Auxiliary material for Paper: Uplift of the Central Andes of NW Argentina associated with upper crustal shortening, revealed by multi-proxy isotopic analyses Barbara Carrapa1, Katharine W. Huntington2, Mark Clementz3, Jay Quade1, Sharon Bywater -Reyes3*, Lindsay M. Schoenbohm4 and Robin R. Canavan 3# 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A. 2 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. 3 Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, U.S.A. 4 Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada *now at the University of Montana # now at Yale University Introduction This data set contains one figure and four tables. Figure fs01 presents modern temperature for A) the Puna Plateau (Pasto Ventura) and B) Angastaco area derived from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data (Wan, 2008). Tables contain 18O data, 47 data and 2H data for samples of pedogenic carbonate nodules, tuffs, marlstone and travertine deposits from the Puna Plateau and Eastern Cordillera. The data were collected over a four year period as part of a NSF funded project. Data were produced at the University of Wyoming (Stable Isotope facility), University of Arizona and at Caltech. The data have been divided into files according to different techniques and isotopic system: 18O data, 47 data and 2H data. 1. Table ts01 presents 2H data and paleolevation calculations, which are based on the equation presented in the text from Dettinger et al. (in review). 1.1 column “Sample”, name of the sample analyzed. 1.2 column “Age (Ma), depositional age of the sample. 1.3 column “error (2s)”, 2 sigma error (Ma) of the depositional age. 1.4 column “Stratigraphic level (m)”, position of the samples in m with respect to the Palo Pintado-San Felipe formations contact. 1.5 Column “Latitude”, degree, latitude of the sample. 1.6 Column “longitude, degree, longitude of the sample. 1.7 Column “elevation”, m, elevation of the sample. 1.8 Column “material”, description of the type of material sampled. 1.9 Column “δ2Hglass (‰, VSMOW)”, per mil with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ2Hglass values converted using the equation for the Global Meteoric Water Line (dD = 8*18O + 10) 1.10 Column “±1 SE (‰, analytical)”, ‰, 1 sigma analytical error. 1.11 δ2Hwater (‰, VSMOW), ‰, calculated δ2Hwater values using glass- water = 1.0343 from Friedman et al. (1993). 1.12 Column “±1 SE (‰)”,‰, 1 sigma error. 1.13 Column “18O meteoric (‰ VSMOW calculated)”, per mil with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water, calculated 18O meteoric values using converted using the equation for the Global Meteoric Water Line (D = 8*18O + 10). 1.14 Column “±1 SE (‰),‰, 1 sigma error 1.15 Column “Elevation estimate from δ2Hglass (km)”, km, elevation calculated following equation presented in Dettinger et al. (in review) and discussed in the text. 1.16 Column (2s error), km. 2 sigma error. 2. Table ts02 presents 18O data discussed in the text and presented in Figure 2. 2.1 Column “Sample”, name of the sample analyzed. 2.2 Column “Stra. Level”, m, Stratigraphic level measured relative to contact between Palo Pintado and San Felipe formations (after Bywater et al., 2010). 2.3 Column “Age (Ma), age in Ma of the analyzed sample. 2.4 Column “Error (Ma)”, 2 sigma age error of the sample. 2.5 Column “Latitude (S)”, degree, latitude of the sample. 2.6 Column “Longitude (W), degree, longitude of the sample. 2.7 Column “Elevation (m), m, modern elevation of the sample. 2.8 Column “Material & Specimen”, type of material and specimen of the sample. 2.9 Column “Split”, split of the sample sample. 2.10 Column “13C (‰), measured”, ‰, values of 13C measured; analytical precision of 13C is 0.1 per mil or better (1 s.d.), respectively. 2.11 Column “±1 SE (‰)”, ‰, 1 sigma error. 2.12 Column “δ18OCC (‰), measured”, ‰, measured values of δ18OCC; analytical precision of 18O is 0.2 per mil or better (1 s.d.). 2.13 Column “±1 SE (‰)”, ‰, 1 sigma error. 2.14 Column “δ18OH2O (‰ SMOW)”, per mil with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water, calculated δ18OH2O values. 2.15 Column “±1 SE (‰)”, ‰, 1 sigma error. 3. Table ts03 presents clumped isotope (47) data for carbonate samples. 3.1 Column “Sample”, name of the sample analyzed. 3.2 Column “material”, type of material analyzed 3.3 Column “Stra. Level”, m, Stratigraphic level measured relative to contact between Palo Pintado and San Felipe formations. 3.4 Column “Age (Ma), age in Ma of the analyzed sample. 3.5 Column “Latitude (S)”, degree, latitude of the sample. 3.6 Column “Longitude (W), degree, longitude of the sample. 3.7 Column “Elevation (m), m, modern elevation of the sample. 3.8 Column “Analytical method”, details about the mass spectrometer used in the analysis. 3.9 Column “δ13C (‰),‰, values of 13C measured; analytical precision of 13C is 0.01 per mil or better (1 s.d.). 3.10 Column “δ18OCC (‰), measured”, per mil, values of δ18OCC measured; analytical precision of 18OCC is 0.02 per mil or better (1 s.d.). 3.11 Column “Δ47 (‰), CIT”, calculated values of Δ47; data reported in Caltech intralab reference frame (CIT), referenced to heated gases following Huntington et al. (2009) 3.12 Column “±1 SE (‰) analytical, per mil, 1 sigma analytical error. 3.13 Column “Δ47 (‰), ARF”, per mil, values of Δ47 converted to the absolute reference frame (ARF) described by Dennis et al. (2011) using the tranfer function D47, ARF = 1.0369 (D47,Caltech) + 0.027. These values are approximate only and are not used in our interpretations. 3.14 Column “sample average Δ47 (‰), CIT”, ‰, average values of measured Δ47. 3.15 Column “±1 SE (‰, external)”, per mil, 1 sigma external error. 3.16 Column “T(Δ47) (ºC), CIT, Ghosh”, temperature in degree C calculated from Δ47 values, using the calibration of Ghosh et al. (2006), which is most appropriate for data generated at Caltech before the advent of the ARF and reported in the Caltech intralab reference frame. 3.17 Column “±1 SE (ºC)”, degree C, 1 sigma error. 3.18 Column “δ18OH2O (‰ SMOW), calc.”, per mil with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ18OH2O values calculated using the equation of Kim and O'Neil (1997) for calcite. Errors represent contribution from analytical uncertainties in T(D47) and in 18Occ. 3.19 Column “±1 SE (‰)”, per mil, 1 sigma error. 4. Table ts04 presents heated gas and carbonate standard data generated with the clumped isotope data presented in ts03. 4.1 Column “date”, month, day and year of conducted analysis. 4.2 Column “13C (PDB)”, per mil, values of 13C with respect to Pee Dee Belemnite for the standards used in this study. 4.3 Column “13C stdev”, per mil, standard deviation of 13C values for the standards used in this study. 4.4 Column “18O gas (SMOW)”, per mil, 18O gas measured with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water for the standards used in this study. 4.5 Column “18O mineral (PDB)”, per mil, 18O for the mineral with respect to Standard Mean Ocean Water for the standards used in this study. 4.6 Column “18O stdev”, per mil, standard deviation of mineral 18O values for the standards used in this study. 4.7 Column “47”, per mil, 47 values the working reference gas by Oztech for the standards used in this study. 4.8 Column “47 stdev”, per mil, standard deviation of 47 values for the standards used in this study. **END**