Additional file 4. Overview of excluded studies and case reports not presented in complete 2x2 contingency tables. No. 1. Article Adkins et al. (2001) Hip Pathology Insufficiency fracture of the acetabular roof in Paget’s disease 2. Amstutz et al. (1984) 3. Amstutz et al. (1978) 4. Atilla et al. (2008) Greater trochanteric nonunion after total hip arthroplasty Greater trochanteric non-union Acetabular fracture after total hip arthroplasty 5. Austin et al. (2008) Labral tear 6. Beaulé et al. (2005) Femoroacetabular impingement; labral tears 7. Beck et al. (2004) 8. Bewyer et al. (2005) 9. Bhinda et al. (2003) 10. Binningsley (2003) Femoroacetabular impingement and labral tears Tear at musculotendinous junction of gluteus medius muscle Dislocation of total hip arthroplasty Acetabular labral tear 11. Bizzini et al. (2007) Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement with associated labral lesions 12. Bohannon Mason (2001) Anterior radial flap of the acetabular labrum Developmental dysplagia of the hip; chrondromalacia of the weigh-bearing surface of the femoral head; Index Test(s) Antalgic gait; Stinchfield test; FABER test; pain on internal rotation Trendelenburg sign Reference Test(s) Radiography, MRI, CT Trendelenburg sign Leg length (Shortening) Radiography Scour test; log roll test; impingement test; FABER test Antalgic gait; leg length discrepancy; impingement test Impingement test MRA Trendelenburg sign MRI Limb shortening Radiography Pain on resisted internal rotation; pain on resisted flexion Impingement test MRA; Arthroscopy External rotation Thomas test; Internal rotation Thomas test Pain and distinct catching sensation with adduction and internal rotation; Thomas Arthroscopy Radiography Radiography Radiography; MRA MRA; arthroscopy MRA Arthroscopy; radiography tear of the inferior aspect of the acetabular labrum test in external rotation; Thomas internal rotation test Shortened limb 13. Botti et al. (2005) Femoral component fracture after THA 14. Braun-Moscovici et al. (2006) Calcific tendinitis of the rectus femoris Ely’s test 15. Browder et al. (2005) Large soft tissue tumour (nonHodgkinson’s lymphoma) Radiography, MRA 16. Brunner et al. (2009) 17. Burnett et al. (2006) Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement Acetabular labral tears Trendelenburg limp; pain on flexion; pain on external rotation; empty end feel Impingement Test Radiography; MRA 18. Byrd (1996) Labral lesions 19. Chan et al. (2005) Acetabular labral tear 20. Chen et al. (2006) 21. Cibere et al. (2008) Contracture of the gluteus maximus muscle Hip osteoarthritis Trendelenburg sign; impingement test Painful pop on flexion combined with rotational motion; anterior and lateral hip pain with extreme passive external rotation; painful click with active rotational motion Pain elicited with patient supine, hip flexed at 90 degrees on internal rotation Active squat test; hip flexion test Radiography 22. Clohisy et al. (2009) Trendelenburg sign; true leg length discrepancy; apparent leg length discrepancy; pain on flexion, external rotation and internal rotation; log roll test, Patrick’s test FABER/Patrick’s test; resisted straight leg raise; Femoroacetabular impingement Radiography; confirmation at surgery Radiography; bone scintigraphy MRI Arthroscopy Hip arthroscopy MRI Radiography 23. Crevenna et al. (2002) Calcific bursitis trochanterica 24. Diez (2004) 25. Eijer et al. (2011) 26. Eijer et al. (2001) Bilateral congenital hip dislocation Acetabular labral lesions and cartilage damage Anterior femoroacetabular impingement 27. Erhard et al. (2004) 28. File et al. (1988) 29. Fisher et al. (2007) Rupture of the gluteus minimus muscle and at least a partial tear of the gluteus medius 30. Fitzgerald (1995) Acetabular labral tear 31. Fonstad et al. (2008) Acetabular labral tears 32. Fraitzl et al. (2007) Femoroacetabular impingement in patients previously treated for unilateral slipped capital femoral Destructive lesion (metastatic tumour from primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma) of the acetabulum, posterior column, and ischium with soft tissue involvement of the obturator internus muscle Hip fracture log roll test; anterior impingement test; posterior impingement test Patrick-Fabere test; pain on flexion; pain on extension; pain on abduction; pain on adduction; pain on