Home and School Meeting Minutes November 10, 2011 Regina

Home and School Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2011
Regina Elementary Library
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Yvonne Koch at 6:30pm
In attendance:
H&S Board Members: Yvonne Koch, Vice President, Jennifer Montgomery,
Secretary, Dan Salm, Treasurer
Staff members: Celeste Vincent, Principal, Tim Foley, Vice Principal, Gail
Hensch, teacher liaison, Kristin Downes, librarian,
Parents: Karina Smith, Jenny Comer, Laura Noble, Shannon Jensen, Lynda
Hermann, Kristin Downes, Missy Atchison, Joan Maley, Lyse Strnad, Angela
Burer, Anne Mathes, Megan Melcher, Katy Brown, Mick Farnsworth, Nicole
Picconi, Sarah Pritchard, Kara Houser
1. Opening Prayer was read by Principle Celeste Vincent
2. Approval of Minutes from October Meeting: There was a motion to approve
the minutes and the motion was seconded. The motion was then voted on
and passed.
3. Introductions: Yvonne had everyone go around and introduce themselves
and she also passed around the various thank you notes that H&S has
4. Principal’s Report: Tim gave the principal’s report. The teachers and staff
wanted to thank H&S for the WONDERFUL teacher appreciation week!
Thanks also went out to the book fair volunteers and to Joan Maley for her
hard work in coordinating the book fair, which was deemed a success.
There were 208 kids, 7 teachers and 11 after-school clubs for the fall
semester. Tim updated the group on the implementation of the new School
Messenger system that is going to be used primarily for emergencies, but
also for any weather related delays and/or cancellations. The new Roman
Missal changes will be implemented the first weekend of Advent on Sunday
November 27. Patti McTaggart from St Mary’s parish has been going
around the diocese presenting trainings on this. Iowa Assessments are
completed, they are currently being scored. There were new testing forms
used this year and they are not sure when they results will be in, but one of
the trainers from the Iowa Testing group will be out to help explain the
results. Some of the upcoming Advent activities include:
 Monday prayer service, every Monday, starting November 22nd at 2:30 in the
elementary gym.
 November 30 reconciliation will be held at Regina.
 December 1st at 7pm is the K-5 Christmas Musical in the high school gym
and the Silver Tea reception afterwards. E
 December 8th is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and mass will be
held at 9:45am and all are invited to attend.
 December 8th at 7pm is the 5/6th grade band concert.
 December 14 at 3:30pm is the 4 year old preschool concert,
 December 15 at 3:30pm is the 3 year old preschool concert.
 December 20, Advent mass at 9:45 am.
 December 22, Regina night at Carver Hawkeye Arena. This is a booster’s
fundraiser for the new bleachers. Regina dance team will be performing at
half time.
 January 29th- February 4th 2012 will be Catholic Schools week; more
information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.
 February 10th and 11th 2012, Regina Pre-Gala and Gala at the Sheraton in
downtown Iowa City.
5. Teacher’s Report: Gail Hensch said that to let us know that all of the
teachers were enjoying teacher’s week tremendously and were so delighted
to be treated so wonderfully.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Dan handed out copies of the budget and let the group
know that there was an understatement on the October report in regards to a
refund. Over all the balance is in great shape.
7. Committees:
A. Chocolate sales: All chocolate money has been collected (a big
thank you goes out to Dan for helping with the collection effort), Annie
let the group know that she is planning on chairing chocolate sales
again next year and that they are looking for a new person to take
over the chocolate prize duties, as the person who served in that
position this year is stepping down. Also kudos to Yvonne on the
amount of chocolate she ordered. 854 cases were ordered and we
sold 851.25 cases!! We got a bonus because we did not have to
return any cases.
B. Recycling/Composting: Missy updated the group on the
recycling/composting efforts. Still having some issues with the older
kids contaminating the compost pile. Missy is wondering too if some
of the contamination isn’t coming from breakfast. She will be sending
out a sign up genius for more volunteers in the lunch room to help at
the end of each shift to make sure that the kids are getting the items
separated correctly. Thank you to those parents that have already
volunteered time for this.
C. Book Fair: Joan updated the group on the book fair, which wrapped
up November 10th. Joan thanked the committee and volunteers for
their hard work. The sign up genius worked great for volunteer sign
up. While the new location of the empty class room for the book fair,
was a bit cozy at times, it still worked well overall and they are hoping
to be able to use that again next year, as it was easier for the AM
program as well not having to be relocated from the library. Joan
thought maybe next year set-up for the book fair should happen on a
Wednesday so that all of the teachers would have time to come down
and pick out books for their wish lists. Also it would be good to have
the teachers mention the book fair in their class newsletters.
D. Staff Appreciation Week: the last day of the staff appreciation week
was Friday November 11. They were going to be treated to food from
Noodles and Company by a very generous Regina family who wished
to remain anonymous.
E. Silver Tea: Discussion regarding possible changes to the envelopes
that are used to return the donations in and how they should be
addressed (with a pre-printed label, stamped with Regina’s address,
address written in by hand, or printed on by the computer). They are
in need of some large foil trays to put the envelopes on. Anyone
wishing to donate can leave the trays in the small kitchen by the
elementary gym and H&S has a cupboard behind the door where they
can be set. If the door to the small kitchen is locked and if Mr. Foley
is there, he said that he could unlock it. One of the cleaning people
might also be able to unlock it as well. There were questions as to
whether or not to use different colored napkins this year and there
were going to be 1,500 of them needed. Will see if they can get
cookies donated to the classrooms (so that each child can have a
cookie while they wait for their turn to perform). If these cannot be
donated, it will be foregone. The preschoolers are having their
programs on the 14th and 15th at 3:30pm. They are hoping to go
green for the silver tea this year. A possible on-line giving option was
discussed, but Celeste made it clear that she would need to talk with
the folks in the business office before this could be implemented.
Lynse will be sending out a sign up genius for volunteers to help at the
silver tea. She also passed around sign-up sheet for those at the
F. Family Fun Night: Discussion regarding new ideas for this. Some of
the possibilities mentioned were,
i. Renting out part of the new U of I Campus Recreation Center,
specifically the climbing wall, leisure pool and BB courts. The
total for this would be approx. $1,080 to $1,190 and included
the life guards for the leisure pool. We would have the entire
leisure pool area to ourselves. This would be for 2-3 hours
from approx 3-6pm. Possible date: Jan 7th.
ii. Ice Arena at Coral Ridge. The only dates that this was going to
be available would be Jan 21st or Jan 28th from 5-7pm or 6-
8pm and the approximate cost would be $1,150 to $1,200.
Wanting to do this in conjunction with ICM, but have not heard
back from ICM about their availability in renting the museum out
to us on the same date(s) at the same time(s)
iii. Dance: Having a dance at Regina in the gym. Talked about the
possibility of getting a DJ (cost would be approx. $300 to
$500). Tom Brandt was mentioned as a possible person who
would be willing to donate DJ services.
8. There was no old business
9. New Business: E-mail was going to be going out regarding Scrabble piece
the necklace with the R on one side and a crown on the other that will be for
sale. If anyone has any pictures of any H&S events from this year so far, we
would like to have a copy of them to put on the H&S page on the Regina
10. Jennifer motioned to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Angela
Burer. The motion was voted on and passed and Yvonne adjourned the
meeting at 7:40pm
**NO DECEMBER MEETING**. Next H&S meeting: Thursday January 5, 2012,
6:30pm in the Library. Childcare will be provided.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Montgomery