Linn-Mar High School Tutoring Lab 2013-2014 Beginning with the 2013-14 school year, LMHS will be offering two student tutor opportunities. The purpose of the Tutoring Lab is to provide academic support to students before, during and after school. Students and/or parents requesting a student tutor may do so through the Guidance Office (447-3070). All tutoring will take place in either The Learning Center (Upper Commons), Study Mall, or Media Center. All students, student tutors, and adult tutors must sign-in each session in the assigned location. 1) Student Tutor - Volunteer a. Tutors may sign up for single or multiple days per week (an option for students that cannot or do not wish to commit to tutoring every day). b. They may receive Cords Hours, but will not receive Linn-Mar High School credit. 2) Student Tutor – Work Experience Credit (10th,11th,12thgrades) (Max. of 5 tutor credits per term) a. Tutors may receive elective credits (no grade will be assigned nor will tutoring credit be figured into GPA). b. 2.5 credits for a ‘Skinny’ quarter tutoring assignment, 5 credits for a ‘Block’ quarter tutoring assignment. c. 45 minutes for 45 days equals 2.5 credits for Before and After School tutoring assignments. d. Tutoring Service Credits will be included on the student’s transcript with successful completion of obligation. e. Must complete all required record-keeping and mentor meeting requirements. f. All “Attendance Policies” apply. g. Contingent upon requested tutor need each term. h. No ‘drop’ penalty exists for this credit, and tutors may be reassigned or dismissed at any time by a counselor, student dean or administrator. 3) Student Tutoring Orientation a. Students will go through an orientation process to help them understand their role as a tutor and to help learn techniques that will be helpful in the tutoring process b. Mandatory before they begin meeting with students c. Regular mentor meetings with Staff Mentor (see above) 4) Criteria for Becoming a Student Tutor a. Must have a recommendation (signature on the request form) from a teacher in subject area. The teacher must have firsthand knowledge of the student’s skill level in the relevant area. b. List all courses and grades completed in LM Core area, LM Arts area, or LM CTE area. c. Successfully complete Tutoring orientation. d. Student must be in “good standing” as outlined in the student handbook (attendance, behavior, academics). e. Approval from a counselor, dean, or administrator. 5) Log Book a. Students will sign in/out to help gather data on the frequency of intervention b. Tutors will log in/out 6) Staff Mentor a. Tutors will be assigned a Staff Mentor b. The Staff Mentor will meet with the tutors at least once the first two weeks to help provide guidance in the areas of curriculum and instructional techniques. LINN-MAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PEER TUTOR APPLICATION 2013-2014 (Turn this form in to the Counseling Office) Your Grade: (circle) 10th 11th 12th Name: _____________________________________________ [Circle what you are applying for during 1st Quarter] Volunteer Peer Tutor (for CORDS hours) or Peer Tutor (for credit) My availability to tutor during 1st Quarter for 2013-2014 (August 19-October 17): ______ Before school (7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.) ______ During these Periods during the school day: ____ 1st Period ____ 2nd Period ____ 3rd Period th th ____ 5 Period ____ 6 Period ____ 7th Period ____ 4th Period ____ 8th Period ______ After school (3:35 p.m. – 4:20 p.m.) Check any of the following courses for which you have interest in Peer Tutoring: (Mathematics) ___ Pre-Transition Math ___ Transition Math ___ Algebra Fundamentals I or II ___ Algebra ___ Geometry ___ Advanced Algebra ___ Advanced Algebra Plus F,S&T ___ F,S&T ___ Pre-Calculus ___ AP Calculus ___ AP Statistics (Science) ___ Earth and Physical Science ___ Meteorology ___ Astronomy ___ Geology ___ Environ. Field Sci. ___Biology Fundamentals I or II ___ General Biology ___ Bioethics ___ Anatomy & Physiology ___ AP Biology ___ General Chemistry ___ Chemistry I ___ AP Chemistry ___ General Physics ___ AP Physics (Foreign Language) ___ French I ___ French II ___ French III ___ French IV ___ Intermediate French I and II (KCC Course) ___ Spanish I ___ Spanish II ___ Spanish III ___ Spanish IV ___ Intermediate Spanish I and II (KCC Course) (English) ___ English 9 ___ English I (Social Studies) ___ US History 9 ___ English II ___ US History I ___ English III ___ World History ___ Advanced English III ___ American Government ___ AP Government Other Courses you would like to peer tutor as needed: ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ My son/daughter has my permission to be a peer tutor. (Parent Signature) _____________________________________ I recommend this student as a peer tutor. (Teacher Recommendation Signature) _____________________________________ I recommend this student as a peer tutor. (Counselor Recommendation Signature)