external rotation Trendelenburg sign FADIR test (Anterior Impingement Test) Antalgic gait; anterior impingement test; pain on abduction of the extended hip; apparent leg length Patrick’s test; passive straight leg-raise Auscultatory percussion technique Antalgic gait; limb-length discrepancy; Trendelenburg sign; straight legraise Anterior and posterior Fitzgerald tests Impingement test Anterior impingement test Radiography Radiography MRI, Intraoperative confirmation Radiography, MRA MRI, CT Radiography; CT MRI Arthrogram; intraarticular injection; MRI Intra-articular hip block; MRA Radiography epiphysis Femoroacetabular impingement Primary synovial chondromatosis of the hip 33. Gedouin et al. (2010) 34. Gille et al. (2004) 35. Guanche et al. (2005) Acetabular labral tear 36. 37. Guis-Sabatier et al. (1999) Gurney et al. (2006) Obturator muscle abscess Nondisplaced femoral neck and head stress fracture 38. Hartmann et al. (2009) 39. Hase et al. (1999) Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement and mild pincer impingement; cam impingement alone with isolated anterolateral offset reduction Acetabular labral tear 40. Ichikawa et al. (2008) Fatigue fracture of the bilateral femoral neck 41. Ito et al. (2004) 42. Ito et al. (2001) 43. James et al. (2007) 44. Kagan (1991) Femoroacetabular impingement (camtype, pincer or mixed injury mechanism); degenerated or ruptured labra or both Abnormality of the labrum Femoroacetabular impingement Lamellar tearing and tedinous degeneration of the gluteus medius tendon at its insertion Impingement test Radiography Pain on internal rotation; pain on external rotation Ultrasonography; radiography; MRI; histology; immunochemistry Arthroscopy Limb length discrepancy; pain and reproduction of symptoms with forced flexion with internal rotation of the hip Pain on flexion; pain on extension Antalgic gait; Trendelenburg sign; FABER test; painful resisted flexion; painful resisted adduction; painful resisted abduction Anterior impingement test MRI, CT MRI; bone scan Radiography; MRI Pain elicited by internal rotation of the hip joint flexed in 90 degrees Pain on internal rotation; pain on external rotation Impingement test Arthroscopy Impingement test MRA Impingement Test CT; MRI Trendelenburg sign MRI; Surgery Radiography; MRI Radiography; MRA; surgical observations 45. Kandemir et al. (2003) 46. Keeney et al. (2004) 47. King et al. (2003) 48. Klässbo et al. (2003) 49. LaBan et al. (2004) 50. Larson et al. (2008) 51. Lasanianos et al. (2009) 52. Lavigne et al. (2008) 53. Lequesne et al. (2008) 54. Liu et al. (1999) Calcific tendinitis of the gluteus medius and minimus Acetabular labral tears Antalgic gait, Trendelenburg sign Impingment test Radiography; fluoroscopic imaging Radiography, CT Primary obturator pyomyositis Passive Abduction ROM <20o, Flexion ROM <110o, Internal Rotation Internal Rotation ROM < 20o and Extension ROM < 5o Passive Abduction ROM <20o, Flexion ROM <110o, Internal Rotation Internal Rotation ROM < 20o, Extension ROM < 5o and External Rotation ROM <25o Full thickness tear of the gluteus medius tendon with scar formation at its tendinous insertion; effusion of the hip Femoroacetabular impingement Occult acetabular fracture complicated by an ipsilateral femoral neck fracture occurring within two months Post-operative hip impingement after hip resurfacing Gluteus medius tendon tear (main posterior tendon and lateral part); gluteus medius tendon tear; bursitis (trochanteric bursitis; subgluteus medius bursitis; subgluteus minimus bursitis; all three) Iliac muscle abscess Pain on active straight leg-raise Osteoarthritis MRI; surgical exploration Radiography Osteoarthritis Radiography Straight leg-raise, Patrick’s sign; Duchenne’s antalgic gait MRI Impingement test Radiography, MRA, CT Radiography, CT Shortened limb Antalgic limp; impingement test Radiography Pain in external rotation of thigh flexed 90 degrees; single leg stance; resisted external derotation; pain on resisted abduction MRI; surgery Psoas sign; Patrick test; pain on passive extension; pain on active flexion Ultrasonography; MRI 55. Londers el al. (2007) 56. Malas et al. (2007) 57. Matsuda (2009) 58. McCarthy et al. (2003) 59. McCarthy et al. (1995) 60. McMichael et al. (2009) 61. Miozzari et al. (2010) 62. Mitchell et al. (2003) 63. Notzli et al. (2002) 64. Nunley et al. (2011) 