Academic Master Plan Data Scans Exhibit 1 2 3 4a 4b 4c 5 6 7a 7b 8 9a 9b 9c Title Selected Characteristics of Baltimore City Population Baltimore City Population by Gender & Ethnic Group Projected to 2040 Exhibit Description Distribution of gender, age, income, and poverty level in Baltimore City, 2012 Projections of Baltimore City population to 2040 by Minority females, Minority males, nonHispanic White females, and non-Hispanic White males Baltimore City Population by Ethnic Detailed breakdown of Baltimore City population Background by ethnic background, 2012 Baltimore City Population Projected to Projections of Baltimore City population to 2040 2040 by Gender by Gender Baltimore City Population Projected to Projections of Baltimore City population to 2040 2040 by Whites and Minority Residents by White and Minority residents (male and female combined) Historical and Projected Labor Force, Trends in Labor Force since 1970, projected to 1970 – 2040 Baltimore City 2040 Educational Attainment Baltimore City Distribution of educational attainment by Residents Age 25 Years and Older, Baltimore City residents age 25 years or older by 2012 7 educational levels ranging from less than 9th grade to graduate/professional degree, 2012 Educational Attainment, Baltimore City Distribution of educational attainment in 2012 Residents Age 25 Years and Older, by Baltimore City residents age 25 years or older by Race, 2009 Whites and Blacks Maryland Unemployment Rates by Civilian labor force, employment, and Jurisdiction unemployment rates in Maryland by county and Baltimore City, July and August 2014 Monthly Baltimore City Unemployment Monthly unemployment rates for Baltimore City Rates residents, 2009 through May 2014 Baltimore City Workforce Area Growth Top 30 industries in Baltimore City with the Industries greatest absolute increase from 2012 to 2013, with mean weekly wages in 2013 Projected Job Openings Baltimore City Job openings projected to 2020 in Baltimore City & County Combined by Occupational and County (combined) Group 2010 to 2020 Employment Projections for Baltimore Total employment projected to 2020 in Baltimore City & County, Combined by Education City and County (combined) by entry educational 2010-2020 level Total Job Openings by Entry Total job openings projected to 2020 in Baltimore Educational Level Baltimore City and City and County (combined) by entry educational County Combined, 2010-2020 level 9d 10 11a 11b 11c 11d 11e 12a 12b 13a 13b 14a 14b 15 16a 16b Occupations with 2,000 or More Job Openings by 2020: Baltimore City & County WIAs Combined Occupational Projection Occupations Requiring Some College, Postsecondary Certificate, or Associate Degree in Baltimore City/County Combined Overall Fall Headcount by Major Individual Occupations in Baltimore City and County (combined) projected to have 2,000 or more job openings from 2010 to 2020 Recommendations for possible program development for occupations requiring some college, postsecondary certificate, or associate degree for Baltimore City/County (combined) Overall Fall Headcount by Major and concentration, duplicated if student chose more than one concentration, Fall 2009 to Fall 2014. Data include students enrolled in 12-Week and both Accelerated Cycles. Fall Student Credit Hours by Graph illustrating Fall Student Credit Hours by Department Department from 2009 to 2014 Fall Student Credit Hours by Discipline Table showing Fall Student Credit Hours by Discipline from 2009 to 2014 Fall Student Credit Hours by Site Graph illustrating Fall Student Credit Hours by Site from 2009 to 2014 Fall Student Credit Hours by Time Graph illustrating Fall Student Credit Hours by Time from 2009 to 2014 BCCC Student Intent for First-Time Table giving the distribution of student intent Entrants by Declared Major, Fall 2014 among the first-time entrants enrolled in each academic program, Fall 2014 BCCC Student Profile by Site, Fall Selected demographic information for students 2014 enrolled at selected BCCC sites Change in City Residents Enrolled as Change in the enrollment of Baltimore City BCCC Undergraduates, Fall 2011 to residents in BCCC credit courses at BCCC, from Fall 2014 Fall 2011 to Fall 2014, by planning district Residential Distribution of Opening Fall Distribution of Baltimore City residents enrolled 2014 Undergraduate Headcount in BCCC credit courses, Fall 2014, by planning district Opening Fall 2014 Credit Headcount by Graph illustrating the number of BCCC students Gender and Race in Fall 2014 by gender and race Opening Fall Credit Headcount Graph illustrating the percent distribution of Distribution by Gender and Ethnic BCCC students in Fall 2014 by gender and race Background Selected Characteristics of Full-Time Graph illustrating the number of full-time faculty Faculty in September 2014 by education, gender and race Distribution of Full-Time Staff Fall Graph illustrating the percent distribution of full2013 time employees by principal occupational area Ethnic Minorities as Percent of FullGraph illustrating Minorities as a percent of total Time Employees by Categories Fall full-time employees among administrators, 2013 faculty, other professionals, and support staff in September 2014 i Academic Master Plan 2014-2017 BCCC Data Scans Academic Master Plan 2014-2017 Exhibit 4a. 2014 Total Population Projections for Non-Hispanic White and All Other by Gender (7/8/14) Exhibit 4a. Baltimore City Population by Gender Projected to 2040 700,000 600,000 620,961 624,997 634,092 643,998 651,100 655,650 659,100 Total 500,000 Population Total Female 400,000 328,712 328,229 330,208 300,000 332,583 333,880 334,153 334,050 321,497 325,050 2035 2040 292,249 296,768 303,884 311,415 317,220 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Total Male 200,000 100,000 0 Prepared by Maryland Department of Planning OIR-September 2014 iii Academic Master Plan 2014-2017 iv Academic Master Plan 2014-2017 v Academic Master Plan 2014-2017 vi Academic Master Plan 2014-2017