 5
Creativity and careful thought are an evident contribution to the creation process.
_____/ 5
Craftsmanship communicates a superior quality of effort and detail to design. Design has
visual meaning and impact on all side – it is a free standing form, not boxed. No stray
marks, tears, smudges, smears.
_____/ 30
Technological Presentation
______/ 5
______/ 5
______/ 10
______/ 5
______/ 25
Student incorporates the title and author of the novel and gives a brief summation of the
plot of the novel.
Student explains his/her chosen quote and its relevancy to the novel. Student also
explains how his/her quote is related to the 3-D project. (This is also evident in the
technology piece.)
Student gives a detailed explanation of the theme of the novel and how his/her project
symbolizes this theme in 5 to 10 slides.
(This is also evident in the technology piece)
Technology piece is attention grabbing, easy to read, and organized in a manner that
makes sense with the verbal presentation that is 3 to 5 minutes.