Workplace Heroes and Villains

Workplace Heroes and Villains:
Are you supporting your best people or encouraging your worst?
Taking place at The Hive Studio, 16th June 2014
5.30 Arrival, tea and coffee
6pm-7pm Seminar
Rebecca Jones will take you on an exploration of how coaching can be used to enable your employees to reach their
full potential and how you can evaluate just how successful your coaching program is.
Following Rebecca, Holly Andrews looks into the dark side of employees, discussing how individuals with negative
characteristics can be successful in organisations and what you can do to protect yourself.
Workplace Heroes
Rebecca’s talk will introduce the topic of workplace coaching and discuss some of the challenges
related to the field. In particular, Rebecca will explore how coaching (and other types of learning and
developing) can be evaluated to ensure that you are getting a good return on investment and your
organisation’s coaching interventions are effectively helping to bring out your employees inner heroes.
Rebecca Jones is a lecturer in HRM and Management at the University of Worcester. She has an MSc in Occupational
Psychology and is currently completing her PhD entitled ‘Does the FFM and CSE impact on executive coaching
effectiveness? A theoretical model, meta-analysis and longitudinal study’. Rebecca is a certified coach and is actively
engaged in providing coaching to professionals in industry. Rebecca has experience of teaching on a variety of
undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses and her particular expertise lie in personality, training,
coaching, performance management, feedback and leadership development
Workplace Villains
Holly's talk will discuss the topic issue of "workplace psychopaths", covering just what psychopathy is,
why those with psychopathic traits can come to be successful in organisations and what the effect of
employing a "workplace psychopath" might be. On a practical level the ways in which organisations can
protect themselves will be explored, as will ways of managing workplace psychopaths.
Holly Andrews has been a lecturer with Worcester Business School since 2009. As the employability champion for the
business school, Holly runs the work placements scheme and manages the core undergraduate personal development
modules. Holly is currently studying for a PhD, entitled “An analysis of the influence of psychopathic traits on career
development.” Date of registration: December 2008. Expected submission date: December 2014.
To register for the event please email