Performance Planning, Assessment & Development Summary Sheet for All Professional/Managerial Staff Employee Name: Employee ID #: Job Title: Department: Supervisor/Chair: Review Period: Job Fact Sheet: Overall Performance Rating: Choose an item. Choose an item. In this package: A. Employee Reflection on Past Performance – Employee to complete, then forward to Supervisor. B. Supervisor’s Assessment of Past Performance – Supervisor to complete, then forward to Employee. C. Planning and Professional Development – Supervisor to complete with Employee at Performance Review meeting. Signatures The level of performance achieved relative to the defined objectives has been discussed. Signature acknowledges discussion of this assessment; it does not denote agreement. Employee Signature Supervisor/Chair Signature Date Date Employee Comments: Insert comments here Supervisor Comments: Insert comments here Dean/Director Signature Date 1 A. Employee Reflection on Past Performance 1. Past Year’s Work Objectives Review the list of objectives identified at the outset of the review period and add any additional objectives that arose during this review period. Indicate the current status and add applicable comments. Objective Include updates on objectives in progress and notable outcomes Objective: Comments: Objective: Comments: Objective: Comments: Objective: Comments: Objective: Comments: Did not complete Partially complete Completed Deferred Cancelled 2. Learning and Development Objectives What learning and development opportunities did you pursue this year? What did you gain from these experiences? Desired Learning Outcome Indicate what you hoped to be able to do better or differently in your role. Indicate with a “P” outcomes that were identified as priorities for the year. P P Development Strategies Utilized To achieve this outcome you (e.g. met with, researched, studied, practiced, taught, attended, lead, etc.) Section A: Employee Reflection on Past Performance Progress/Outcomes Achieved What was the outcome of your efforts? 2 P 3. Main Role Accountabilities and Additional Activities In the table below, provide examples of any significant work activities you engaged in since your last performance review that have not been covered in the Work Objectives summary section above. To identify these activities, consider: a) your major role accountabilities; b) your daily work; c) any projects assigned, and d) contribution to unit/department and/or the University (e.g. Committees, United Way, etc.). Use point form. Activity Outcomes Achieved What is in place or is different as a result of your actions? 4. Work-Based Competencies Note: The competencies below are suggestions only; please consult the Competency Dictionary to determine the core competencies required to achieve success in your role at this time as well as the indicators for the desired and current level of competence. The determination of these competencies and associated desired levels should be agreed upon by the employee and manager at the outset of the review period. Adaptability Required Current Level: Level: Communication Required Current Level: Level: Personal Leadership Required Current Level: Level: Teamwork Required Current Level: Level: Results Orientation Required Current Level: Level: Please provide specific examples to support your self-assessment of current level of competence: 5. General Reflections a. The greatest challenge I faced was … Section A: Employee Reflection on Past Performance 3 b. Key strengths I brought to my work were … c. A key learning I gained from the work I did was … d. I am most proud of … / what brought me the most satisfaction this year was … e. Other – Open discussion on additional areas such as activities and processes (i.e. areas of strengths and passions including areas for improvement, resource alignment, team expectations, etc.) Section A: Employee Reflection on Past Performance 4 B. Supervisor’s Assessment of Past Performance Instructions for Supervisors The assessment should reflect the employee’s performance over the entire review period. Before making your assessment, review: a. What was expected: Consider role accountabilities, ongoing or daily functions, work objectives, development objectives, and projects assigned. b. Indicators of actual performance: Consider your own observations, established standards (e.g. financial, work volume, safety), metrics, client and colleague feedback, employee self-assessment, etc. c. The assessment sections: Each section addresses a different aspect of performance. Describe specific areas of strength and/or concern and make your feedback objective and clear. 1. Past Year’s Work Objectives Review the employee’s self-assessment (Section A.1) regarding the objectives identified at the outset of the review period as well as any added during this review period and add applicable comments below. Comments: 2. Learning and Development Objectives Review the employee’s Learning and Development objective summary (Section A.2) and add applicable comments. Comments: Section B: Supervisor Assessment of Past Performance 5 3. Main Role Accountabilities & Additional Activities Review the employee’s assessment of the significant work activities (Section A.3) since the last performance review. Add applicable comments. Comments: 4. Work-Based Competencies Note: The competencies below are suggestions only; please consult the Competency Dictionary to determine the core competencies required to achieve success in your role at this time as well as the indicators for the desired and current level of competence. The determination of these competencies and associated desired levels should be agreed upon by the employee and manager at the outset of the review period. Adaptability Required Current Level: Level: Communication Required Current Level: Level: Personal Leadership Required Current Level: Level: Teamwork Required Current Level: Level: Results Orientation Required Current Level: Level: Please provide specific examples to support your self-assessment of current level of competence: Section B: Supervisor Assessment of Past Performance 6 5. Overall Performance Rating Overall, how well did the results achieved match the agreed upon expectations and objectives for the role for the period under review? The overall rating will draw from the assessments of the sections on the previous pages. This rating reflects one year’s performance only; performance levels can vary from year to year for a variety of reasons. Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Performance far exceeded expectations due to exceptionally high quality of work performed in all essential areas of responsibility, resulting in an overall quality of work that was superior; and either 1) included the completion of a major objective, or 2) made an exceptional or unique contribution in support of unit, department, or University objectives. This rating is achievable by any employee though given infrequently. Performance consistently exceeded expectations in all essential areas of responsibility, and the quality of work overall was excellent. Annual objectives were met. Performance consistently met expectations in all essential areas of responsibility, at times possibly exceeding expectations, and the quality of work overall was very good. The most critical annual objectives were met. Performance did not consistently meet expectations – performance failed to meet expectations in one or more essential areas of responsibility, and/or one or more of the most critical objectives were not met. A plan for development should be established to target areas requiring attention. Performance was consistently below expectations in most essential areas of responsibility, and/or reasonable progress toward critical objectives was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas. A plan to improve performance must be established and monitored to measure progress. Comments: Please provide comments to support your rating. Section B: Supervisor Assessment of Past Performance 7 C. Planning & Professional Development Instructions for Supervisors During the Performance Review meeting, explore these questions with the employee and record key points. Future Focus 1. What kind of work best taps your interests and talents? 2. What do you want for yourself, in the future? 3. What do you need to do your best work? For example, do you have: A collegial and respectful work team environment Clarity about your role – the goals and expected standards of quality and quantity Information, supplies, equipment, coaching, learning opportunities Appropriate authority in your role to solve problems/make decisions about your work The ongoing feedback and recognition you need to be clear about your goals and stay energized Opportunities to contribute to unit decisions and plans The kind of supervisor support from me to help you do your best Section C: Planning & Professional Development 8 4. Considering your work, where would you like to get better results? For example, is there a competency you wish to further develop? What will help you to perform at the optimal level? Are there new requirements in your role for which you need to prepare? 5. What do you need more of from me as your supervisor? 6. What do you need less of from me as your supervisor? Planning for the Coming Year 7. What work objectives do we agree upon for the coming year? Discuss University and unit/department priorities. Consider new initiatives, current or new role accountabilities and the employee’s strengths and interests. Agree on specific, relevant, achievable, realistic and time-specific objectives. Objective To contribute to our priorities I plan to: (e.g. create, develop, revise, lead, improve, implement, deliver, etc.) Desired Outcome The following will be in place as a result of these efforts: (describe what will be new, better or different, and for whom, in terms of quality and quantity) Start / End Dates Progress Review Check In periodically and record the date, progress and comments. 8. What learning and development plan do we agree upon for the coming year? The focus of development, in order of priority, should be to support the employee’s ability to: Section C: Planning & Professional Development 9 Perform the current job at the optimal level – focus is on development to reach required competence Respond to new or anticipated requirements/opportunities in the current job – focus is on developing new skills, leveraging strengths or enhancing competence Prepare for new positions of interest – focus is on career planning. The following table is divided into two sections. The first focuses on competency development while the second provides space to identify additional areas for development. In section A. Competency Development, identify: Competency to be developed – Is there a particular competency to focus on developing in the coming year? What is the required level of competence to meet the current or anticipated job requirements or opportunities? Desired Outcomes - Refer to the Competency Dictionary and the descriptions of each level of competence (e.g. Maintains continuous open and consistent communication with others) to indicate the desired skills and behaviours that will demonstrate the level of competence. In section B. Areas for Development, identify: 1-3 Areas for Development - What added knowledge or skill will help the employee be successful, given the work ahead? Review the employee’s work objectives, areas for improvement, desired strengths and interests. Desired Outcomes - What enhanced strengths or abilities will the employee gain? What will they be able to do better or differently? Also be sure to record: Development Strategies - Consider a combination of approaches (e.g. job-shadowing, self-directed study, cross-training, challenging assignments, teaching others, workshops, conferences, courses, etc.) Supervisor Action/ Support Required – How can the supervisor best support the employee to achieve the desired outcome? (e.g. provide resources, advocate, assign new work, etc.) Start/End Dates – Target dates for the development to occur. Progress Review – Check in periodically and record the date, progress made, and comments. A. Competency Development Section C: Planning & Professional Development 10 Competency to be Developed Desired Outcomes Level Development Strategies To achieve this outcome you will ... (e.g. meet with, practice, teach, attend, lead, etc.) Supervisor Action/ Support Required Start/End Dates Development Strategies To achieve this outcome you will ... (e.g. meet with, practice, teach, attend, lead, etc.) Supervisor Action/ Support Required Start/End Dates Progress Review B. Areas for Development Development Objective Desired Outcomes What will you be able to do better or differently? Progress Review 9. Is there anything else you would like to discuss? Section C: Planning & Professional Development 11