KG School Site Council Meeting Minutes Kennedy Gardens Elementary Rm. 4 March 12, 2015 ~ 4:37 p.m. to 5:03 p.m. Facilitator: Mrs. Elisa Ramirez, Principal Participants: Jose M. Garcia~ Parent (Absent) Aida Esquer Licona ~ Parent Mario Gonzalez ~ Parent Erika Sanchez ~ Parent (Absent) Julio Camargo ~ Parent (Absent) Cecilia Esparza ~ 2nd Gr. Teacher Terry Collins ~ AST Victor Pina ~ 6th Gr. Teacher Anita Murillo (in place of L. Nogueda) ~ Classified School Site Council Meeting I. II. Welcome E. Ramirez Motion to approve Agenda President-Camargo I. Motion by: Ms. Esparza, Seconded by: Mr. Gonzalez. Vote: 7/0 + 2 absent III. Approval of Minutes for Regular SSC Meeting of February 18 , 2015 President-Camargo (Aprobación de las Minutas de la Junta Regular del SSC de de 18 de febrero del 2015) I. Motion by: Mr. Pina, Seconded by: Mr. Gonzalez Vote: 7/0 + 2 absent IV. Approval of Revised Single Plan for Student Achievement 2014-15 E. Ramirez (Aprobación del Plan Revisado de Aprovechamiento Educativo 2014-15) I. V. Motion by: Ms. Collins , Seconded by: Ms. Murillo Vote: 7/0 + 2 absent LCAP Forums – Wed. March 18 April 1st at Mains Elementary E. Ramirez (Foros de LCAP – Miércoles, 18 de marzo en escuela Mains) VI. Upcoming Activities E. Ramirez (Próximas Actividades) VI. Other (Otro) Adjournment (Clausura) VII. E. Ramirez President-Camargo Motion by: Mrs. Esquer , Seconded by: Ms. Esparza. Vote: 7/0 + 2 absent 1 KG School Site Council Meeting Minutes Kennedy Gardens Elementary Rm. 4 March 12, 2015 ~ 4:37 p.m. to 5:03 p.m. Welcome Facilitated by: Mrs. Ramirez Thank you all for being here! This will be a short special meeting Mrs. Ramirez introduced Ms. Anita Murrillo and told them that she was attending the meeting in place of Ms. Nogueda who was out due to surgery. Mrs. Ramirez informed the team that Mr. Camargo called in absent but he reviewed SPSA and approved SPSA as well as all items on the agenda (emailed on 3-4-15, 3-7-15 and 3-9-15) Mrs. Ramirez also informed the team that Mr. Garcia called in absent but he review and SPSA and approved SPSA as well as all items on the agenda (emailed on 3-4-15, 3-7-15 and 3-9-15) Motion was made to approve the agenda. Ms. Esparza made the motion to approve and Mr. Gonzalez seconded the motion. The team went over the minutes from our February Meeting. Mr. Pina made a motion to approve. Mr. Gonzalez seconded the motion. Revised Single Plan for Student Achievement 2014-15 Facilitated by: Mrs. Ramirez All Mrs. Ramirez presented the changes done to KG Single Plan for Student Achievement. Title I (3010)- Went from $151,747.68 to $154,101.24. Mrs. Ramirez adjusted the difference in the KG Single Plan for Student Achievement. Ms. Montano needs the SSC approval of this plan by Monday, March 16 in order to present it to the board. Mrs. Ramirez explained that the adjustment was done in Goal 1 ELA, Activity 3. 1. Purchase curricular materials needed to supplement the core curriculum such as Standards Plus, Buckle Down, Ready Common Core, Skill Bridge, Curriculum Associates, Comprehension plus, dictionaries, thesauruses, workbooks, magazine subscriptions, etc. (RTI) 10,000+2,353.56=12,353.56 After presenting changes Mrs. Ramirez asked if the team had any questions. The team said they had no questions. Mrs. Ramirez asked if there was a motion to approve. Motion was made by Ms. Collins and it was seconded by Ms. Murillo. LCAP Forums Facilitated by: Mrs. Ramirez Mrs. Ramirez invited SSC members to participate in LCAP meeting. She mentioned that in the past 4 meetings we have had very little turnout from KG parents. Today LCAP meeting #5 2 KG School Site Council Meeting Minutes Kennedy Gardens Elementary Rm. 4 March 12, 2015 ~ 4:37 p.m. to 5:03 p.m. was going to be held at Mains Elementary on April 1, 2015. Mrs. Esquer, who has participated in all the meetings, mentioned how important information was provided in the last LCAP meeting. Other Facilitated by: Mrs. Ramirez Mrs. Ramirez informed members that PARENT PICNIC will be on March 27th. Where parents are asked to enjoy a lunch on KG school campus. She informed that we will be encouraging parents to bring a book to read to their child and then donate that book to their child’s classroom library. Mrs. Ramirez encouraged the SSC members to attend and volunteer in the setting up of the different activates. Mrs. Ramirez informed members that PLAY Day will be on April 1st. The last day before going on Spring Break. We have activities organized for the enjoyment of the students Mrs. Ramirez encouraged the SSC members to attend and volunteer in the setting up of the different activates. Adjournment Motion was make to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 pm. Motion by: Mrs. Esquer , Seconded by: Ms. Esparza. Vote: 7/0 + 2 absent 3