Record of Learner Achievement Unit: Ofqual Unit Reference Number: Unit Review Date: Researching Historical References for Costume Development L3 CV2 A/505/1306 31/12/2016 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will: The learner can: 1. Understand the sources of information available for historical and contemporary costumes 1.1. Explain the key features of costumes within a historical context 1.2. Explain the key features of costumes within a contemporary context 1.3. Compare critically sources of information to use for researching historical, period and contemporary costumes 2. Be able to research a costume for a given performance 2.1. Plan research into a costume for a given performance 2.2. Agree the deadline for completion of the research with an appropriate person 2.3. Research a costume for a given performance 2.4. Analyse research outcomes EVIDENCE LOCATION Final Tutor Feedback (Strengths and Areas for Improvement): 1|P a g e V1 – March 2015 Record of Learner Achievement Learner Submission Disclaimer I declare that this is an original piece of work and that all of the work is my own unless referenced. Assessor Disclaimer I confirm that this learner’s work fully meets all the assessment criteria listed above at the correct level and that any specified evidence requirements have been addressed. Assessor Learner Date 2|P a g e V1 – March 2015