Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner Name of Centre: achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards Board Level Achieved: Final Grade Achieved (Level 3 units only) Resubmission? L2 P L3 M Y D N Title of Access to HE Diploma: (e.g. Science) Unit title(s): Applications: Courses and Careers Unit code(s): Learner: Tutor/Assessor: Description of Assignment: Complete the attached proforma in conjunction with your UCAS application. Date set: Date for draft submission (if applicable): Date for final submission: Extension date Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension: Date submitted: (if agreed): Learner declaration: The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me. I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking and writing. When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas. I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made. I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass, Merit or Distinction grades. I have not copied the work of my peers. Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work) Signature: Date: TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed. YOUR WORK CANNOT BE ASSESSED UNLESS YOU HAVE SIGNED AND SUBMITTED THIS FORM 1 Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Level 2/3 (please circle) Unit title: Applications, Courses and Careers This assignment addresses the following Assessment Criteria from the unit (or a copy of the unit may be attached, if all AC are covered): AC no 1.1 Level Two (only list L2 AC if the Rules of Combination Level Three allows a learner to claim L2 credit for this unit) Describe own skills, knowledge, experience and personal qualities and explain the relevance of these to chosen career path or programme of study. 1.2 Analyse the relevance of own skills, knowledge, personal qualities and experience to chosen course/career. Indicate areas of new learning and challenges. 2.1 Describe appropriate progression routes and summarise entry requirements or person specifications. 3.1 Describe and plan for the stages of the application process e.g. research, deadlines, advice and guidance and application form. 3.2 4.1 List likely questions appropriate for interview. 4.2 Provide own answers to questions. Analyse appropriate progression routes and summarise entry requirements and person specifications. Produce a comprehensive action plan based on research into progression opportunities which includes a realistic timetable for all stages of the process. Produce a personal statement, or letter of application, in support of application. Analyse which questions are most likely to be asked at interview. Assess own answers to questions Level 3 units only: Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades. Grade Merit Distinction Descriptor 5 (Choose one or more relevant grade components) (Choose one or more relevant grade components) Communication & Presentation Grade Descriptor 6 Autonomy/ Independence Grade Descriptor 7 Quality Learner’s work shows very good command of language (including technical or specialist language), syntax, register, spelling & punctuation. Learner’s work shows excellent command of language (including technical or specialist language), syntax, register, spelling & punctuation. Merit Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components) (Choose one or more relevant grade components) Learner a) Makes generally sound judgements about how to complete work. b) In most cases takes opportunities to initiate appropriate actions. Learner a) Makes consistently sound judgements about how to complete work. b) Nearly always takes opportunities to initiate appropriate actions. Merit Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components) (Choose one or more relevant grade components) Learner’s work a) Must be structured in a way that is generally logical & fluent. b) Taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment. Learner’s work a) Must be structured in a way that is consistently logical & fluent. b) Taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment. 2 Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above MERIT: (e.g. To achieve a Merit your work will show…..) For a Merit your work will show that you can use technical and specialist vocabulary relevant to a university application. Your sentence construction, spelling and punctuation will ensure clear communication in the various tasks. The register of your answers will show that you can adapt your use of language for the particular purpose of a written university application and for an interview context. Your course selection choices will show you are able to make sound judgements in matching your goals with appropriate university courses. Your action plan (for AC3.1) will show that you are able to take the initiative in maximising your opportunities. Your responses for each task will be written in logical sequences and will be fluently written. DISTINCTION: (e.g. To achieve a Distinction your work will show…..) For a Distinction your work will show the ability to manipulate technical and specialist language to support a strong university application. Your sentence construction, spelling and punctuation will ensure consistently coherent communication in your responses to the tasks. The register of your answers will show that you can make creative use of language for the particular purpose and for the particular audience of a university application and for an interview context. Your course selection choices will show a series of decisions that are based on well-informed judgements that carefully match your goals with appropriate university courses. Your responses for each task will be written in consistently logical sequences and your use of language will be consistently fluent. Part A: Feedback on credit level AC no Level achieved Credit achieved (L2/L3) Location of evidence Tutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria (you could also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met) Tutor/Assessor’s signature: Date: 3 Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once. Requirements for resubmission/new Task set: Date Set: Date due: Date Submitted: Feedback on resubmission: Level achieved after resubmission: Tutor/Assessor’s signature: Date: Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3) Grade Descriptor Tutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptors GD7: Quality Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision (if applicable): 4 Grade indicator (P/M/D) Please enter the final grade on page 1 based on this grade profile e.g. PPM=P Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Applications: Courses and Careers: Proforma University Entrance 2014 Name: Date: Present Course: Intended subjects of study at University: Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2 & 3.2 Attach a copy of your UCAS Personal Statement Assessment Criteria 3.1 Itemise your timetable for dealing with each stage of the UCAS application process and explain the significance of each stage: 5 Assignment Brief and Feedback form (Unit with single assignment) Assessment Criteria 2.1 On the basis of your research, analyse what the Universities you have selected are looking for in Undergraduates: Assessment Criteria 4.1 & 4.2 Identify 5 questions you might be asked at interview & outline answers to these questions with reasons why you feel they are relevant and will impress your interviewer: 6