TPCASTT: Poem Analysis Method – Presentation Rubric Title (10

TPCASTT: Poem Analysis Method – Presentation Rubric
Title (10)
Before reading
the poem, what
do you think the
title of poem
Put the lines of
the poem in
your own words
for better
Excellent: Lists several possibilities for what title could possibly mean from concrete and abstract perspectives
Average: Lists a few possibilities, all very concrete and basic
Poor: Lists only one possibility
Excellent: Thoroughly paraphrases each line of the poem and shows a complete understanding of the poem
Average: Paraphases most of the poem, but there are places where own words aren’t used and the words of the
poem are merely repeated; some misunderstanding is evident
Poor: Merely summarizes briefly; doesn’t show understanding of the poem
What are the
poetic devices
you find in the
Excellent: List several poetic devices found in the poem and provides examples for each
Attitude (10)
What is the
attitude of the
author or
toward the
subject of the
Excellent: Explains the subject of the poem and the speaker’s tone/attitude toward the subject, using evidence
from the text to explain and justify answer
Shift (10)
At first we think
or feel one way
– then there is a
shift: identify
the shifts, where
they occur in
the poem, and
explain them
Title (10)
Now that
you’ve read and
understand the
poem, are there
any new
insights on
meaning or
significance of
Theme (15)
What is the
message or
lesson of the
Average: List a few poetic devices; gives examples for some but not all
Poor: List only one poetic device or lists devices but provides so examples from the poem
Average: Explains the subject of the poem and the speaker’s tone/attitude but doesn’t provide evidence from the
poem for justification.
Poor: Merely lists the speaker’s tone/attitude but doesn’t mention the subject of the poem of provide any
justification for answer.
Excellent: Identifies the exact place where the shift takes place in the poem (stanza/line) and provides a detailed
explanation of the shift, using evidence from the poem to show a difference in attitude, diction, mood, etc.
Average: Identifies where the shift occurs in the poem, but provides little information from the poem to show a
Poor: Only identifies the shift or incorrectly indentifies the shift and provides no explanation
Excellent: Provides a thorough, insightful interpretation of the poem’s title, revealing the true, deeper meaning of
the poem
Average: Provides a general understanding of the poem’s title
Poor: Misunderstands the poem’s underlying meaning
Excellent: Provides a thorough, insightful explanation about the message of the poem. Theme is stated in a
complete sentence.
Average: Provides a theme statement that exhibits a general understanding of the poem’s overall message.
Poor: Misunderstands the poem’s message; theme is not stated in a complete sentence.
Artistic Merit Excellent: Images reinforce and enhance the mood and meaning of the poem; poster is neat
and appealing; all spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is correct
Average: Images explain the basic/literal mood or meaning of the poem only; poster is fairly
neat, most spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is correct
Poor: Images do not relate to the mood or meaning of the poem; poster is shoddy; there are
mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Presentation Excellent: Everyone in the group contributes to the presentation, completes his/her
responsibility, and has a speaking part in the presentation
Average: Most people in the group contribute to the presentation, most members complete their
responsibility, and most, but not all, have a speaking part in the presentation
Poor: One or two group members do all the work and all the speaking in the presentation; the
others just “stand there” and/or distract from the presentation
Total Point Possible
Group Score
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