65. Padhy et al. (2009) 66. Philippon et al. (2007) 67. Pozzi et al. (2009) 68. Quarrier et al. (1998) Intra-articular hip pathology (mainly labral tears, cartilage lesions) Partial tear of the anterior labrum with perilabral cyst Severe labrochondral damage Avascular necrosis of the femoral head Chondral defect of the acetabulum adjacent to a torn, frayed acetabular labrum Intertrochanteric fracture Abductor avulsion after total hip arthroplasty Hip joint pathology Degenerative labrum/labral tear Symptomatic acetabular dysplasia Primary synovial chondromatosis with femoroacetabular impingement and labral tear Femoroacetabular impingement Femoroacetabular impingement Lesser trochanter bony avulsion with ossicle entirely loose and embedded in the iliopsoas tendon near FADIR test (flexion, adduction and internal rotation test) Pain on external rotation Hip arthroscopy Anterior impingement sign Hip extension test; impingement test; resisted straight leg-raise; Trendelenburg sign; leg length; log roll test Thomas test Hip arthroscopy Leg length Radiography Trendeleburg sign MRI; ultrasonography; confirmed at surgery Radiography, ultrasonography; MRA; arthroscopy Painful hip quadrant compared to the contralateral hip; FABER test Impingement test MRI Radiography; MRI; Arthroscopy Arthroscopy Radiography; MRA Presence of limp when walking a distance, Trendelenburg sign, impingement test Impingement testl flexion abduction external rotation test; leg length Radiography, periacetabular osteotomy Anterior impingement test; FABER test Impingement Test Radiography Painful passive hip flexion; painful passive hip abduction painful passive external Surgical exploration Radiography; MRI; CT Radiography; MRI its insertion in the lesser trochanter 69. Quintos-Macasa et al. (2006) Transient synovitis of the hip 70. Ragab et al. (2008) Bone marrow oedema syndromes 71. 72. Saw et al. (2004) Scott et al. (1999) 73. Sherman et al. (2009) 74. Siebenrock et al. (2003) 75. Siebenrock et al. (2004) 76. Sierra et al. (2009) 77. Stahelin et al. (2008) 78. Suenaga et al. (2002) Acetabular labral tear Femoral neck stress fracture Periprosthetic fracture of the femoral stem Femoroacetabular impingement associated with acetabular retroversion Anterior femoroacetabular impingement, acetabular rim lesions with labral degeneration or partial labral tear Femoroacetabular impingement and associated acetabular chondral damage Cam-type femoroacetabular impingement and labral tears Labral tear in patient with dysplastic hips rotation; painful active adduction; painful active internal rotation; painful active external rotation painful active flexion; painful resisted hip flexion; developpe; Thomas test; Ober test; supine to sit test; Patrick’s test; scouring test Painful flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation; pain at 45o of flexion and 0o of internal and external rotation Antalgic gait; pain on internal rotation; pain on external rotation Impingement test Antalgic gait; Patrick’s test Leg length (shortened limb) Anterior impingement test MRI MRI Arthroscopy Radiography Radiography Radiography; MRI Restricted internal rotation; impingement test (FADIR) MRI, Intraoperative confirmation Impingement sign MRA; surgery Impingement sign MRI; arthroscopy Maximum flexion and internal Arthroscopy 79. Thorup et al. (2009) 80. Ueo et al. (1990) 81. 82. Vann et al. (2007) Vernon et al. (1997) 83. Voos et al. (2009) 84. Wang et al. (2011) 85. Wisniewski et al. (2006) Congenitally dislocated hip Torn acetabular labrum Protrusio acetabuli Transient osteoporosis of the hip Full thickness and high-grade partialthickness tears of the gluteus medius muscle Unilateral acetabular labral tears Bilateral cam-type femoroacetabular impingement rotation test; maximum flexion and external rotation test Trendelenburg sign Straight legraising; pain on passive flexioninternal rotation; posterior push of the thigh that was flexed and adducted; Trendelenburg sign Antalgic gait Pain on hip abduction Pain on flexion and internal rotation FADIR test, FABER test, McCarthy test Straight legraising; reverse straight leg raise; impingement test; Stinchfield test; FABER test Diagnosis part of inclusion criteria Arthroscopy Radiography MRI Endoscopy MRA, Arthroscopy Radiography References: 1. 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